Fighting global warming requires technology we don't have. Fighting global warming with improvised means

Since ancient times, people have been inclined to believe myths. Some of them are not without logic, but still more than half turn out to be complete nonsense. It's the same with global warming. Here are the common misconceptions associated with it:

1. Global warming is not happening at all.

Unfortunately it happens. Science has proven more than once, and facts have confirmed, that temperatures are rising rapidly.

If warming continues at the same rate, the level of the world's oceans will rise by 1 meter. If we assume that all the glaciers melt, which is of course impossible, then the water will rise by 10 meters. And if you consider that the average height of land above sea level is 840 meters, then you shouldn’t worry so much about flooding.

5. Global warming is the only cause of sudden, unpredictable weather changes.

Far from the only one. There are a number of natural, cyclical processes to which global warming has nothing to do. And they are what can cause sudden warming or cooling. Such factors can include ocean currents, cyclones, changes in the Earth's magnetic field, and simply coincidences.

6. Carbon dioxide emissions are too small to cause global warming.

I would like to believe, but so far the facts deny it. Based on statistical data that can be trusted, graphs of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere and temperature at this time were constructed. They match.

7. Due to global warming, the temperature will soon rise so much that we will all die.

Not that much and not soon. Over the past 100 years, the temperature has increased by 0.7°C, - 1°C. And according to the most daring forecasts, in the next 100 years it may rise by another 4.6°C, but most likely this increase will not exceed 2°C. Less likely, but there are models that even predict a cold snap.

8. We will only benefit from global warming.

Some areas may enjoy unusually warm weather, but the cost of the negative consequences will outweigh any benefits. The number of illnesses and deaths due to heat will increase.

9. This will only benefit agriculture.

Well, how to look at it. If we take into account that warming will affect every inhabitant of the planet (and hit them painfully), then I think it will be more serious.

12. The causes of global warming are known.

Many people believe that man is entirely to blame for global warming and that only by stopping industrial activity can a catastrophe be avoided. In fact, the problem of climate change is so new that it is now impossible to say with certainty about its causes. The fact that it is happening is a fact, but the fact that it is the result of anthropogenic human activity is far from the only version. For example, there is a version that this is the result of natural processes occurring in the Sun - Space system.

13. We know how to fight global warming, we have technology.

The strategic plan is in development. There are several large-scale options for combating global warming, but they are all from the realm of science fiction, and they require colossal investments comparable to the US budget, but many small changes are better than one big one.

14. We can't do anything about it.

Everyone can now contribute to the fight against global warming, even if simply by being rational in their consumer activities.

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Russian companies have taken the initiative to unite the efforts of Russian businesses to reduce their impact on the environment and prevent climate change by supporting the Russian Partnership for Climate Conservation program. This initiative brings together businesses that have voluntarily agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus contribute to the fight against climate change on earth.

What is changing the climate

Just a couple of centuries ago, technical and industrial progress developed slowly. The population of the planet at the beginning of the 19th century was just over a billion people, today it is already 7.5. The Industrial Revolution changed the world, new technologies triggered the growth of not only the industry itself, but also the population. “Over these two centuries we have come a great distance as a civilization. The carbon economy, which has generated enormous growth over the last 2 centuries, is now robbing us of economic growth. This is what contributes to climate change. Every year, thanks to global warming, we lose a huge amount of cultivated area. There is a threat to the world's oceans that could change the eating habits of millions of people. If we do nothing, then by the end of the century the temperature may rise by 4 degrees and our children will live in a completely different world, unfamiliar to us. This will be a gigantic growth of the World Ocean, serious desertification, natural disasters,” with this address the meeting’s moderator, director of public relations of the En+ Group, chairman of the ecology and environmental protection committee of the Association of Managers Elena Vishnyakova opened the meeting.

Scientists call greenhouse gases one of the causes of climate change, and one of their main sources is the energy industry. According to the World Energy Agency, energy accounts for almost 40% of all greenhouse gas emissions on Earth. As told En+ representative Andrey Petrushinin, in Russia the energy sector in terms of greenhouse gas emissions looks better than, for example, in the USA, China or Germany. “Low-carbon energy accounts for about 75-80% of the installed capacity of Russian power plants: this is hydro and nuclear energy, and also gas. And only about 20-25% comes from coal and diesel generation,” he noted. In the US, Germany and China, coal takes up a much larger part of the energy mix: from 40% to 60%.

