Analysis of the product quality control system. Analysis of product quality management of Bright World LLC

Quality control occupies a special place in product quality management. It is quality control, as one of the effective means of achieving intended goals and the most important management function, that contributes to the correct use of objectively existing, as well as man-made, prerequisites and conditions for the production of high-quality products.

Technical control deservedly plays a large role in modern production and product quality management. The efficiency of production as a whole largely depends on the degree of perfection of quality control, its technical equipment and organization.

During the control process, the actual achieved results in the field of quality are compared with the planned ones. Modern methods of product quality control, which allow achieving high stability of quality indicators at minimal cost, are becoming increasingly important.

The product quality control system is a set of interrelated objects and subjects of control, types used, methods and means for assessing the quality of products and preventing defects at various stages of the product life cycle and levels of quality management.

An effective control system allows, in most cases, to carry out timely and targeted influence on the quality level of manufactured products, prevent all kinds of shortcomings and malfunctions, and ensure their prompt identification and elimination with the least expenditure of resources.

The positive results of effective quality control can be identified and in most cases quantified at the stages of product development, production, circulation, operation (consumption) and refurbishment (repair).

The main elements of the product quality control system are represented by a number of general subsystems, which include, first of all, the following subsystems:

  • v planning;
  • v inspection control;
  • v stimulation and responsibility of quality control subjects.

Additional elements of the product quality control system are represented by a number of special and supporting subsystems. In this case, the following special subsystems are distinguished:

  • v prevention of defects and low quality in the process of product development and production;
  • v product testing;
  • v certification of products, works, services, quality systems and production;
  • v certification of technological processes, workplaces and performers of production operations;
  • v state supervision over the implementation and compliance with standards, metrological support of production and other conditions and factors for the production of products of the required quality;
  • v self-control of quality in production (main and auxiliary workers, teams, sections, workshops);
  • v standardization of methods and means of product quality control;
  • v the use of non-departmental forms of quality control (by the customer, sellers, consumers, etc.).

The effectiveness of a product quality control system is largely determined by the efficiency of the functioning of subsystems that ensure the correct and timely solution of quality control problems at various levels of management and stages of the product life cycle. As part of the named subsystems, it is necessary to distinguish subsystems of methodological, material and technical, technological, personnel, information, metrological, mathematical, legal, financial and organizational support for quality control.

Under technical control product quality, carried out at each enterprise, means checking the compliance of the product or production process with established technical requirements. There are two types of technical control at an enterprise: operational and acceptance.

Operational control consists of checking the compliance of each production operation with the requirements of technological documentation (temperature, pressure, equipment speed, etc.). At the same time, product quality indicators are monitored after the completion of each operation in the product manufacturing process. Based on operational control, measures are taken to eliminate detected deviations. These include: adjustment of equipment, replacement of tools, regulation of temperature conditions, speed of working parts, etc. Operational control is preventive in nature and aims to timely detect defects in manufactured products.

Acceptance control consists in the fact that the inspection establishes the compliance of the finished product with the requirements of standards, technical specifications, drawings, etc. Based on acceptance control, a decision is made on compliance with the requirements of the standard and on the proper technical level or on rejection of the product. The purpose of acceptance control is to prevent the delivery of products that do not meet specified requirements.

Along with operational and acceptance, the enterprise also carries out input control, the purpose of which is to check compliance with established quality requirements for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and tools supplied to a given enterprise from supplier enterprises.

During technical control of product quality, product defects may also be identified. A defect is each individual non-compliance with the requirements established by regulatory documentation. Defects are divided into structural and manufacturing. Structural defects are associated with miscalculations made in the design documentation. Defects can be obvious or hidden. Explicit are those that are detected by using appropriate measuring instruments, instruments, and laboratory tests. Products with obvious defects are called defective and cannot be sold. Hidden defects are those that are detected when the product reaches the consumer. It becomes impossible to use such products for their intended purpose; they must be returned to the manufacturer.

In order to most fully identify product defects, inspection must be continuous and repeated. If for various reasons it is impossible to introduce a complete inspection of products, technical control may remain selective, but with constant improvement of the methods and procedures for its implementation. If defects are detected, the elimination of which is technically possible and economically feasible, the product is returned for revision. If defects are detected, the elimination of which is technically impossible or economically impractical, the product is included in the defective category.

