Woman witch distinctive features. How to recognize a witch - signs that warn of evil

How to understand that you are a witch? A lot of knowledge and traditions of our ancestors not only provide accurate answers to such a question, but also help to reveal witchcraft talent or get rid of it if it interferes with life.

In the article:

How to understand that you are a witch - study your family

This question is most often asked by people who have just begun to explore witchcraft. In fact, there are not many advantages to being part of a family of famous witches or having gypsies among your relatives. Everyone has magical abilities, to a greater or lesser extent. The signs of a witch described in this article will help you find out if you are more inclined to practice magic than others.

If someone in your family had supernatural powers, there is a high probability that you also received the gift. There is a superstition that a dying witch must pass on her powers, otherwise she risks passing away for several days. This is partly true, this is what black village witches do. There are other options, for example, inheritance of magical abilities along with other talents.

How to find out if there were witches in the family? It’s very simple - ask older relatives. Maybe your parents will tell you about a healer, a witch, or distant ancestors with unusual talents. Elderly family members may remember more - contact grandparents, look for information about more distant ancestors. If any of them were sent into exile, try to find out the reason - " for spreading superstitions“Healers and other people with unusual abilities were often sent to the camps.

Witches do not always want to be frank even with their children for various reasons, for example, considering them too young or frivolous. With help, you can easily recognize one of your family members as a person with a family gift for magic. This will mean that you too can have such abilities. The fewer children in the family, the greater the likelihood that the gift went to you. True, siblings often compensate each other by learning different methods.

Presence Jewish or gypsy blood is a good sign if you hope to discover a magical gift in yourself. True, you will still have to develop it; your pedigree will not be able to do all the work for you. These peoples were famous for their strong magicians, most likely, you also received part of the gift. This also applies to people whose ancestors included Cossacks. The latter have always been credited with unusual abilities. Study your ancestry, you will most likely learn something new.

An unmistakable way to identify a witch in yourself is through the memory of past lives. People with strong gifts remember them, but most often forget them as they grow older. But in childhood they are happy to tell relatives about the past. Ask your parents, maybe you also liked to amuse them with stories about life in a different time period?

How to find out if I'm a witch - studying yourself

You may have already begun to notice signs of the abilities inherent in witches. Take a closer look at yourself and your surroundings, this will help you find the answer to the question.

The mood of a person with magical abilities is always connected with the weather. The point is a close connection with nature and the surrounding world. When you are sad, clouds begin to gather in the sky? Does anger end in a thunderstorm or a hurricane? Is the joyful mood accompanied by the sun? If the weather outside your window has changed dramatically, think about whether it’s about you. By the way, bad weather rarely displeases the witch; she loves nature in all its manifestations.

Connection with the environment can also be expressed depending on the cycles of nature. Active life in the summer, calmness in the fall, a certain detachment in the cold and awakening from hibernation with the first warming of spring often become signs of a witch. The energy of the moon also affects people with unusual gifts. On a full moon, they feel special; they are fascinated by the sight of the heavenly body.

It’s also worth observing people with whom relationships don’t work out. The fate of enemies is a test for a witch. If a person offended you, and after that a misfortune happened to him, perhaps you are a witch. Witches' enemies always get what they deserve. Wishes come true, and not only bad ones, but also good ones. Maybe your friends noticed that after you wished them luck, they were in for a pleasant day. Wishes you make for yourself also often come true.

Despite a considerable number of friends and the attention of men, women with a magical gift are often considered black sheep. If society doesn't understand you, maybe you're just one of those people with supernatural powers. Witches do not fit into the rules and moral norms established by society, which makes them stand out from the crowd. You think completely differently from those around you. The problems of your friends and acquaintances are incomprehensible to you. Sorcerers are rarely patriots. Such people are their own state. They don't need to belong to a group.

At the same time, you adapt to any company, but this skill appears with experience - both witchcraft and life. The witch always knows how to behave correctly, when to remain silent and when to speak out sharply.

If you believe in miracles and ask yourself the question - am I a witch, the answer is most likely affirmative. Belief in magic is the basis of magic; without it, not a single ritual will work. Even if you grew up in a family that doesn’t believe in omens, you yourself are very familiar with them. Chances are you enjoy books and movies about witches and other mysterious creatures. This is just one manifestation of the desire for the unknown.