Is there an alternative to carbon fuels?

Despite the relatively small share of “dirty” fuel in the energy balance, Russian companies have something to strive for. And here the example of the same En+ is indicative: despite the fact that the company’s main business is hydropower (it operates five large hydroelectric power plants in Siberia and north-west Russia, producing about 8% of the country’s electricity), it also includes thermal power plants, working on coal. “Since 1990, our thermal power plants have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by almost half: from 36 million tons to 19 million tons. We were able to achieve this by modernizing our hydroelectric power plants: they began to produce more energy, passing the same volume of water through turbines, and were able to replace the energy of coal plants in the energy balance. The second direction is a radical reduction in losses in electrical and heat networks, the effect was about 4.5 billion kWh per year, which practically corresponds to the annual energy consumption in Mongolia. Finally, we are closing low-efficiency small coal-fired boilers and stations, transferring the load to larger plants. By 2025, we want to reduce emissions by another 50% by increasing output at hydroelectric power plants and switching boiler houses to gas,” said a company representative.

Power and business

Today, the Arctic territory is especially vulnerable to the climatic manifestations of global warming. This is manifested in the rapid pace of ice melting, and the map of permafrost is also changing. There are 9 climate zones in Russia, so it is important to have a competent attitude towards adapting to a changing climate, from which you can extract your pros and cons. This includes a reduction in the use of electricity and melting ice, which will allow more use of the Northern Sea Route. What is happening now, after all countries on the planet have signed the Paris Agreement? “In Russia there is a certain policy that encourages and stimulates enterprises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Today this policy is not yet specific enough. Although we can see the progress of this strategy in the political doctrine. It contains fundamental starting points for its implementation. And a specific significant point is that it reflects the balance of the subject-climatic choice between economic efficiency and social justice. We must strive to maintain this balance,” commented Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Sphere of Water Resources and Hydrometeorology of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Larisa Korepanova.

A look at the problem in the world

In mid-November, the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was held in Bonn. The key issues of the negotiations were methodological, technological and financial issues of current cooperation between the parties to the Convention/Kyoto Protocol, as well as the formation of institutional and procedural mechanisms for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. In accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, Roshydromet ensures the participation of the Russian Federation in the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. The conference was attended by representatives of Roshydromet, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Energy of Russia, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, and Rosleskhoz. “This was a deliberate discussion and presentation platform for our foreign colleagues and partners to learn about what is happening in our country. There is a fairly common point of view that in Russia not enough is being done in connection with the manifestation of climate change by both the business community and government agencies. This is wrong. Roshydromet made a presentation on its research work in the field of climate. He spoke about the assistance provided to foreign countries in order to promote sustainable development, Rosatom made a presentation on its approaches to providing clean energy, there was a day with a symbolic name: Low-Carbon Aluminum Day,” said a participant in the conference in Bonn, Climate Advisor, OK International Projects Directorate « RUSAL" Dinara Gershinkova.

During the meeting expert of the corporate governance and sustainable development department of KPMG in Russia and the CIS Vladimir Lukin introduced the audience to an overview of global business practices related to climate change. He noted that every year a fundamental study is published for the international economic forum, which describes all the global risks and threats facing humanity and is ranked. In particular, the risks associated with climate change are placed in second place after the use of weapons of mass destruction. This includes the availability of water resources and ensuring the quality of life of people, since climatic conditions are directly related to the forced migration of people in many countries. The expert cited several positive examples in the field of managing greenhouse gas emissions: this is PJSC Gazprom, which quite consistently implements its policy in the field of carbon development, in particular, the company’s main achievements are a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 23% over 5 years. The second example is the company STATOIL ASA, which is also quite successfully implementing a low-carbon development strategy and is a fairly serious investor in a renewable energy project.