The system for preventing defects at the enterprise provides for the prevention of defects, both at the pre-production stage and directly in production. In the first case, quality control of new developments and incoming quality control are carried out, and in the second case, compliance with technological discipline and self-control of quality are monitored.

Quality control of new developments includes:

  • v assessment and regulation of the technical level of developments;
  • v standard control of design documentation;
  • v standard control of technological documentation.

Incoming quality control involves selective or continuous inspection of:

  • v raw materials received;
  • v semi-finished products and blanks;
  • v components and spare parts.

Monitoring compliance with technological discipline includes:

  • v control of the accuracy and stability of technological processes, equipment condition, quality of equipment and tools, accuracy of metrological support;
  • v control of the level of qualifications and quality of labor of production operations performers;
  • v interoperational, including active, quality control of parts, blanks, assemblies, etc.

Self-quality control is used:

  • v to evaluate the performance of individual workers;
  • v activities of production teams;
  • v in the activities of sections, workshops, departments, etc.

Correct use of the listed types of control leads to the fact that it has a more active impact on the process of forming the quality of products, since it is not a passive fixation of defects in production, but the prevention of its occurrence. In addition, the use of these types of control makes it possible to timely detect emerging deviations from established requirements, promptly identify and eliminate various causes of decreased product quality, and prevent the possibility of their occurrence in the future.

Economic responsibility of the enterprise for the level of product quality. The first manifestation of such responsibility is the practice of establishing a warranty period for technical products and some other types of products, during which the enterprise, at its own expense, carries out their repair and maintenance. The guaranteed period is established by legislation, standards, and by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer. For food products, medicines, household chemicals and other products, the consumer properties of which may deteriorate over time and pose a danger to human life and the environment, an expiration date is established, which is indicated on packaging, labels, instructions and other documents.

The enterprise also bears economic responsibility in case of failure to comply with the established standards of product quality. The relevant control is carried out by the State Standard of Ukraine and its regional bodies. State inspectors of Gosstandart have the right to take samples of products to check their quality, prohibit the release and sale of products manufactured in violation of standards, as well as products that have not passed mandatory quality certification, and draw up materials on the imposition of a fine. Product quality control is also carried out by employees of sanitary and epidemiological stations and the consumer protection society. If deviations from quality standards are found in products that are dangerous to human life, sanitary and epidemiological stations have the right to make decisions to withdraw a given batch of products from production and prohibit the sale of previously produced products.

Topic: “Organization of technical quality control at the enterprise.”


1. The concept of product quality…………………………….……3

2. Quality control………………………………………………………..….4

2.1. Control …………………………………………………………4

2.2 Types of control …………………………………………………...5

2.3. Tests ……………………………………………………….6

3. Technical control department……………………………………7

3.1. Functions of Quality Control Department ……………………………………………………7

4. Organization of product quality control………………….9




One of the most important factors in increasing production efficiency is improving the quality of products. Improving the quality of products is currently regarded as a decisive condition for its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.

The competitiveness of products largely determines the prestige of not only the enterprise, but also the country, and is a decisive factor in increasing national wealth.

The composition and essence of quality systems is regulated by a number of international standards for product quality management. Some enterprises that have formalized and functioning integrated product quality management systems have a fairly serious basis for the development and implementation of product quality assurance systems that meet the requirements of international standards. These systems will become an effective means and tool for managing product quality and ensuring its competitiveness.

The concept of product quality.

Quality– a set of properties, characteristics of goods, materials, services, works, characterizing their compliance with their purpose and the requirements imposed on them, as well as the ability to satisfy the needs and demands of users.

Most quality characteristics are determined objectively on the basis of standards, agreements, and contracts.