Intuition and dreams will also help identify a witch. You predict good and bad events, you know in advance how this or that event will end. Even untrained soothsayers see prophetic dreams. If there is no ability to predict, the witchcraft gift can manifest itself as vivid dreams with a rich plot. A dream in which he gives a book or teaches the sleeping person something indicates the presence of magical abilities.

Witch test

Witches are comfortable in places that are inappropriate from the point of view of ordinary people - cemeteries, corners of nature remote from civilization. Places of power are especially worth noting, but their influence is felt even by those who have nothing to do with magic. Witches are rarely afraid to be alone in a dark cemetery, abandoned church or deep forest. Nature gives them strength and energy, allowing them to perform witchcraft.

If you feel at home in nature and try to protect it from destructive civilization, there is something of a witch in you.

Witches, whose connection with nature is strong, do not remain indifferent to plants. Every woman loves to receive flowers as a gift, but witches also use a huge amount of spices, prefer herbal teas to the usual coffee, know how to make tasty and healthy medicines, and are fond of making homemade cosmetics.

Animals are also part of nature. People with the gift of witchcraft rarely dislike living creatures. Many magicians refuse animal food because they feel the emanations of suffering in slaughterhouses. Living creatures reciprocate; birds often fly into the witch’s house. Signs about birds may be useful to her. Stray cats and dogs often come to the door behind which a person with paranormal abilities lives.

The same applies to minerals. Many girls love jewelry, but not everyone will collect crystals that attract something invisible. If you are fascinated by the play of light on the edges of minerals, perhaps you are subconsciously trying to work with stones, charging them with energy and directing them to the right goals.

I'm a witch - what to do

Many witches lead a normal life for many years, unaware of their hidden talent. This state of affairs does not suit a non-standard person. Everything seems gray and dull. The desire to find something new or change the environment does not leave the hidden witch. The talent for witchcraft can lie dormant for decades, occasionally making itself felt through prophetic dreams or wishes that come true. It will definitely lead you to its development, because those with magical abilities always have an interest in the otherworldly.

So what do you do if you are a witch? The first thing you need to do is start studying. This does not only refer to occult literature. Witches are intelligent and erudite mainly due to their curiosity. They are attracted to both the exact sciences and the humanities. Do not limit your thirst for knowledge and study everything that seems interesting.

Learn to control your emotions and desires. True, this depends on the worldview, which is very different based on the choice towards the dark or

The times when witches hid their gift have long since sunk into oblivion. Nowadays, witches are called psychics and clairvoyants, and their services are used without fear of the Inquisition.

Sometimes it feels like the woman with whom you have friendship or even love has supernatural powers. Usually this is not accidental, since such people have their own energy that can be easily felt. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether she is good or bad, because you feel awkward being around her in close proximity. For ordinary people, it is not so important how they become witches. It's more important to know how to identify them.

Features of witches

These girls are distinguished by excellent health and endurance. At their core, they are ordinary people, but they have some of their own characteristics that you need to know about. There are light and dark witches. You should beware of the latter, because they know how to cause damage that does not return to them on its own. These are dangerous people who should not cross the road. You need to know them and be in a neutral relationship with them, without using their services.

If you know a witch, her child will not necessarily be the same. This is transmitted through 7, 9 and 12 generations. It happens that women or girls learn black or light magic, but this does not mean that they are less dangerous. It is much more difficult to recognize them than a real witch who was born that way and did not become one.

How to recognize a witch

Many signs will help you recognize a witch, and you shouldn’t draw hasty conclusions based on just one sign. You need to see at least a couple of them here. Otherwise, you will find yourself in an awkward position if you make a mistake. Masters of esotericism give very important advice - do not tell the witch that you recognized her, revealed her. A bad witch can take revenge on you, but a good witch will not help you. The light witch herself will tell you who she is, if there is a reason for it. They love to help good people who are suffering due to some kind of illness, curse or evil eye.

The signs by which one can recognize a witch in a woman are external and psychological, hidden.

External signs of a witch

First external sign: special look. It doesn’t matter at all whether the witch is good or not, but her gaze will force you to look away. For some unknown reason, I can’t look at the witch for a long time. You start to get nervous and fuss. The train of thought is lost. It's not even magic - it's all about a very strong energy that pours out at you through your eyes. It can be scary, chilling or, conversely, hot and scalding. Not only witches can have this look, so don’t rush to conclusions ahead of time, check other signs as well.

