What does a plus mean in puzzles? What do commas mean in puzzles - features, rules and examples

Rebuses for children - a puzzle in which a word is encrypted using pictures, letter combinations and signs, has been popular for centuries. Puzzles, which first appeared in France in the 15th century (the first printed collection dates back to 1582 and was compiled by Etienne Taboureau), improved over time and became an extremely exciting game. You can solve them either alone or in a fun company, arranging competitions. The puzzle will not let you get bored even on a gray, rainy day when you can’t go out with friends. Solving puzzles for children is fun and exciting - worth a try!

What puzzles exist

There are a wide variety of puzzles: mathematical, with numbers, with notes, complex and many others. We have prepared an excellent selection of puzzles for children.

How can you solve a rebus?

Knowing the rules for deciphering a rebus, you can solve even a very complex riddle. The word hidden in the puzzle is divided into several parts, which can be shown in the form of pictures. In order to guess the word, you need to read the names of the images in the nominative case, and then combine them into one word. So, for example, if the first picture shows a trace, and the second shows a person conducting some kind of experiment, you should read: trace + experience = pathfinder.

Puzzles can be more difficult. In such puzzles, one of the pictures may be turned upside down, and then its name must be read backwards. Commas can further complicate the puzzle, which, if you don’t know what they are for in the puzzle, make it unsolvable. When a comma is placed before a picture, it indicates that you do not need to read the first letter of its name. The number of commas indicates how many letters need to be discarded. A comma or several of them after the picture indicate unnecessary letters from the end of the word.

Having become comfortable with simple puzzles, it is interesting to tackle more complex puzzles. In them, a crossed out letter may be drawn above the picture, which means that it should be excluded from the title of the picture. When there are numbers above the picture, then only the letters corresponding to them in the word are read (example: if there are numbers 1, 3, 4 above the picture of an apple, you need to read yalo). When there is a crossed out letter and an uncrossed out letter above the picture, you need to replace one with the other in the word. In some puzzles, the letter that needs to be replaced is not crossed out, but simply an = sign is placed between it and the one that should be in its place.

Numbers may also appear in the rebus if part of the word is a numeral. In this case, pictures or letters can be placed before or after the number. The puzzle is solved in the same way as a picture puzzle, but instead of the name of the image, a number or number is read.

When a rebus looks like letters or letters and numbers inscribed within each other, then it should be read by adding the letter B to the beginning of the word.

In the most complex puzzles, syllables can be represented by notes. In this case, you will need to understand which note is shown in the picture and read it in accordance with its sound.

Who among us is not familiar with puzzles? These entertaining encryptions are familiar to everyone, young and old. In puzzles, words are encrypted using a sequence of pictures and various symbols, including letters and numbers. The word "rebus" is translated from Latin as "with the help of things." The rebus originated in France in the 15th century, and the first printed collection of rebuses, published in this country in 1582, was compiled by Etienne Taboureau. Over the time that has passed since then, the technique of composing rebus problems has been enriched with many different techniques. To solve a rebus, it is important not only to know what is drawn, but also to take into account the location of the drawings and symbols relative to each other, and this is achieved with practice. There are some unspoken rules by which puzzles are composed, and it is easier to solve them using the same rules, and the rules are as follows:

General rules for solving puzzles

A word or sentence in a rebus is divided into parts, which are depicted as a picture or symbol. The rebus is always read from left to right, less often from top to bottom. Spaces and punctuation marks are not read. What is drawn in the pictures in the rebus is read in the nominative case, usually in the singular, but there are exceptions. If several objects are drawn, an arrow indicates which part of the entire image is used in this rebus. If the riddle is not just one word, but a sentence (a proverb, a catchphrase, a riddle), then in addition to nouns it contains verbs and other parts of speech. This is usually specified in the task (for example: “Guess the riddle”). A rebus must always have a solution, and only one. The ambiguity of the answer should be specified in the conditions of the rebus. For example: “Find two solutions to this puzzle.” The number of techniques and their combinations used in one rebus is not limited.

How to solve puzzles from pictures

Name all objects sequentially from left to right in the nominative singular case.