In accordance with the methodology for assessing the quality of industrial products, 8 groups of quality indicators have been established:

- destination indicators– characterize the beneficial effect of using the product for its intended purpose and determine the scope of its application;

- reliability indicators– reliability, storability, maintainability, durability;

- manufacturability indicators– characterize the effectiveness of design and technological solutions to ensure high labor productivity in the manufacture and repair of products;

- indicators of standardization and unification– characterize the degree of use of standardized products in products and the level of unification of the component parts of the product;

- ergonomic indicators– characterize the “person – product – environment” system and take into account the complex of hygienic, physiological, anthropological properties of a person, manifested in production and household processes;

- aesthetic indicators– characterize such product properties as expressiveness, originality, compliance with the environment and style, etc.;

- patent and legal indicators– characterize the degree of patentability of the product in Russia and abroad;

- economic indicators– reflect the costs of development, manufacturing and operation of products, as well as the economic efficiency of operation.

Quality indicators must meet the following basic requirements:

a) help ensure that product quality meets the needs of public consumers;

b) be stable;

c) promote a systematic increase in production efficiency;

d) take into account modern achievements of science and technology and the main directions of technical progress;

e) characterize all the properties of a product that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with its purpose.

Quality control.

Quality control occupies a special place in product quality management. It is quality control, as one of the effective means of achieving the intended goals and the most important management function, that contributes to the correct use of objectively existing, as well as man-made, prerequisites and conditions for the production of high-quality products. The efficiency of production as a whole largely depends on the degree of perfection of quality control, its technical equipment and organization.

It is during the control process that the actually achieved results of the system’s functioning are compared with the planned ones. Modern methods of product quality control, which allow achieving high stability of quality indicators at minimal cost, are becoming increasingly important.


Control is the process of determining and evaluating information about deviations of actual values ​​from specified values ​​or their coincidences and the results of analysis. You can control goals, progress of plan implementation, forecasts, and process development.

Under quality control refers to checking the compliance of the quantitative or qualitative characteristics of the properties of a product or process on which the quality of the product depends, with the established technical requirements.

The object of control can be a product or the process of its creation, storage, transportation, repair and related technical documentation. The object of control is characterized by individual characteristics that have quantitative or qualitative characteristics of the properties of the object and must be controlled. The composition of controlled characteristics depends on the object of control.

The control method refers to the rules for applying certain principles and means of control. The control method includes: control technology, controlled signs, control means and control accuracy.

Types of control.

Types of control are distinguished according to the following characteristics:

a) according to the subject of control’s affiliation with the enterprise (internal, external);

b) on the basis for control (voluntary, by law, by the Charter);

c) by object of control (control of processes; control of decisions; control of objects; control of results);

d) by regularity (systemic, irregular, special).

Quality control must confirm compliance with specified product requirements, including:

Incoming inspection (materials should not be used in the press without control; inspection of incoming product must comply with the quality plan, established procedures and may take various forms);

Intermediate control (the organization must have special documents documenting the control and testing procedure within the process and carry out this control systematically);

Final inspection (designed to determine the conformity between the actual final product and that provided for in the quality plan; includes the results of all previous inspections and reflects the conformity of the product with the necessary requirements);

Registration of control and test results (documents on control and test results are provided to interested organizations and individuals).


A special type of control is tests finished products.

Trial- this is the determination or study of one or more characteristics of a product under the influence of a set of physical, chemical, natural or operational factors and conditions. Tests are carried out according to appropriate programs. Depending on the purpose, there are the following main types of tests:

a) preliminary tests - tests of prototypes to determine the possibility of acceptance tests;

b) acceptance tests - tests of prototypes to determine the possibility of putting them into production;

c) acceptance tests - tests of each product to determine the possibility of its delivery to the customer;

d) periodic tests - tests that are carried out once every 3-5 years to check the stability of the production technology;

e) type tests – tests of serial products after significant changes have been made to the design or technology.

The subject of control can be not only executive activities, but also the work of the manager. Control information is used in the regulatory process. This is how they talk about the advisability of combining planning and control into a single management system (Controlling): planning, control, reporting, management.

Technical control department.

The technical control department (QCD) is an independent structural unit of the enterprise and reports directly to the director. Its tasks include preventing the production (delivery) of products by the enterprise that do not meet the requirements of standards and technical specifications, approved samples (standards), design and technological documentation, delivery conditions and contracts, or incomplete products, as well as strengthening production discipline and increasing responsibility all levels of production for the quality of products.