Second external sign: heterochromia. Without scientific terms, these are eyes of different colors. Here, again, it’s 50/50. Either it’s a witch or it’s not, but with such eyes, girls often have a dual soul, and therefore a dual essence, one of which can be a dark “sister” - a witch.

Third external sign: red hair and green eyes. Many have heard about this. Indeed, many witches have exactly this appearance, but, again, one should not draw conclusions ahead of time. Try to talk with such a lady or just listen to your feelings when you are next to her.

The fourth external sign: beauty. To recognize a witch, you will need to appreciate her beauty. Usually, such girls or women are liked by almost all members of the opposite sex. Men constantly revolve around them. The most important thing is that you will not be able to say what exactly you like about them.

Fifth external sign: long hair. You will never find a witch with short hair. Such girls will never cut their hair under any pretext. They contain a special power and a special meaning, understandable only to witches.

Sixth external sign: dark clothes. A witch, no matter what she is, will never wear anything bright or light. Of course, there are such cases in life, but they are rare. Witches also love various talisman stones and non-standard jewelry.

Seventh external sign: the presence of a large mole or birthmark. Since the Middle Ages, people have noticed that it is almost obligatory for a witch to have a mole in a hidden place. Some even call it the mark of the devil.

Eighth external sign: the witch is slowly aging. Even at 40 she can look 25, and at 50 she can look 35.

The appearance of a witch is not always something that you can absolutely cling to. Look deeper, more closely and more attentively. The soul is more important than the body.

Hidden signs of a witch

Special magnetism. Animals are afraid of witches or avoid them, and people do not always feel good after talking with witches. You feel empty. This is energy vampirism. If you know such women, then take a closer look at them: perhaps one of them will turn out to be a witch.

Loneliness, solitude. Men adore witches, but they are almost always lonely. They like to lead a reclusive life and hide from the eyes of strangers.

Nervousness, frequent mood swings. This may be typical for many ladies, so you shouldn’t accuse every second woman of black magic. A real witch quickly loses her temper and quickly returns to normal.

Witches have many acquaintances, with whom she periodically sees. It often happens that you see a witch with someone, but then you never see that person with her again.

Witches often talk to themselves or hum something.

Their home is always a mess.

Witches love nature and everything connected with it. They keep flowers, herbs, and also often go out of town or live in rural areas.

The main thing in a witch hunt is not to get caught. Don't give the appearance that you are trying to find out something. This can make a good witch very worried, while a bad witch can cast spells on you.

Don't turn to witches for help. If necessary, the light witch will find you herself to help get rid of this or that problem. As for, for example, predicting the future, you can use the help of numerological fortune telling or learn on your own. On the other hand, let tomorrow be a surprise and a mystery for you. Sometimes there is no need to know the future. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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11 Signs that you have a strong Witch in front of you. We often hear that someone has been hexed, and some may even cite the example of someone they know who suddenly suddenly lost their luck in life. The ability to recognize a witch among the people around you will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

Witches have long been considered the friends of the devil himself and the receptacle of evil otherworldly forces. People have always been sure that witches could cause damage or the evil eye; they were feared, hated and at the same time respected. Nowadays, half of the people are skeptical about the existence of witchcraft, and the majority are confident that witches, psychics and sorcerers exist and live among us.

How to recognize a modern witch by appearance
Appearance is the most striking indicator of a witch's nature. Many people endowed with psychic abilities have a noticeable flaw or a bright, catchy appearance.

Hair color and length are the most striking feature. Witches often have fiery red or blue-black long hair that seems to be filled with power.

If a woman carefully braids her hair in public or, on the contrary, she constantly wears them loose, strictly makes sure that her hair is not touched by strangers and scrupulously destroys hair removed from the comb, then you can take a closer look: it is possible that this woman knows the secrets of nature and is familiar with the concepts of energy exchange.

External flaw is the second extremely important indicator.

A squint, lameness or noticeable birthmark is considered a mark indicating the otherworldly power of the owner of the imperfection.

However, the absolute, striking, perfect beauty of the face and figure is also a clear sign of this woman’s abilities.
Rare eye color is another sign of witches, who often have green, black or blue eyes. Also, women with a penchant for extrasensory perception and witchcraft often have the ability to put a person in their place with one glance or to win them over.