Chairman of the business development department in the field of ecology of Business Russia, director of development of the National Organization for Support of Carbon Absorption Projects Oleg Pluzhnikov, entering the discussion, noted: “For Russia, the most important thing is certainty, what we are striving for, where we are going, what investments are expected to promote low-carbon development of the Russian economy, we must set such goals and questions. The problem is that economic regulation of gas emissions is now being prepared; in Russia we are trying to monitor what is happening in government structures when preparing such documents.”

How business works

Despite the many questions that still remain, businesses are independently building a strategy for solving problems, focusing on Western buyers and partners who have a number of strict requirements for suppliers: from how environmentally friendly the offered product is to the environmental friendliness of its production process. In particular, all this affected producers of domestic aluminum sold abroad. “They look closely at what aluminum they use in their cars. They set high goals and demands for their suppliers. We, as a company that delivers aluminum, cannot remain aloof from this, because demand creates supply, and we must be very prompt and understanding of what our customers require from us. Also, many banks refuse to invest in projects that have a high carbon footprint,” explained Director of the Public Relations Department of OK « RUSAL" Olga Sanarova. She also noted that the company has an advantage in the entire aluminum market primarily due to access to clean, renewable hydropower. A month ago, RUSAL provided a certificate that guarantees customers that the aluminum they purchase has a low carbon footprint.

Another example of a business using clean technologies is the Moscow engineering company DriveElectro. Her General Director Sergey Ivanov spoke about the development of modern environmentally friendly transport. It is no secret that transport is the main pollutant of cities; any combustion of fuel is accompanied by the release of CO 2. The city adds another carcinogen, which is formed in traffic jams. “We have created two types of city electric buses that can function as a trolleybus, that is, move under the contact network, and on those routes where minibuses and diesel buses used to run. We launched these machines in several cities: Tula, Belgorod and Belarus. They also created electric buses with charging at terminal points. This transport is environmentally friendly, especially if you use an environmentally friendly source of energy,” emphasized Sergei Ivanov.

PJSC Gazprom has established key performance indicators in the innovative development program, which has been approved by the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development. Of the 7 key indicators, 2 are dedicated specifically to climate issues. Gazprom continues to implement the clean transport program, fulfilling the government goal of switching 50% of municipal transport in the largest metropolitan cities to gas. By 2020 this goal will be achieved. Gazprombank is actively lending to projects for the development of renewable energy. Recently, a loan of almost 7 billion rubles was issued for the construction of solar panels in the regions of Russia. “At the same time, we do not rest on our laurels, we are looking for innovative approaches and are actively working on the production of hydrogen from natural gas. You know that 90% of hydrogen is produced from natural gas: methane. We are talking about moving to low-carbon or completely carbon-free energy based on hydrogen, this will be energy based on natural gas. The main idea is to continue to provide our customers with a carbon product, and we will do everything to remain a climate-friendly campaign,” the executive secretary of the Coordination Committee of PJSC Gazprom on environmental protection and energy efficiency of subsidiaries of the Energy Saving Directorate shared the climate strategy of Gazprom. and ecology of PJSC Gazprom Konstantin Romanov.

The meeting participants prepared a resolution with proposals on the role of business in implementing the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement, on possible ways and mechanisms for decarbonization of the Russian economy, its individual sectors and companies using examples of low-carbon development strategies, and also prepared initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change offered to companies under the UN Global Compact. The Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Association of Managers will send the resolution to the Presidential Administration, the Government Office, the State Duma and the Federation Council, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education.

CO 2 (carbon dioxide), according to scientists, is the main cause of all misfortunes on earth: global warming, which is causing an increase in the number of droughts, forest fires, floods and tsunamis, and the melting of permafrost and glaciers. The main “producers” of CO 2 and other greenhouse gases are industry, energy production by burning oil and petroleum products, coal and gas, deforestation of tropical and general forests, industrial livestock farming and... you and me.

Working at our computers, driving a car, and simply turning on the lights, we consume electricity (and therefore the Earth's resources) and add CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere.

In December 2009, in just a few months, the UN conference will convene in Copenhagen, at which a new agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions should be adopted. But it seems that you and I will not go there - we will have to save the planet with our own hands. If you make a mess, clean it up yourself.