The department may include: bureaus, groups, laboratories for technical control of external acceptance, technical bureau of Quality Control Department, bureau of technical control in workshops (VTC), central measurement laboratory.

OTC functions.

1. Control over the quality and completeness of parts, assemblies and finished products manufactured by the enterprise, for compliance with their standards, technical specifications, standards and drawings, branding of accepted and rejected products, registration in the prescribed manner of documentation for accepted and rejected products, as well as control over withdrawal from the production of finally rejected products to specially organized reject isolators and their disposal as waste.

Organization of product quality control

9.1. The concept of product competitiveness.

9.2. Product quality, the importance of improving it.

9.3. Product quality indicators.

9.4. Product certification.

9.5.Organization of technical and economic control of product quality at the enterprise.

The presence of competition is an important condition for the functioning of any market. It is an economic competition for preference in order to maximize profits. There are:

-free competition when there are many sellers and buyers of goods on the market, and none of the competitors is able to exert significant influence on the market;

-oligopolistic competition - this is competition between large enterprises that control part of the market;

-price competition when demand is influenced by raising or lowering prices;

-non-price competition , when enterprises influence demand by applying the quality properties of the product, type, packaging, and service delivery to the consumer.

All of the above types of competition (and especially non-price competition) imply an improvement in the quality parameters of products, because An important condition for attracting consumers is ensuring the competitiveness of products. It increases under the influence of novelty of design, packaging, environmental friendliness, the content of healthy components and the presence of additional psychological benefits. The listed factors are decisive in competitiveness, but the consumer gives preference to consumer properties - quality parameters of products. Competitiveness is influenced by product price. Product competitiveness should be distinguished from enterprise competition. The latter is characterized by the technical, economic and organizational advantage of a given enterprise over its competitor. However, there is a close relationship between the competitiveness of products and enterprises. The competitiveness of an enterprise allows you to reduce costs, improve quality, expand the range, and therefore occupy a certain market share, and the competitiveness of products allows you to increase sales, maximize profits, and therefore have a long-term, stable financial position.

As the level of demand increases, the need to improve the quality of products increases, which is recognized as one of the main components of increasing the competitiveness of the Belarusian economy. That is why a whole range of activities is being carried out within the framework of the State Quality Program. According to GOST quality- this is a set of characteristics and properties of a product that determine its suitability and satisfy certain needs depending on its purpose.

Product property - this is an objective feature of a product that can manifest itself during creation or consumption.

Quality as a comprehensive characteristic of manufacturing performance determines the degree of product for consumer desire. The quality level is designed to shape needs and stimulate them. This applies today to a greater extent to food products. The company's quality policy is formed in such a way as to cover the activities of each employee and orient the entire team towards increasing the competitiveness of products.

Quality system (QS)- it is the totality of the organizational structure, methodologies, resources and processes necessary for the overall management and management of product quality.

In order to develop a unified approach to the issue of quality, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed a series of standards used in product quality management.

SK assumes :

1)quality assurance - all activities carried out within the QS necessary to ensure that the product will meet the quality requirements;

2)quality control - types of operational activities to meet quality requirements;

3)quality improvement - activities carried out to improve the performance of activities in order to obtain benefits for the enterprise and the consumer.

The QS is developed taking into account the specific activities of the enterprise, but in any case should cover all stages of the “quality loop” - a model of interdependent activities that affect quality at various stages from identifying needs to assessing their satisfaction .

Marketing→design→materials and technical supply→preparation and development of production processes→production→control→laboratory analysis→storage, packaging→product sales and distribution

Thus, according to the “quality loop” there are 3 main directions in the insurance company :

1) quality assurance;

2) quality management;

3)improving quality.

It is obvious that improving the quality of products is currently of great socio-economic importance for the republic as a whole. To protect domestic producers in the market, an important condition must be the high quality of our products, satisfying the ever-growing needs of the population for environmentally friendly products with excellent taste. Improving the quality of products is a factor in increasing production efficiency, expanding the export capabilities of the republic, etc.

Enterprises began to plan quality within the product life cycle. This approach led to the formation 2 strategic functions to achieve final goals:

1) identifying the target market, identifying needs and requests in order to identify products that best meet consumer expectations;

2) ensuring product quality at all stages of the life cycle.