If a woman from your not-so-close circle causes you irrational fear or, on the contrary, you cannot resist her silent participation and tell her all your secrets, and she sits silently and does not take her eyes off you, then you are almost certainly a witch.

The wardrobe of women with witchcraft abilities is often characterized by a predominance of dark and natural colors, natural fabrics and loose fit.

But if, naturally, on certain days, your colleague or friend, who constantly wears elegant, discreet and modest clothes, suddenly puts on a bright, flashy dress and drives the entire male half of the team crazy, then most likely this is not without reason: witches, due to the attention of others, can raise and feed your energy.

Jewelry and accessories of unusual girls are often incomprehensible to many people: for example, witches rarely wear a combination of silver and gold; they may wear an incomprehensible symbol on their necks and not allow anyone to touch their jewelry, much less try it on.

What does her behavior say about a witch?

The behavior of a witch in almost any life situation will be different from the behavior of an ordinary woman. There are several of the most obvious signs of a person’s unusualness and the presence of certain abilities.

The ability to predict the future is perhaps, the fundamental sign of a witch. Many women, who do not want to be suspected of having abilities, deliberately hide them, but spontaneous predictions can be impossible to hide.

For example, if your colleague always guesses what mood your boss is in and never gets into trouble, talks about some matter and subsequently always turns out to be right, or in a bad mood gloomily wishes “good” to a colleague who irritates her, and she words come true after a while - then in front of you is probably a witch who has the power of words and the gift of fulfilling her plans.

Love for animals is another sign of a modern witch, by which it can be recognized. A witch will never throw a kitten into the street and will not be afraid of a street dog. She will talk to the dog as if it were her own, and she will take the cat off the street, wash it, and in some incredible way place it in good hands in a couple of days.

A woman with abilities is very rarely afraid of spiders, snakes or mice, almost certainly gets a black or red cat - the color of her hair, and is able to “agree” with an evil yard dog so that it will sincerely rejoice at every meeting with the witch, hating all other neighbors.

Witches have knowledge of edible and medicinal herbs and roots, adding them to almost any dish and constantly experimenting with spices.

And this does not spoil the food, but on the contrary, makes it more tasty.
The witch loves unusual teas, is often scrupulous about the use of utensils, and in response to a complaint about a headache, she can offer a herbal mixture that will help.

Speech and manner of speaking will help to recognize a witch: these women carefully monitor their speech, as if weighing every word, especially when they are angry or upset.

Even at the peak of emotions, you won’t hear useless curses or screams from a witch: she knows that her words can come true, and if she wishes evil, then it is measured, thoughtfully, and in such a tone as if she is saying goodbye forever.

How to identify a witch by date of birth

It is no secret that witches often have esoteric abilities from the day they are born. Most often, people with abilities are born into numerologically strong numbers, and the types of abilities are inherent in the essence of different Zodiac Signs and their elements.

For example, fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are often presented as psychics who see the future, are skilled in handling fire and have a good understanding of animals.

Representatives of earthly zodiac signs such as Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn are most often born with the ability to predict the future using tarot cards, runes or the book of destinies.

Air Signs - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini- often have prophetic dreams, easily master the technique of lucid dreaming and cannot imagine their life without meditation.

Water Signs: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio Since childhood, they often unconsciously feel and learn to manage the energy of cash flows. Subsequently, the energy of money accompanies the witch of the Water Zodiac Sign throughout her life.

If you suspect one of your acquaintances, relatives or friends of involvement in witchcraft and unusual abilities, it is not at all necessary to stop communicating or accuse her of malicious intent against you. It is quite possible that such a woman herself may not know that she is unusual and has strong energy.

Many witches live among us without knowing that they are witches. Many people are not even aware of their inner strength. They do not connect the stories and events that happen to them with any of their magical abilities. They rejoice when they get what they want; they forget wishes if nothing works out. Over time, more and more often they have the idea that they lack something in life, that their life is somehow gray and insipid, they want something that is already ripening in the soul, but will not take shape in the future. something concrete.

Who are witches

Life on the planet has been unified in recent decades, because modern witch- a copy of an ordinary woman, but with slight peculiarities. If we talk about traditions, then a witch is a woman who practices magical rituals. The word "witch" comes from the verb "to know." At that time, witches were experienced, wise women who knew how to cure various ailments.