Answer: trail experience = tracker

Answer: ox window = fiber

Answer: eye of the face = outskirts

If an object is drawn upside down, its name should be read from right to left. For example, “cat” is drawn, you need to read “current”, “nose” is drawn, you need to read “dream”. Sometimes reading directions are shown with an arrow.

Answer: sleep

Often an object drawn in a rebus can be called differently, for example “meadow” and “field”, “leg” and “paw”, “tree” and “oak” or “birch”, “note” and “mi”, in such cases, you need to select a suitable word so that the rebus has a solution. This is one of the main difficulties in solving puzzles.

Answer: rava oak = oak grove

How to solve puzzles with commas

Sometimes the name of the depicted object cannot be used in its entirety and it is necessary to discard one or more letters at the beginning or end of the word. Then a comma is used. If the comma is to the left of the picture, the first letter of its name is discarded; if it is to the right, the last letter is discarded. How many commas are there, so many letters are discarded.

Answer: ho ball k = hamster

For example, 3 commas and a “feeder” are drawn, you only need to read “fly”; “sail” and 2 commas are drawn, you only need to read “steam”.

Answer: umbrella p = pattern

Answer: li sa to por gi = boots

How to solve puzzles with letters

Such letter combinations as before, above, on, under, behind, at, y, in, as a rule, are not depicted in rebuses with a picture, but are revealed from the corresponding position of the letters and pictures. Letters and letter combinations with, to, from, from, by, and are not shown, but the relationships of letters or objects, or direction are shown.

If two objects or two letters, or letters and numbers are drawn one inside the other, then their names are read with the addition of the preposition “in”. For example: “in-oh-yes”, or “in-oh-seven”, or “not-in-a”. Different readings are possible, for example, instead of “eight” you can read “seven-v-o”, and instead of “water” - “yes-v-o”. But such words do not exist, so such words are not a solution to the rebus.

Answers: v-o-yes, v-o-seven, v-o-lk, v-o-ro-n, v-o-rot-a

If one object or symbol is drawn under another, then we decipher it by adding “on”, “above” or “under”, you need to choose a preposition according to its meaning. Example: “fo-na-ri”, “pod-u-shka”, “over-e-zhda”.

Answers: fo-na-ri, pod-u-shka, na-e-zhda

If behind a letter or object there is another letter or object, then you need to read it with the addition of “for”. For example: “Ka-za-n”, “za-ya-ts”.

Answer: for-i-ts

If one letter lies next to another or leans against it, then read with the addition of “u” or “k”. For example: “L-u-k”, “d-u-b”, “o-k-o”.

Answers: onion, oak

If a letter or syllable consists of another letter or syllable, then read with the addition of “from”. For example: “iz-b-a”, “b-iz-on”, “vn-iz-u”, “f-iz-ik”.

Answers: hut, bison

If another letter or syllable is written over the entire letter, read with the addition of “by”. For example: “po-r-t”, “po-l-e”, “po-ya-s”. Also, “by” can be used when one letter with legs runs over another letter, number or object.

Answer: Poland

Answers: belt, field

If an object is drawn, and a letter is written next to it and then crossed out, this means that this letter must be eliminated from the word. If there is another letter above the crossed out letter, this means that you need to replace the crossed out letter with it. Sometimes in this case an equal sign is placed between the letters.

Answer: manhole

Answer: raspberry z Mont = lemon

How to solve puzzles with numbers

If there are numbers above the picture, this is a hint in what order you need to read the letters from the name of the object. For example, 4, 2, 3, 1 means that the fourth letter of the name is read first, then the second, followed by the third and first.

Answer: brig

The numbers can be crossed out, which means you need to discard the letter corresponding to this order from the word.

Answer: skate ak LUa bo mba = Columbus

Quite rarely, the action of a letter is used in rebuses - runs, flies, lies; in such cases, the corresponding verb in the third person of the present tense must be added to the name of this letter, for example “u-runs”.

How to solve puzzles with notes

Often in puzzles, individual syllables corresponding to the names of notes - “do”, “re”, “mi”, “fa”... are depicted with the corresponding notes. Sometimes the generic word "note" is used.

Notes used in composing puzzles

Answers: beans, minus

A rebus is a special type of riddle in which the hidden words are encrypted using a sequence of pictures, letters, numbers and other symbols.