Research and study of market opportunities Removing the product Production planning and development. process Supply Sales and distribution Package Product design and development


To assess product quality, it is important to determine the level of quality, which is determined in two ways :

1) in relation to the best domestic and foreign samples;

2)as the degree of consumer satisfaction.

Products produced by processing industries must comply with established product quality indicators. Product quality indicator is a quantitative assessment of one or more product properties. The main quality indicators are reflected in standards (international, republican enterprise standards) and technical specifications (TU).

To assess product quality, a system of indicators is used, which includes the following groups of indicators :

1)summary indicators characterize the general level of product quality, the volume and share of new types of products in the total output, grade, brands, product categories, etc.;

2)comprehensive indicators characterize several product properties.

Each industry uses its own specific indicators. For example, the quality of apple juice is assessed by the dry matter content (9.5-11%), total acidity (0.3-1.2% in terms of malic acid), alcohol content (no more than 0.3-0 .5%), the content of solid metals per 1 liter (copper - no more than 5 mg, tin - 100 mg, lead - not allowed), the juice should be clear.

3)single indicators , which characterize one of the properties of the product.

These include reliability, durability, calorie content, etc.

To assess quality, all indicators can be classified as:

Product purpose indicators;

Reliability indicators;

Ergonomic indicators;

Aesthetic indicators;

Economic (indicators of material, energy intensity, resource saving, i.e. those that determine the level of resources expended);

Environmental (properties related to the impact on human health and the environment - safety and environmental friendliness).

Single indicators that characterize one particular property of a product do not allow a full assessment of quality. Developing comprehensive quality indicators is a complex economic task. In the food industry, the scoring method is common when assessing quality.

Technical level of products - this is a relative characteristic of quality, based on a comparison of the indicator values ​​of the products being evaluated with the corresponding basic values. The basic sample should combine such indicators that best meet the requirements of a particular market. It may be the one who is in greatest demand in the market.

The condition for the successful sale of goods is their compliance with the requirements of norms, rules, and laws in force in the republic. Today, sales without certification of goods are impossible, much less expansion of exports.

The Law “On Certification of Products and Services” provides for 3 sections:

1) general provisions;

2) mandatory certification;

3)voluntary certification.

Certification- This is the process of identifying the compliance of products and their production with the requirements established in the standards.

Certificate of conformity - a document confirming the compliance of certified products with the requirements of regulatory documents on standardization.

Mandatory certification - this is the activity of business entities to confirm the compliance of products with indicators that ensure safety for life, human health and other indicators established by law. Food products, electrical equipment, building materials, etc. are subject to this certification.

Voluntary certification - this is the activity of entities to confirm the compliance of products with indicators for which mandatory certification is not provided for by law.

Quality certification comes in different forms. There is a practice called self-certification , i.e. the manufacturer fills out a declaration in which he declares that his system meets the requirements of certain standards and attaches technical documents. Based on them, the consumer or third party can conduct the necessary analysis and evaluate the effectiveness of the system.

Widespread second party certification , it is carried out by the enterprise that produces the final product at its suppliers.

Third Party Certification - inspection and assessment of quality systems by specialized bodies. They can be private, national, international, but they must be accredited for the right of such verification.

For products that have passed certification, a certificate of conformity is issued and the product is marked with a mark of conformity - this is a sign confirming the compliance of the products marked with it with the requirements of specific standards. Labeled products are included in the certification center in the list of products permitted for sale, and the company is issued a certificate of recognition of the certificate.

Certification system is a system that has certain rules of procedure and management for carrying out product certification. The most widespread systems are those where the certification body is a republican (national) certification (standardization) organization.

The certification system includes :

1) product certification;

2) production certification;

3) certification of manufacturers;

4) accreditation by the laboratory, certification bodies, certification of proposals.

The certification system is independent. The certification procedure begins with submitting an application to the appropriate organization for certification of your products. Currently, documents of compliance with the Belarusian National Certification System are recognized without additional checks and analysis in all countries (Lithuania, Slovakia, Poland, China, Turkey). For enterprises supplying their products to EU countries, there is an urgent problem of marking them with a special “EU” mark, confirming that the manufacturer has met all the requirements of EU directives on its safety.

