Group "Leningrad. The soloist left Leningrad! We remember all the girls of the scandalous group Vsevolod group Leningrad

On the evening of March 24, instead of the pretty and sweet-voiced Alisa Vox, two new vocalists appeared on the stage of the Moscow Stadium Live during the Leningrad concert: Vasilisa and Florida. The petite blonde, who worked in the team for three and a half years, wrote on her Instagram that. Sergei Shnurov's wife confirmed to the press that Vasilisa and Florida are not session singers, but new members of the group.

“Lady Mail.Ru” tells who will now perform everyone’s favorite song and shows what the Leningrad soloists who replaced Alisa Vox look like in real life.

Vasilisa Starshova

As stated on Vasilisa's Instagram profile, she is a singer, songwriter, composer, actress and dancer. Impressive list of talents!

As Life78 reports, in 2011 Starshova was a member of the Flash Mob group, which was formed at the casting of the Factor A project.

In 2013, the singer became a semi-finalist of the New Wave.

Vasilisa learned to sing and play the piano from early childhood, but she never graduated from the vocal department of a music college: she decided to try to learn all the subtleties of the skill while working.

Florida Chanturia

The same Life78 found out that Florida (they write on the Internet that this is indeed her real name) graduated from the pop and jazz department of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts and has solid experience in the music field. The girl’s personal blog, however, looks somewhat less bright than the social network page of her newly-made colleague Vasilisa.

The graceful brunette spends a lot of time with her family and her beloved dog, often works at corporate events and hosts various events.

Florida loves to relax by the sea and plays sports (for example, on her blog you can see pictures in which she makes stands against the wall). Another girl, like Vasilisa, rides a snowboard - in general, she leads an active life.

Alice Vox

Although it became known that Shnurov and Vox separated quite peacefully, rumors appeared in the media that in fact Alisa had quarreled with. She, however, denied this. “Alice herself announced her resignation, I have absolutely nothing to do with this. I wish Alice good luck on her creative path, I am very sorry and happy at the same time. Sergei is no longer related to Alice Vox. As for the new girls who were taken to Leningrad, their names are Vasilisa and Florida, these are new soloists, because they sing well and they are beautiful,” said Matilda.

On Instagram, the ex-soloist of the group Matilda, however, left a provocative comment: “Alice, it’s surprising that there was no “thank you” either for “Ice”, where 12 thousand spectators watched you, or for the Moscow concerts with a full house. Most of your subscribers here are fans of the Leningrad group. The scandal has not yet continued.

Leningrad is 20 years old, there is something to be surprised about. On the one hand, who would have thought that the St. Petersburg club art project under the patronage of Leonid Fedorov, a seasonal entertainment for the bohemians of both capitals, would eventually turn into the most sought-after player on the local music market? On the other hand, it is surprising that a group with such experience came to the anniversary not only at the peak of its form and demand, but also regularly makes sure that new songs become more popular than old hits. On the third hand, over these twenty years, Leningrad has reinvented itself several times, changing singers, styles, casts, clothes and spheres of influence, and as a result has turned into an extremely kaleidoscopic and universal entertainment, capable of answering almost any audience request - it’s hard to remember the second such Russian group that would work with such care for the public in the best sense of this expression.

By 2016, this publicity had reached such breadth that Leningrad had already begun to blame it. Leningrad has a reputation as a trouble-free team; they traditionally play everywhere and for everyone, which naturally causes irritation and accusations of indiscriminateness. Here, in fairness, it is worth recalling that the sought-after corporate parties in all their alarming abundance were initially not a sign of greed, but an elementary product of censorship (since under Luzhkov, Leningrad’s concerts were banned for a short time, and this was the heyday of the group).

In addition, “Leningrad” works with large area vibrations, which are initially designed for a certain omnivorousness. There cannot be an unpopular “Leningrad”, this is a betting group and, first of all, a mass phenomenon, Shnurov understands this very well, which is why at concerts he insists so much on all this orchestrated applause, sing-alongs and lights in the hall. The success of “Leningrad” is, strictly speaking, not praise or appreciation for it, it is rather an innate property, without it these songs simply lose their meaning, they were written for exactly this purpose. That’s why they usually listen to them for a long time, to the point of nausea.