Problem: The rapid “reproduction” of personal computers, phones, players, game consoles and other gadgets is a rapidly growing segment of energy consumption in the world . If in 1980 there were an average of 3 electrical appliances in a home, today there are 25. Home appliances already consume 15% of all global electricity, and in 20 years, With The International Energy Agency forecasts this figure will triple. In equivalent terms, this would require building an additional 560 coal-fired power plants or 230 nuclear power plants.

Solution: Saving electricity allows you to: 1) reduce the consumption of natural resources, 2) reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, 3) keep water bodies clean and preserve forests. Each of us can save electricity. Each of us can contribute to preserving the planet.


  • Buy energy-efficient Class A household appliances with appropriate labeling: A, A+, A++. Energy consumption classes: from A before G. The difference in price between class A and G will result in you having a cheaper class refrigerator F At the same time, it will “devour” a lot of energy just like that, and you will have to pay for it in the form of utility bills.
  • Install the refrigerator in a cool place, away from radiators and electric stoves.
  • Make sure the door seals are intact and the back wall is clean.
  • Do not place the refrigerator close to the wall, leave a gap for ventilation.
  • Refrigerators and freezers use more energy when filled with ice - defrost your refrigerator regularly.

  • Plate
  • Buy stoves with induction electric burners. They heat only the bottom of the pan; heating of the pan begins immediately when you turn it on and stops when you turn off the burner. Induction hobs use half the energy of other electric hobs. At a price of 35 thousand rubles, the use of such a stove will pay for itself in 2 - 3 years. Or, for starters, you can buy a stove with one induction burner and spend from 1,500 rubles on it.
  • When cooking, cover pots with lids.
  • Use a small amount of water to boil eggs or vegetables.
  • Do not turn on the electric stove in advance, but you can turn it off: finish cooking with the residual heat.
  • Boil water in an electric kettle and pour it into a bowl on the electric stove. Thus, you will spend less electricity than if you boiled water on an electric stove.
  • Washing machine/dishwasher
  • Fully load dishwashers and washing machines.
  • Washing at a lower temperature can reduce energy consumption by 80%.
  • Use a "dryer" rather than an electric dryer. This will save 480 kWh per year and will NOT emit 300 kg of CO 2 into the atmosphere.
  • Computer and other equipment
  • Switch your computer to standby mode every time you stop working on it: during your lunch break or other urgent matters.
  • Turn off your office computer at night and before weekends.
  • Remove the plug from the socket when you are finished using the equipment. This will not only extend the service life of the batteries, but will also save several thousand rubles a year!
  • Do not leave TVs, DVD players, HI-FI systems, computers and other equipment in sleep mode, as they still consume energy. Turn off equipment when you are not using it. The easiest way is to use “pilot sockets” with a button to completely turn off the power supply. This will not only increase the battery life, but will also save you several thousand rubles a year!
  • If possible, charge batteries when they are completely discharged (this will also extend their life).
  • Unplug chargers, they also continue to consume energy even if the phone is disconnected from the device. You can verify this by taking it out: the charger connected to the outlet heats up.
  • Do not use battery-powered devices unless necessary: ​​toothbrushes, razors, etc.
  • TV
  • Don't watch TV, read books. The Russian website helps nature and people under the motto “Change the book - save the tree.” On this site you can create your profile and make a list of books that you have and that you are ready to exchange/give/donate/give or borrow with someone.
  • Light

    Problem: A light bulb burning aimlessly means the construction of new hydro and nuclear power plants that are destroying the ecosystem of the area. In addition, as we have recently seen, such stations not only destroy life around them, but also take lives: according to the latest data, as a result of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, 74 people died, and another is listed as missing.

    Solution: transition to alternative, environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources: wind, water, sun and biomass of the Earth. What can you and I do? The easiest way is to save light and heat.
    Replacing 1 incandescent lamp with 1 energy-saving lamp can:

  • reduce energy consumption for lighting needs by 3-5 times,
  • will save about 100 kg of coal/year,
  • reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere by 270 kg/year,
  • annual savings when using energy-saving lamps is 250-350 rubles per lamp.
  • Turn off the lights when you leave a room and are the last one to leave the office.