In order to solve and compose puzzles, you need to know the rules and techniques that are used in composing them. Read and remember these rules. For greater clarity, some of them are illustrated with examples.

1. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case and singular. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

2. Very often, an object depicted in a rebus may have not one, but two or more names, for example, “eye” and “eye,” “leg” and “paw,” etc. Or it may have one general and one specific name, for example “tree” and “oak”, “note” and “D”, etc. You need to choose one that is appropriate in meaning.

The ability to identify and correctly name the object shown in the picture is one of the main difficulties when deciphering puzzles. In addition to knowing the rules, you will need ingenuity and logic.

3. Sometimes the name of an object cannot be used in its entirety - it is necessary to discard one or two letters at the beginning or end of the word. In these cases, the symbol is used - comma. If the comma is left from the picture, this means that you need to discard the first letter from its name if on right from the drawing - then the last one. If there are two commas, then two letters are discarded accordingly, etc.

For example, a “yoke” is drawn, you only need to read “whirlpool”, a “sail” is drawn, you only need to read “steam”.

4. If two objects or two letters are drawn one inside the other, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "V". For example: “v-oh-yes”, or “not-in-a”, or “in-oh-seven”:

In this and the next five examples, different readings are possible, for example, instead of “eight” you can read “SEVEN”, and instead of “water” - “DAVO”. But such words do not exist! This is where ingenuity and logic should come to your aid.

5. If any letter consists of another letter, then read with the addition "from". For example: “iz-b-a” or “vn-iz-u” or “f-iz-ik”:

6. If behind any letter or object there is another letter or object, then you need to read with the addition "behind".
For example: “Ka-za-n”, “za-ya-ts”.

7. If one figure or letter is drawn under another, then you need to read it with the addition "on the", "above" or "under"- choose a preposition that makes sense.
For example: “fo-na-ri” or “pod-u-shka”:

The phrase: “Tit found a horseshoe and gave it to Nastya” can be depicted like this:

8. If another letter is written after a letter, then read it with the addition of “by”. For example: “po-r-t”, “po-l-e”, “po-ya-s”:

9. If one letter lies next to another, leaning against it, then read with the addition of “u”. For example: “L-u-k”, “d-u-b”:

10. If in a rebus there is an image of an object drawn upside down, then its name must be read from the end. For example, “cat” is drawn, you need to read “current”, “nose” is drawn, you need to read “dream”.

11. If an object is drawn, and a letter is written next to it and then crossed out, this means that this letter must be eliminated from the resulting word. If there is another letter above the crossed out letter, this means that you need to replace the crossed out letter with it. Sometimes in this case an equal sign is placed between the letters

For example: “eye” we read “gas”, “bone” we read “guest”.

At the beginning of the month we already remembered, but the more of these puzzles, the better. After all, having once solved a certain puzzle, returning to it a second time is already boring. It’s good that the rules for composing them are easy, although inventing truly interesting works will require imagination and developed spatial and logical thinking. From the game developer " PUZZLES+“The necessary skills are clearly there, since the riddles in it are sometimes unusual, sometimes funny, some are damn difficult, although with a simple answer, and this is only part of the features of the new product. But let's talk about everything in order.

The first launch of the application surprised me due to the unusual design of the interface. It reminded me of , although the game looks harmonious against the background of the flat interface of iOS 7.

The puzzles themselves are made in the same cheerful and colorful style. By the way, the game has nine levels with 12 puzzles each, but the developer promises to add new puzzles in the future.

I really hope so, since the work in “REBUS+” really delivers. Hmm... what do they deliver? They deliver positive emotions, strain the brain in a good way, force it to work in an unusual mode and look at bright and colorful pictures from an unusual angle. Puzzles in this case unique visually and often ideologically.

Moreover, the developer approached content creation with humor, which can be seen in the puzzles themselves:

As for the complexity of “REBUS+”, this game is not for kids, but for teenagers aged 12 years and older it is just right. Naturally, the toy will also take full advantage of the adult brain up to the age of 120. Moreover, the gameplay is universal: you have 10 free minutes with nothing to do - launch “REBUSES+” and the time will fly by. If you are going to be bored for an hour, then in this case the game will help out and allow you to spend time with benefit for your brain.