“Leningrad” at one time taxied down this road on its own - without the patronage of major labels, without formal television promotion, without invited producers and radio hits (with rare exceptions, like WWW or “Music for a Man” - and even then they were aired in a suppressed form). In the Russian concert space, “Leningrad” has long won a functional advantage, intertwining the features of a traveling circus, stadium monsters of rock and a ship disco. Leningrad's energy is based on completely fossil fuels - the group's concerts are truly archaic, there is a drive of purely animal origin, fueled in advance by numerous viral video clips.

Leningrad LLC rests on three principles - wit, stupefaction, social science. “Leningrad” is funny, wild and precise - the combination of these qualities makes it practically invulnerable to criticism: it is difficult to approach it with serious standards, and at the same time, it is impossible to make fun of it, because the group itself will do it for you. In the songs of “Leningrad” you can hear a lot of things, from rude to stupid, but there is and never has been dirt and complacency in it.

The meaning of “Leningrad” is in the mood they once tamed and still retain, which Shnurov himself calls eschatological delight. “Leningrad” has privatized the very feeling of a holiday; this is its trademark, the shares of which are only rising. It is worth saying that this holiday is completely in keeping with Russian literary traditions - it is a holiday for a small person (which is most clearly captured in the video “Drinking in St. Petersburg”). Shnurov is often accused of mocking people, although he merely transforms the inertia of the usual local self-criticism into the energy of jubilation; and his notorious Louboutins also, paradoxically, came out of Gogol’s overcoat.

It would be more correct to define the Leningrad group as an orchestra. The brass section - trombone, saxophone, trumpet, tuba - in combination with the xylophone, guitars, drums and vocals of Sergei Shnurov form that unique charm that sharply sets them apart from the rest. The melodies of their songs are a thermonuclear mixture of ska and Cuban salsa, Dixieland and chanson, obscenities and raw punk delivery; all with brilliant irony... Read all

It would be more correct to define the Leningrad group as an orchestra. The brass section - trombone, saxophone, trumpet, tuba - in combination with the xylophone, guitars, drums and vocals of Sergei Shnurov form that unique charm that sharply sets them apart from the rest. The melodies of their songs are a thermonuclear mixture of ska and Cuban salsa, Dixieland and chanson, obscenities and raw punk delivery; at the same time, all with brilliant irony and sometimes a clearly expressed social orientation of the texts.

The group first met on January 13, 1997. The musicians' original intention was to "play at each other's birthday parties."

Over the five years of its existence, “Leningrad” managed to explode the musical format with its furious fun. Without any visible effort, having created a cult status for themselves, the group led by Sergei Shnurov simultaneously pulled folk-punk from clubs to the largest music venues. The albums “Bullet”, “Checkmate without Electricity” and “Dachniki” have already entered the history of Russian rock. Crazy and often cynical songs, the dirtiest sound of a surf guitar mixed with a drunken brass band, nevertheless found an incredible number of fans. Social absurdity and shameless kitsch, multiplied by the sparkling energy of presentation, turned out to be exactly the potion/balm that Russian show business and consumers of its products needed. But even being drawn into this system to a certain extent, Leningrad continues to remain an informal group, and Shnur does not hesitate to spit on restrictions and openly expresses his views on life.

With an almost complete blockade of the songs of the Leningrad group on the part of radio and TV due to the abundance of profanity in the lyrics of the group’s songs, a deliberately careless attitude towards the powerful of the music world and the denial of all laws of show business development, by mid-2002 the group occupied all the official and official positions. unofficial charts and was treated kindly by all kinds of Russian music awards. The leader of this notorious group, Sergei Shnurov, has turned into media favorite No. 1 and is increasingly looking like a folk hero, and the Leningrad group itself has been dubbed one of the most important phenomena of modern culture.