The witches had hypnosis, knew how to transform, and cast a spell on their interlocutor. Strong witches controlled the weather, called on wind, rain, drought. They lived alone, in the company of a black cat. The local population used the services of witches for treatment, love spells, and casting spells on enemies, but at the same time hated them. They believed that the witch seduced other people's husbands, spoiled crops and livestock.

How to recognize a witch

If earlier they were sure that brunettes or redheads cast magic and they wore black clothes, today signs of a witch not obvious. There are ancient ways of revealing that the witch is powerless against. .

· On Maundy Thursday, go to church wearing your dress inside out. When you enter the church, do not touch anything - you will soon see a naked witch standing with her back to the priest.

· On Palm Sunday, bless a candle in the church. If you light this candle, the nearby witch will be revealed by strange behavior.

· If you take a rowan twig to the temple and hide it under your clothes, you will see a woman praying with her back to the holy altar. This praying woman is pretending - she is casting a spell.

· The sorceress leaves the temple with her back forward.

· The magic of a modern witch It does not manifest itself in churches - it loves public places of a non-religious nature. You need to be wary if you meet a woman walking in a circle. Its path runs counterclockwise. If she pushes you, she will take away her life energy. To escape, boldly push it with your left hand.

· If you suspect a guest of witchcraft, place a knife under the tablecloth. The witch will sit at a party for a long time, coming up with all sorts of excuses. He won’t leave until the knife is pulled out from under the tablecloth.

· Even the strongest the magic of a modern witch cannot stand direct gaze. If you suddenly look into her eyes, she will turn away and be unhappy. But if the sorceress herself is the first to look into the eyes, then the gaze will turn out to be heavy, persistent, stubborn, dangerous for impressionable individuals.

· If your livestock gets sick, hide in the barn for the night. Wait for a frog or cat to appear. If you hurt an animal, then in the morning look for a woman with a similar wound - she caused damage to the livestock.

Every witch should have "Mark of the Devil"- a mole or a kind of spot on the body. During the Inquisition, it was believed that Satan marked his servants by running a hot claw over their bodies. Taking into account his cunning and insidiousness, only those moles that were located in hidden places of the body were considered “marks of the unclean”.

Indeed, most often these marks were located on hidden areas of the body, in the hair, on the inner mucous membranes of the lips, in the mouth on the palate, in the eyebrows, and on the genitals. Any changes in the skin on the inside of the thigh, on the folds or under the armpits were attributed to the marks of Satan, and the woman was recognized as a witch.

Behavior and image of a modern witch

Today it is difficult to bring to life many ancient revelations pointing to witchcraft - our contemporaries have no hint of signs of a witch. The image of a modern witch more reminiscent of a beautiful, confident woman. There is something alluring in her appearance, her long hair is especially beautiful - the concentration of her power. The character of the enchantress is a little rude.

Today, witches do not wear black for days, but dark rather than light colors prevail in their attire. Modern witch prefers long skirts and original jewelry. It was believed that witches with eyes of different colors were especially powerful. After communicating with the owner of the spell, everyone feels tired, sometimes they don’t even remember what happened. Animals feel very anxious when she approaches, then calm down.

Many women are interested in how to become a witch. This is difficult, a real witch is hereditary. They become like this against their will - a dying witch relative passes on the spell to the girl or girl in the family whom she loves most. The second, more difficult way is to find yourself a witch teacher who has no descendants. The third option is to become the first mistress of magic of her kind, to study from ancient books a difficult skill that does not bring happiness to most women.

Incredible facts

Who is this witch?

And how to recognize her among a crowd of people?

Is it a curse to be her or a reward from above?

As a rule, the word witch is pronounced in a half whisper.

Many people associate the meaning of this word with something forbidden and shameful. Of course, the reason for this is some stereotypes that have developed from time immemorial in the wake of patriarchy, male dominance in society, which has permeated the planet for 5 thousand years.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that very often male energy simply suppressed female energy if it turned out to be stronger.

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Just look at the so-called witch hunts in medieval Europe. Thousands of lives lost were the result of the hysterical mood of the crowd and its ignorant mentality.

If a woman was beautiful, had red hair, or simply loved cats, she could be declared a witch, captured and burned at the stake.

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At that time, a huge number of wise women, healers, and those who were close to the earth were killed. In the Middle Ages, any woman who refused to obey Christian and patriarchal laws could easily be killed.