  • Install apartment water meters. Without a meter, an ordinary family of four pays about 1200 - 1300 rubles per month. When paying by meter, this amount is reduced by 3-4 times. The annual savings will be 10,000 rubles.
  • Take a shower, not a bath. Turn off the water while soaping.
  • Turn off the water while soaping your hands, wiping a plate, or brushing your teeth.
  • If you wash one plate immediately after eating, it will take less water than later to scrape and break down dried food debris.
  • Do not buy bottled water in a country where the tap water is safe to drink. Installing a filter on the faucet or purchasing a separate filter jug ​​does not create problems with the disposal and recycling of plastic.

  • Warm. Even warmer

    Problem: Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the average temperature on Earth has increased by 0.8°;;; C. According to scientists, if the Earth's temperature rises by more than 2°;;;C, irreversible changes will begin, followed by scenes from the movie “The Day After Tomorrow.”

    Solution: The saga called “heating season” will begin on October 1 at the earliest. 40% of heat loss occurs through windows. Additional insulation can increase the room temperature by 4-5°C and reduce the load on the heating system.

  • Insulate your windows - insulate your home - and you won't have to turn on the heater - you'll save your money and contribute to saving energy resources.
  • You can insulate windows by installing double-glazed windows using “Swedish technology” or on one's own: 1) heat leaks from windows can be detected using a simple candle. On a windy day, slowly move a burning candle along the frames. The oscillation of the flame will indicate the places where there is draft. Often, even with your hand, you can feel the cold flow from the gaps between the window frames and the wall or from the junction of the glass and the frame. 2) Such areas must be sealed, both from the inside and outside of the frame. Only after this the air between the frames will be reliable protection from the cold. 3) Materials: silicone sealant, window seal, heat-saving film, polyurethane foam, double-sided tape. Tools: hammer, screwdriver, pliers, caulk gun, scissors, brush. All this can be bought at construction markets and hardware stores. Costs: 300 - 500 rub. Instructions with pictures can be found at
  • Heat loss can be prevented by closing the curtains at night.
  • Ventilate the rooms in one burst, opening the windows wide for a short time.
  • Do not block heating appliances or prevent warm air from warming the room.
  • Dress warmly, and then you won't need to turn on the air conditioner in the car or the heater in the room.
  • Problem: CO 2 is the main cause of global warming, leading to climate disasters. How do you and I influence CO 2 emissions? For example, using a jeep “SUV” to get around the city. It emits 1.3 tons of CO 2 when traveling less than 3,000 km. This is the same amount of CO 2 produced by a family in Bangladesh in a whole year. The same amount of CO 2 in terms of each passenger is produced by one plane flight over a distance of 2500 km (Moscow - London, for example). You produce the same amount of CO 2 in normal life per year. By consuming meat every day, we stimulate industrial animal agriculture. 1 kg of meat is 3 - 4 kg of greenhouse gases in terms of CO 2, 20 liters of water and several trees.

    : The demand for meat, furs, animal skins, ergonomic cars and an environmentally friendly lifestyle depends on each of us.

  • Eat less meat
  • Walk, change to more fuel-efficient cars, use bicycles.
  • When your baby is at home, use swaddles and cloth diapers. This is not only useful for developing healthy reflexes in a child, but will also rid the planet of 5-8 thousand diapers = 3.5 tons of poorly recyclable garbage.
  • Travel by train. Invite your friends to travel in one car, but full, instead of two, but half-empty, on your out-of-town trips.
  • Consume responsibly. Don't buy more than you need. Don't buy what you don't need. Don't buy an item if you already have it. Teach your children that they don't have to have many of the same or similar toys. Don't support manufacturers who violate environmental laws. Support producers who do not use genetic modification in agriculture and production.