The album “Pirates of the 21st Century,” released on the S.B.A./Gala records label in the spring of 2002, took the group to a fundamentally new level, turning Shnurov and company into megastars of Russian rock music. This album has everything we love about the band. Drive and irony, love and hate, jazz and hard rock, the album is literally filled with both already familiar and potential hits. Fun and without straining, “Leningrad” is still able to rip off - here this expression has only a positive meaning - any music that comes to hand. The track listing of the album includes the ancient rock and roll hit “C"mon everybody” and the soundtrack “The Hound of the Baskervilles”. The album includes the mega-hit concert action films “WWW” (by the way, this song took 1st place in the final hit parade “Chart Dozen” on “Our Radio” for 2002), “Motorcycle”, “I have everything” (a.k.a. “Full Pockets”) and the brooding hit “Up in the Air”. When recording the album, she joined “Leningrad” St. Petersburg group “Spitfire”, providing the album with a richness of sound and very unexpected turns.

The new studio album “Tochka” by the group “Leningrad” was released at the end of November on the label “S.B.A./Gala Records”. Preparations for the release were carried out in strict secrecy, and the company did not disseminate any information about the album until the day of release. After the release of the album “Pirates of the 21st Century,” the legendary band announced they were going on an indefinite sabbatical, and meanwhile new material was being prepared.

Studio work took place in St. Petersburg. Most likely, “Tochka” will truly become the last Leningrad album recorded with the usual line-up. In the future, team leader Sergei Shnurov will probably record with the musicians of the “Spitfire” group, who also take part in his concert performances.

“Tochka” contains ten new songs and three bonus tracks. Among the things included in the album are Shnur’s collaboration with “Disco Accident” “Where are your hands” and the composition “Money”, the cross-cutting musical theme of the series “Money”, which was broadcast on one of the Russian TV channels in the fall of 2002.

The work on the “Money” video was undertaken by the same team that created the infamous “WWW” video, the main characters of which were Sergei Shnurov and V.V. Putin. In the summer of 2002, this video firmly established itself on the Internet and only then, at the persuasive requests of TV channels, it was formatted for TV, where it migrated. The “Money” video, like “WWW,” was made in flash technology. Among the characters in the new Leningrad video are the richest people in Russia. This time, the now disgraced Shnurov will be accompanied by prominent Russian oligarchs and some odious public figures.

The group officially announced its dissolution on December 25, 2008, due to the departure of Shnurov, who announced the creation of his new group called “Ruble”. The group reunited in 2010.

Current lineup:

Sergey Shnurov, Shnur - music, lyrics

Vyacheslav Antonov, Sevych - backing vocals, maracas

Alexander Popov, Puzo - bass drum, vocals

Andrey Antonenko, Antonenich - tuba, arrangements

Grigory Zontov, Umbrella - saxophone

Roman Parygin, Shukher - trumpet

Denis Kuptsov, Kashchei - drums

Andrey Kuraev, Grandfather - bass

Ilya Rogachevsky, Pianist - keys

Konstantin Limonov, Limon - guitar

Vladislav Alexandrov, Valdik - trombone

Alexey Kanev, Lekha - saxophone

Yulia Kogan - legs

Denis Mozhin - sound engineer

Group "Leningrad", whose songs are known even to those who are, in principle, far from this kind of music, have been successfully bringing their work to the ears of both Russian and foreign listeners for many years now. The style of the group is quite difficult to define unambiguously - in some places it is eccentric pop with ska elements, and in others it is a kind of rock lyrics with a predominance of alcoholic and obscene content. Despite the provocativeness of the songs and the very ambiguous behavior of the band's frontman Sergei Shnurov, the work of the Leningrad group can be recommended for listening to the most notorious intellectuals.

History of the Leningrad group

The history of the group began as it usually happens in such cases: people with musical education got together, drank, and one day decided - why not sing our own songs at such gatherings, why are we worse? The style of the newly assembled team, of course, was courtyard-criminal - in the 90s, such music was quite popular. True, what distinguished Leningrad from truly chanson groups was the presence of a brass section.