Since 1993 The Republic of Belarus has become a member of leading international organizations (ISO, IEC, etc.), since 2000. participates in the work of the European quality organization.

It is not enough for Belarusian manufacturers to declare that their products comply with national standards; they need to ensure that they meet international standards. Products must comply with international standards and, first of all, the international organization for standardization ISO and the international electronic technical organization (IEC). ISO task - promote the development of standardization in the world in order to ensure and ensure the international exchange of goods and services, assist cooperation in scientific, technical, economic and intellectual fields.

Compliance with standard requirements is a guarantee of high quality and reliable products . The main purpose of ISO standards is the transition from the organization of quality assurance and quality control to quality management, i.e. The quality system must be interconnected with all types of activities of all divisions of the enterprise that determine product quality. Since January 1, 2002 In the Republic of Belarus there were 143 enterprises that received such certificates, of which 19 were in our region, including the Klimovichi Distillery.

At enterprises in the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex, all activities related to product quality are of paramount importance. Monitoring of compliance with the requirements for the technological process and material resources, compliance with standards and technical conditions is organized. The final stage is quality control of the finished product. The entire set of control functions constitutes the content of technical and chemical control at the enterprise .

All types of control are classified according to a number of characteristics:

1)by stages of the process at which control is carried out:




Input- control of raw materials, materials that come from suppliers. During incoming control at agricultural enterprises, determining the quality of incoming raw materials is of paramount importance.

Operating- control of a product or process after completion of a specific production operation. A progressive type of such control is active control, which is carried out directly during the manufacturing process of products using devices built into technological equipment.

Acceptance- control of products, based on the results of which it is already possible to make a decision on its suitability and delivery.

2)by completeness of control coverage :



Complete control used in conditions of particularly high requirements for the level of product quality. All finished products are subjected to it according to the quality indicators defined by the standards.

At sampling Only a part of the product is tested, and on this basis the quality of all products in a given batch is judged.

3 )depending on the time frame, control is divided into :




Continuous monitoring used in cases of instability of technological processes and the need to constantly ensure certain quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

Periodic control used for stable technical processes.

Volatile- checking technology compliance.

To carry out quality control of raw materials, materials, technical process, finished products, and the sanitary and hygienic state of production, the following is used:







Statistical control methods.

When shipping products, a certificate is drawn up for each batch, to which a chemical analysis is attached, which characterizes the composition of the product in accordance with GOST requirements. The organization of technical and chemical control is carried out to one degree or another in all departments and warehouses of the enterprise. Control functions are performed by every employee, but there are officials and departments whose responsibilities include monitoring the entire production. This function is performed by employees of the enterprise's central laboratory.

For the development of any production organization, product quality is of paramount importance, being one of the main indicators of economic efficiency. Improving product quality is one of the most important tactical tasks of an industrial enterprise.

Product quality control is the essence of “checking the compliance of product quality indicators with established requirements.” Therefore, control can be considered as a function of obtaining reliable information about the controlled products of an industrial enterprise and obtaining an effective result. Quality control operations are an integral part of the production process, and the quality control system serves as a regulator in building effective product quality management.

The quality control system is a set of measures aimed at a detailed and detailed study of goods and services. The purpose of the totality of these activities is related to identifying inconsistencies of certain properties of these products with international and Russian quality standards. The presence of such a system in any enterprise is absolutely necessary, since it allows not only to guarantee the consumer that all requirements for a particular product are met, but also to provide a clear competitive advantage over competing organizations.

The objectives of product quality control may be as follows:

1) increasing efficiency in working with clients - if the quality of products improves, then the number of consumers grows while maintaining the existing client base;

2) the formation of a production culture - in the conditions of a well-constructed and established quality management system, this has a beneficial effect on the motivation of the enterprise’s employees, and a certain type of production culture develops. Accordingly, the number of mistakes made by employees is reduced, which helps reduce additional costs and improve the product quality control process as a whole;

3) increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise and the level of investment in it - this goal assumes that success in any segment and type of market is guaranteed to those firms that exceed customer expectations. An established quality management system increases customer loyalty and creates an impeccable image of the company, strengthening its position in various market segments.