  • Paper


  • Whenever possible, print on the back of used office paper.
  • Connect your office to the “Save a Tree!” campaign for the collection and delivery of waste paper to recycling collection points.
  • Put in your auto-signature when sending emails: Think before printing, save a tree/ Before printing, think about whether this is necessary/ (What’s on my desktop: If e-mails save the time, not printing them saves trees/ If e-mails help save time, then by not printing them, we save the forest).

  • Household waste

    Problem: Glass takes 1000 years to decompose, polyethylene and plastic - 200 years, tin cans - 90 years, paper and cardboard - 2 years. For example, a juice bag - an invention of the Swedish company Tetrapak, consisting of 75% paper, 20% polyethylene and 5% aluminum foil - practically does not decompose.

    Solution: Bangladesh, Singapore, Taiwan have completely abandoned plastic bags. If moving to cellophane-free countries is not possible, then below are some tips on how to change the world within your own habitat.


  • When going to the grocery store, use fabric bags, Soviet retro string bags, or what the Japanese go to the store with - furoshiki.
  • At the store, if you have a choice, put your bag in a storage box rather than wrapping it in cellophane.
  • Don't use plastic bags to change your child's shoes at school. Prefer a fabric eco-bag.
  • Whenever possible, purchase products in cardboard boxes.
  • Use plastic bags several times.
  • Don't use plastic bags to pack your trash, just take it out in the trash.
  • Do not use plastic bags for packaging food at home; special reusable containers are designed for this purpose.
  • Buy draft drinks, bulk products, etc. in your own containers without buying a new one every time.
  • Reduce the volume of garbage thrown away: simply by compressing it (juice cartons, milk cartons, etc.), we reduce the volume of garbage in the garbage truck, which means we reduce the emission of CO 2 into the atmosphere when transporting garbage.

  • Good consumer habits
  • Buy powders in heavy cardboard boxes,
  • Buy detergents and cleaning products in large bottles and economical packages,
  • Do not use disposable tableware at home or on trips.

  • Glass
  • Buy juices in glass containers, which you can later return.
  • You can hand over glass bottles (from drinks after a party, for example) to a recycling collection point near the Belorusskaya (ring) metro station at st. Georgian Val, 23-25. The place is verified. Recycling glass reduces air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50% from glass factories producing new bottles.
  • Plastic bottles and aluminum cans host the blue fandomats with the words “The City Lives!” that you’ve probably seen all over the city. Map of Moscow fandomates.

  • Batteries
  • Biological Museum named after. K. A. Timiryazeva and the Moscow Department of Environmental Management are holding a campaign to collect used batteries for safe disposal. According to the coordinator of the “Best Defender of the Planet” campaign, Natalya Nikonova, through the efforts of the participants, 28,688 batteries were collected with a total weight of 430 kilograms! The collection continues!
  • Each of us could organize such a “collection point for used batteries” on our desk in the office or at home for neighbors, friends and acquaintances, take them to the museum as a corporate event to strengthen team-ecological spirit and receive a prize for it

  • Eco planetary life

    In the future we will live in eco-houses, energy-saving, economical and environmentally friendly, independent of electrical networks and other heat sources. There is already such a house in Sochi! And in Shanghai and the UAE they are building whole new eco-cities! The energy in this eco-paradise comes exclusively from alternative sources, mainly from wind power plants, and most of the waste will be reused or composted for fertilizer.

    What else can I do?

    Tell your friends and colleagues about how to live environmentally and economically! You don't have to be Superman to save the planet... What do they say? Raise a child, build an eco-house and PLANT A TREE!

    When writing this article, materials from the website were used

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    Many experts offer various options for dealing with. The climate conference in Paris, organized by the UN, is dedicated to this problem. Leaders of many countries, including the President of the Russian Federation, took part in it. This conference was a landmark event that produced agreements and commitments to improve climate change in every country.


    The main global problem is warming. Every year the temperature rises by +2 degrees Celsius, which will further lead to a worldwide catastrophe:

    • — melting of glaciers;
    • — drought of vast territories;
    • — soil desertification;
    • — flooding of the coasts of continents and islands;
    • — development of mass epidemics.