The concerts were first held in local recreation centers, the popularity was local, in addition, the then leader of the group, Igor Vdovin, did not allow Sergei Shnurov’s creative ambitions to unfold. The songs were replete with obscene language and were played in a somewhat drunken state. But a truly creative person does not stop at what is now - Sergei Shnurov did not intend to travel throughout the country on the effect of the novelty of obscene songs. If he had nothing to say to the world in his work other than to send it to three letters, then in the 90s the history of the group would have ended before it really began.

The seriousness of his intentions became obvious already when the song of the group “Leningrad” ended up in rotation on the MTV channel. Further - more: their compositions are played on the radio, even turning on the TV, you could listen to the song of the group "Leningrad"— about a dozen of them were included in the DMB-2 soundtrack. Next up are performances at major metropolitan rock festivals, participation in TV broadcasts (after which they were highly criticized by some radio presenters and music critics), tours of Russian cities and a ban on performances in the capital. All this only fueled interest in the group - each new song by the group "Leningrad" was received with a bang by the fans.

True, in those days amateurs groups "Leningrad" download for free they still couldn’t talk about their composition, but times changed, the group’s popularity grew and now you can find any composition on the Internet. Shnurov and the team didn’t give a damn about the authorities’ prohibitions - they toured America and other countries, and very successfully, and listen to the group "Leningrad" This didn't make it any less.

Cord and Co. continues to release successful albums - his new video group "Leningrad" uploads it online without fear of losing money from fans. The last years of the group’s creativity are marked by successful experiments with lyrics and rock music, their new compositions are gaining wild popularity among Internet users - group "Leningrad" free exposes his creativity to fans.

Members of the Leningrad group

The most constant participant group "Leningrad", download whose songs are available from any music portal - this is Sergey Shnurov or Shnur. The main core of the group is Andromedych (Andrey Antonenko), Mixer (Alexey Kalinin), Puzo (Alexander Popov), and Sevych (Vsevolod Antonov). At the moment, the team includes members of the Spitfire group - Roman Parygin and Andrey Kuraev. Alisa Vox-Burmistrova performs as a backing vocalist. The brass section of the group is represented by Grigory Zontov, Ilya Rogachevsky, Vladislav Alexandrov and Alexey Kanev.

At different times the group members were:

  • In the brass section - Roman Fokin, Alexander Privalov, Vasily Savin, Ramil Shamsutdinov, Mikhail Gopak, Ilya Ivashov, Oleg Sokolov, Maxim Semelak
  • Drums - Denis Kuptsov, Dmitry Melnikov.
  • Guitar, bass - Dan Kalashnik, Maxim Temnov.
  • Accordion – Sergey Arsenyev.
  • Backing vocals – Svetlana Kolibaba, Natalya Pavlova, Yulia Kogan, Stas Baretsky, Galya Devyaty Val.

Discography of the group Leningrad

"Bullet" - album from 1998.

“Mate without electricity” - album 1999

“Summer Residents” - album 2000

“Made in Ass” in the place of “Bullets” are albums from 13 years ago.

Pirates of the 21st centuries. (bootleg) with Tochka - released in 2002.

“For Millions” - from back in 2003.

Babarobot - released 10 years ago

Huinya with “Bread” - made on one day in 2005.

“Indian Summer” - appeared in the summer of 2006.

“Aurora” - this album was heard in the cold year of 2007.

“Henna” plus “Eternal Flame” - release 2011

“Fish” and another album Evening Leningrad are, however, 2012.

“Buttercup” is a lyrical album released in 2013.

“Our Beach / Minced Mince” is the band’s most recent album to date.

Concert activities of the Leningrad group

First concert of the group "Leningrad""took place a long time ago - in 1998. Since then, the group has been actively performing in cities and towns of Russia and beyond - just remember 2002, in which “Leningrad makes America.” The team also performed at various foreign festivals - so all songs of the group Leningrad known not only to her Russian fans, but also to listeners abroad.

Where to see the group "Leningrad" online and for free?