The product quality control process consists of the following sequential stages:

1. Choice of methods - carry out full total product quality control or random checks;

2. Selection of control goals;

3. Development of an inspection plan, which must include:

Objects of control;

Standards subject to verification;

Subjects of control;

Control methods;

Scope and means of product quality control (full, selective, manual, automatic);

Time frames of inspections, their duration;

Sequence, methods and tolerances.

4. Fixing actual and prescribed values.

5. Determination of the identity of discrepancies (detection, identification of quantity).

6. Summing up, resolution.

7. Written recording of the decision.

9. Communication of the decision (report in oral or written form).

10. Evaluating the solution, taking measures to eliminate shortcomings.

When managing product quality, various management methods are used that directly influence the control object in order to maintain its stability within the given framework of operation and in the process of transition from one state to another. The most important management methods can be divided into three groups: economic, administrative and socio-psychological methods.

Key economic methods include:

Feasibility study for the production of new products,


Application of economic measures to influence customers and suppliers in order to comply with contracts and supply obligations.

Administrative management methods include primarily:

Ensuring the implementation of regulatory documents on standardization, carrying out work to ensure state certification of products and services.

Socio-psychological management methods are associated with the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the team, the use of various forms of moral encouragement for the production of high-quality products, as well as taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of team members.

To effectively apply this list of methods, the basic provisions and principles of the systematic approach are used.

The systems approach can be classified as follows:

Depending on the location: stationary, flying;

Depending on the quantitative coverage: continuous, selective;

Depending on the moment of the event: weekend, entrance, intermediate.

A systems approach is an approach to the study of an object, problem or phenomenon, the process under consideration as a system in which key elements are identified, internal and external connections are identified that most significantly influence the studied results of its functioning, the goals of each of the elements, based on the general purpose of the object. We can also say that the systems approach is a direction in the methodology of scientific knowledge and practical activity, which is based on the study of any object as a complex integral socio-economic system.

The basic principles of the systems approach (systems analysis) include: integrity, hierarchical structure, structuring, multiplicity, systematicity.

To verify the conformity of product quality and the quality management process, various types of control are used in an industrial enterprise. Let us consider in more detail the main types of control.

Stationary control is carried out at a permanent, specially equipped place in the production system. At the same time, one of the conditions for ensuring effective stationary control is that the objects of control must be delivered to the controller’s workplace. This type of control is used when checking non-bulky and relatively light objects, as well as in cases where special devices and devices are needed for testing (magnetic and ultrasonic flaw detection of wheel pairs, traction motor shafts, traction drive gears, test benches for various types of protection devices electric rolling stock and power supply devices).

Complete control is a 100% test of objects or operations of the same name. It is used at the enterprise, in most situations, with differentiated quality of the material or processing of controlled objects, the absence of interchangeability of parts or assembly units in the assembly, performing the most critical and expensive operations (for example, when pressing the axles of wheel pairs, impregnating anchors and pole coils of traction motors and etc.).

Not all products go through sampling control, but only a part of it, selected according to certain criteria and random sampling methods. This is a kind of preventive technique that prevents the possibility of defects.

Incoming control is a procedure through which related raw materials pass before they are put into production. All supplier materials are carefully checked and analyzed in order to improve the quality of the final product.

Interoperational control covers the entire technological process of an enterprise, therefore this type of control is sometimes called technological, or current. The task of interoperational control is to check compliance with technological regimes, rules of storage and packaging of products between operations. It extends to the entire production process, when between certain stages the products are checked for compliance with storage standards, specified technical conditions, etc.

Output (acceptance) control - the final product, what is obtained as a result of production and management activities, is subjected to it. Everything is checked in accordance with accepted standards and regulations, a thorough inspection is carried out for defects, and the labeling and quality of packaging are also taken into account. And only after complete quality control of the manufactured products and verification is permission given to supply the goods.

Enterprise quality control methods and tools are easy-to-use, graphical data-based tools that help recognize, understand, and solve problems.

In addition to the systematic approach, we will dwell in more detail on the statistical approach to quality control, which includes the “seven quality control tools.” This approach to product quality management is based on two fundamental principles associated with the use of a specific list of tools.