The mechanics of the application are simple. For each puzzle you solve, you will be awarded points and coins. The first ones are useful in Game Center - you can brag about your achievements to your friends, the second ones allow you to get a hint or open a word right away. If desired, coins can also be purchased for real money.

A new level opens after at least nine out of 12 puzzles have been solved in the previous one. Or you can open all of them at once by paying 33 rubles.

Among other features, I would like to highlight the presence of detailed game statistics and a small help.

The toy is made simply, but stylishly and unusually. There is not enough light music to help warm up the convolutions, but otherwise everything is good, if not excellent. Are you ready to go beyond the norm and pump up your brain? Then feel free to download “REBUSES+” and have some useful fun in your free time.

Please rate it.

The rebus is a unique invention of mankind that helps to cultivate mental acuity, intelligence, and ingenuity in people. Adults sometimes like to indulge themselves in solving such puzzles in their free time, but puzzles bring the most pleasure to children. To combine business with pleasure, we invite you to solve puzzles with numbers for children, which are given on our website with answers.

Puzzles are aimed at the logical development of the child.

How to solve them?

Mathematical puzzles are not the kind of problems we are used to at school, although they may still contain some elements of such activities. Let's remember what a traditional rebus looks like.

A word is taken for encryption. Then it is divided into parts and each part is encrypted. Having solved each part of the puzzle separately, you need to put the word together.

Mathematical puzzles can be either linguistic or numerical in nature. For example, in a problem you can calculate the required number using mathematical operations. If mathematical puzzles with numbers for children are encrypted in words, then the task is simplified.

A selection of materials on the topic

Answers to this puzzle: swift, family, magpie, pillar.

How can you use them?

You can solve puzzles in lessons with children of primary school age, as well as preschoolers in a kindergarten or aesthetic center, if they already know the numbers and can navigate them. At school, you can use puzzles with Roman numerals, although it will be more difficult for children to solve them.

Of course, you can’t base math classes entirely on puzzles. But the lesson can be significantly diversified if, after several difficult tasks, you offer a fun puzzle for the children. If classes are held in a children's center or kindergarten, then mathematical puzzles for children can be offered daily, between games or other activities. Of course, they should be tied to learning numbers, since children at this age are still poorly versed in numbers.

Mathematical puzzles can be given to children at home, of course, taking into account that their parents will help them at home. At school, in an open lesson, if the teacher resorts to this kind of task, he will certainly be successful.

How to solve mathematical puzzles? Let's give a few examples.

So, the first part of the word in the rebus is encrypted in the form of the word “glasses”, in which you need to remove the first and third letters. This is how we get "chi". Next, we subtract the last letter from the word “elephant”. We get the word “number”.

Another puzzle. The first part of a word is the note located in the middle of the first line on the staff (“E”). The second part of the word is “nose”, in which the second letter is equal to “y”. If you add everything together, you get a “minus”.

So, the rebus is not complicated, and younger schoolchildren can also understand the principle of its construction. When children become comfortable with puzzles, you can invite them to come up with mathematical puzzles themselves. The guys love these kinds of tasks. When everyone has come up with at least one or two problems, ask the others to guess. To do this, kids must draw pictures for their puzzles on sheets of paper or on the board.

Another option for using puzzles is to prepare a children’s work competition. This can be done during math week or in preparation for a holiday. Hang works with puzzles in a prominent place, for example, in the hall or assembly hall. It will be very interesting for parents to look at children's works and try to solve them. It is better not to post puzzles with answers, so as not to deprive the audience of intrigue.

Video on the topic


Puzzles are very useful tasks for children, especially if they are able to teach something new. Mathematical problems not only allow you to repeat material using numbers, but also develop ingenuity and intelligence.

Children are very mobile and curious creatures. Puzzles can awaken their imagination and sharp mind, which will surely find a solution to the problem. Give the kids more food for thought, stimulate the thinking process and creativity. Let mathematics be closely intertwined with philology and logic, because the interaction of subjects allows you to feel the connection between various disciplines from childhood, which is so necessary for the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

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