The group has its own website, so if anyone wants to see group "Leningrad" online, then just go there. By the way, there is an official video channel of the group on YouTube, where almost all the group’s videos are posted. And indeed any clips of the group "Leningrad" can be viewed in a specially created VKontakte group for this purpose.

What is it now? group "Leningrad" 2014 of the year? There is not as much swearing as at the beginning of his creative path - Shnur demonstrates the breadth of his creative nature. He is equally good at both lyrical and biting topical songs. God forbid he continues to lose his enthusiasm - and we will listen to the online band "Leningrad" for many years to come.

A new vocalist in a group is like a new wife in a family; relatives (in this case, the audience) do not immediately accept her.

Florida: People really react painfully to everything new. We were basically ready. When did you go to your first concert?, none of the 8 thousand spectators were aware that there were new girls in the group,. By the way, we felt quite comfortable back then, as if this was how it should be, everything was taking its course. And then I started reading comments on social networks, a lot of shit was thrown at us: they say, bring back Vox, these girls are no good, mediocre karaochists, no voices... At first I was upset. And the next morning I discovered that several hundred people had signed up for me at once, who wrote words of support in direct messages and were happy for us. You just need to get used to everything new. Alisa Vox herself also worked in karaoke; she and I started together at the Plywood bar about seven years ago.It was immediately clear from her that she would make it through, very stubborn and purposeful.

Vasilisa: We will never sing like Vox, and Vox will never sing like us. It’s stupid to say “Leningrad is not the same,” because no one forces us to adapt to the performance style of Alisa or Yulia Kogan and present songs in such a way that fans would not seem to notice the substitution. No, Sergey introduced us to the public, and now new material is being written. We already have quite hit songs: I have “Sobchachki Glasses”, Florida has “Kolshchik”. In general, the main thing is that there is Sergei Shnurov in the group, female vocals add some chic, but changing girls does not make Leningrad any worse.

Florida: It's funny when they start making things up about us. My mother sent me an article that said that our names are actually Angela and Snezhana, and that we were seen in some bathhouse, where we danced a striptease on a pole.

Vasilisa: I practiced on the pole for some time as a sports activity. Yes, I’ve been to the bathhouse too,detox, that's all. Noh neithersimultaneously(laughs).

Florida: And by the way, Florida is my real name. In her youth, my mother went on a cruise on a ship and heard some woman calling her daughter that name. So, no pseudonyms.

How did your parents react to the fact that you are now singing obscenities on stage?

Vasilisa: It's normal, this is creativity. In my life I don’t swear. Besides, I don't drink or smoke.My mom has always supported me. True, I was upset when I left the conservatory, but there was clearly no place for me there: everyone was such a classical, academic opera singer, and I came either with a green bouffant on my head or with a pink hayer. Local freak. My mother and I agreed a long time ago that I would bring her a diploma of education, at least some kind, and calmly engage in creativity, make music. As a result, I am a pastry chef by training, and I can bake buns. And now I’m also a member of the coolest Russian group.

Florida: I also adhere to a healthy lifestyle. After the castingI introduced my mother to the group’s work; at first she didn’t understand, but then she got into it. On March 30, on my birthday, my mother came to a concert in Chelyabinsk,when the performance ended, sheShe said she was proud of me. I cried.

Have you met Matilda, Sergei's wife?

Florida: Yes, even at the first rehearsal. She treated us very kindly and gave us style recommendations.

Vasilisa: For the first concert, Sergei and I went to DLT to choose costumes, it was wildly fun.

Florida: We also visited, and it was very tasty. The only thing I didn’t like was black caviar, I tried it for the first time. Sergei said that we need to get used to it.

What was it like to wake up famous?

F lorida: This did not happen overnight, but recent events are indeed developing rapidly. We had six concerts, and while I still catch flashbacks every time: here I am standing on stage inJelsominoand I sing along to the uneven, drunken “I can’t live without her, I’ll scream: “This is mine!”, But here I am already on stage, in front of me is a thousand-strong audience. And it seems like the lines are the same, but everything is completely different.

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