Let's consider the tools that are used in the statistical approach in more detail - control sheets, control charts, Pareto charts, stratification, histogram, scatter chart, Ishikawa chart. The level of development of information technology at the present stage makes it possible to quite effectively use this list of tools using software.

A checklist is a tool used to collect and analyze data. Used to facilitate the subsequent use of collected information.

A control chart demonstrates a process on a graph, showing its dynamics over time. Using the control chart tool, you can quickly trace the beginning of parameter drift according to any quality indicator, selected as the main criterion, during the technological process. This will help to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner and prevent defects in finished products.

The Pareto chart is a diagram based on aggregation by discrete attributes, ranked in descending order and having a cumulative frequency. If we consider production specifically, we should note that quality problems are fraught and entail losses (defective products and costs associated with their production).

Stratification is a tool that allows you to identify various patterns in a data set by dividing them. In order to stratify statistical data, one of the conditions for obtaining correct results is the correct determination of the factors by which stratification will be carried out.

A histogram is a graphical method of presenting data grouped by how often it falls within a certain interval. This is the most effective method of product quality control, which is a method of data processing using software. This method is ideal for ongoing quality control during the production process, studying the capabilities of technological processes, and analyzing the activities of individual performers.

A scatter plot is a tool that allows you to determine the type and strength of relationship between two types of data. This diagram on a plane is presented in the form of a dot plot, which is obtained by plotting points obtained as a result of observations. It serves to identify the relationship between paired variables, while being a convenient and simple method for managing product quality.

The Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram is a tool that provides a systematic approach to identifying the actual causes of problems. The Ishikawa diagram allows you to study, display and provide technology to find the causes of the problem in question for its effective resolution. In relation to the quality management process, certain input and output parameters are considered. The main inputs to the model are resources, personnel and finance, and the main outputs are quality products and the economic effect of the enterprise. Thanks to this diagram, it becomes possible to discover the relationship between causes and identify their relative importance.

The business entity itself decides which tool or group of tools to use to control the quality of products at an industrial enterprise. But the most effective control results will be achieved only with the correct selection and use of the methods described above. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a quality control tool, including:

Features of the characteristics of manufactured products;

The stage of the product life cycle at which control was carried out;

For what purpose is this or that type of control carried out?

Technical accessibility and capability of the selected tool;

The amount of possible costs associated with the use of tools.

Thus, statistical methods have a leading position in the activities of complex production socio-economic systems to control and improve product quality and increase the efficiency of business decisions.

However, to ensure effective control, statistical control alone will not be enough. The authors believe it is necessary to note two key points in relation to the process of managing the quality of products of an industrial enterprise:

1) the use of control charts, methods for analyzing statistical aggregates, economic and mathematical methods in product quality management should occur at all stages of the life cycle and stages of product production;

2) a combination of internal self-control and independent external control in the form of inspections, testing and acceptance of finished products.

1) manual controls;

2) machines and automatic quality control systems;

3) means of monitoring automatic process control systems.

The first category is used to collect information about the quality properties of the manufactured product. In most cases, the provided group is used for manual control. The disadvantage of using this category of products is that it is characterized by rather low productivity and is quite difficult to control.

The second category can help obtain information about parameters that comprehensively indicate the quality of the object being considered during control. They may contain scanning devices, indicators and recorders, etc. All of them basically characterize products according to the “good or bad” principle. Examples of similar production systems include devices for sorting balls by diameter, machines for counting and sorting pistons, etc.

The third category of product quality control (APCS) is intended to provide useful information that can be used to actively influence the progress of the entire technological process in the event of a sudden disruption.

Thus, there is an obvious objective need for an economic assessment of the potential of an integrated system for quality control of an economic entity’s products, which can be effectively implemented solely on the basis of a combination of methods of economic-statistical analysis and predictive modeling. In this case, a prerequisite is the optimal combination of positions and principles of a systematic and statistical approach to managing the quality of industrial products.

Theoretical aspects of product quality management. Improving the product quality management system at an industrial enterprise. Analysis of product quality management of Bright World LLC. Organization of a product quality management service at a manufacturing enterprise.

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