    In this regard, actions are being developed to eliminate these +2 degrees. For this, humanity has no more than 20 years left, so coordinated joint work of all states is required. First of all, we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ideally by 50% by the middle of the 21st century. However, this is difficult to achieve, because a clean climate costs enormous financial investments, the size of which will amount to trillions of dollars.

    Russia's participation in reducing emissions

    On the territory of the Russian Federation, climate change in some places is occurring more intensely than in some other countries. The most dangerous regions are the Arctic and Far East, where these processes are actively progressing. Currently, Russia ranks fifth in terms of gas emissions. A strategy has been developed according to which the Russian Federation undertakes to reduce emissions by 25% from 1990 levels. To achieve this, legislation will be changed and effective technologies will be developed. By 2030, the amount of harmful emissions should be reduced by 2 times, and the ecology of cities will improve.

    Experts say that Russia has reduced the energy intensity of GDP by about 42% in the first ten years of the 21st century. This was influenced by the use of natural gas instead of coal. The Russian government plans to achieve the following indicators by 2025:

    • reduction in electricity intensity of GDP by 12%;
    • reducing the energy intensity of GDP by 25%;
    • fuel savings – 200 million tons.

    An interesting fact was recorded by Russian scientists that the planet is facing a cooling cycle, as the temperature will drop by a couple of degrees. This opinion is shared by a group of American scientists. For example, in Russia, weather forecasters have been predicting harsh winters in Siberia and the Urals for the second year now.

    At the moment, official methods of combating global warming have several directions. The main method involves reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide and thereby eliminating the greenhouse effect. First of all, according to many climate experts, the temperature should be reduced as much as possible. This can be achieved by limiting the flow of solar energy that is directed to the earth's surface. In the 90s, the idea was put forward of launching many mirrors into space that could reflect solar radiation back. The same result can be achieved by increasing the albedo, that is, the reflection coefficient of the Earth itself. It is worth noting that theorists, in the fight against global warming, have recently developed a technology for brightening clouds, which may be possible by spraying sea water in a turbulent layer of air masses. It has been proven that spraying sulfur compounds into the stratosphere can also achieve a similar effect.

    The next direction, which, according to scientists, should be taken as a basis in the fight against global warming, is the burial of carbon dioxide. In the early 90s, a proposal was put forward to condense carbon dioxide and pump it into underground tanks. Thus, under significant pressure and required temperatures, gas can be stored for a long time.

    A little later, experts developed this idea to bury the gas at the bottom of the ocean, because all the necessary conditions created by nature itself are provided here - pressure and cold.
    Other scientists have put forward proposals to absorb carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere using purification towers filled with adsorbent.

    US scientists have come to different conclusions. They discovered that biochar, which the Amazon Indians often used to increase the fertility of their soil, could help in the fight against global warming. When mass produced, biochar can help with carbon sequestration and burial. During the production of biochar, which is obtained by heating organic material, there is no oxygen. In addition, the high temperature during production results in the release of gas, which can be collected and used for energy.

    Other US scientists have proposed a method for absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They proposed the use of 300-meter underwater pipes that would pump nutrients from the depths of the ocean to the surface. This would lead to the growth of algae, which quite actively absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
    Of course, when choosing a particular strategy, its effectiveness should be re-evaluated in our time. Most of the methods that have been proposed throughout the warming period are largely concepts that do not carry a historical precedent, therefore, when implementing them, the possible risk to humanity should be reduced as much as possible.

    If you can’t deal with changes in climate conditions, then a proposal has been received/you need to come to terms with it and take off as much clothing as possible and stay practically in what your mother gave birth in/as they say, “in just shorts, because it’s hot in two.”

    Thus, it was decided to develop a pret-a-porter de lux collection for resorts. The developed collection is intended for those areas of the Earth where there is an increase in the average temperature of the air and the World Ocean.

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    Each New Year is unique, and therefore you should prepare for it in a special way. The brightest and most long-awaited holiday of the year deserves...
    New Year is, first and foremost, a family holiday, and if you are planning to celebrate it in an adult company, it would be nice if you first celebrate...
    Maslenitsa is widely celebrated throughout Russia. This holiday reflects centuries-old traditions, carefully preserved and passed on from generation to...