Under false pretenses, amid growing hysteria, thousands of innocent lives were ruined by those who simply seemed strange and incomprehensible to others.

In fairness, it is very important to bring back the beauty, power and heritage of the word "witch". The witch's goal has always been and will be the earth.

Witches love the earth and worship nature. And nature is not Satan.

Another common myth about huge warts on a witch’s nose was formed as a result of the influence of Hollywood films. Scary Halloween masks do not reflect reality at all.

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In fact, witches are beautiful and natural, like nature itself. They do no harm and live by the rules of karma : everything they do comes back to them threefold.

The more we kill the earth, the more we kill ourselves. Witches enjoy communion with the wild and are influenced by the Earth cycle and lunar phases.

So how can you recognize a witch among millions of ordinary women? Is she a witch? Or maybe you yourself have asked this question more than once? Here are 13 mystical signs that can help you determine if you are a witch:

How to recognize a witch

1. Connection with the power of the earth

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A witch is a woman of the earth. We inherit her natural strength, the ability to give birth, transform, and heal. Feminine strength and energy is very similar to the power of the earth.

Do you know how to see signs in simple things and find answers to your questions in the patterns that nature draws? Is her wisdom your wisdom?

Do your life and your body adapt to the seasonal changes of nature? If you are active and dynamic in the summer, become sluggish and calm in the fall, seem to be dead in the winter, and are reborn in the spring, then you are completely dependent on the whims of nature.

Signs of a witch in a woman

2. Inner wisdom

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You undoubtedly have something of a witch in you if:

You feel that a cauldron of natural healing wisdom is boiling inside you, and people turn to you for advice, talk about their life, love, or share their problems in the hope that you will help them.

You, in turn, give them advice or prepared herbal tinctures and various potions(because she is well acquainted with the properties of plants). People leave you with hearts full of hope for happiness and healing.

How do I know if I'm a witch?

3. Closeness to nature

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Do you live in a forest or near a pond? If not, do you spend a lot of time in such places, preferring them to urban areas?

Witches, being inextricably linked with nature, try to be as close to nature as possible and spend as much time with it as possible. Her natural beauty and energy nourish the witches and give them strength.

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Many perform their rituals near water or in the forest. If you are a witch, you feel right at home in nature.

Signs of a witch

4. You are not afraid of storms and storms

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You do not feel fear, even when nature is raging so much that it seems like the apocalypse has arrived. Moreover, you enjoy storms and storms, and sometimes you wonder if perhaps your own energy caused such a disaster.

The witch revels in the power of nature in all its manifestations. She rejoices in the rain and the wind.

5. Love for animals

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You love the animal world and empathize with all living beings on our planet. You are able to feel their pain and cry with him.

In some strange natural way, you know the entire animal race, are able to understand it, and also see the signs that animals give you.

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Often lost dogs come into your house or birds fly into your windows. And it also happens that in the field an unfamiliar horse will come close and lean its head on your shoulder.

Can you talk to animals, understand their requests and heal them from illnesses?

Witches and animals are so dependent on nature that they can speak a similar energetic language and easily recognize each other.

How to spot a witch

6. Influence of the Moon

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Does your activity and mood depend on the lunar phases? The energy of the moon affects you. When you were a little girl and standing by a moonlit window, did you talk to the moon? Are you adapting to its phases now?

For example, do you start any new projects or relationships when the moon is exceptionally waxing? Have you noticed that when the moon is full, things around you begin to behave strangely, and when it is waning, all endeavors or relationships weaken and decline?

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If you have the traits of a witch, you will not miss the opportunity to sit alone in complete silence on a new moon. In the dark, you like to dream and make plans for the future.

So, on a new moon, you adapt to the phases of the moon, drawing on its energy.

Witch Abilities

7. Powerful power to make wishes come true

Do you have any suspicions that your wishes have the ability to come true? Be careful with them, because both good and bad wishes can come true.

Witches are as old as time. If you are a witch, in your eyes you can see ancient stories and secrets of the earth, myths and secrets, answers to many questions.

8. The ability to heal people

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Most likely, you have the traits of a witch if you have the desire and ability to heal people.

You have the gift of choosing medicinal herbs, natural energy products for yourself and loved ones. You are undoubtedly a witch if you simply place your hand on someone’s sore back or bruise, and the next day the pain disappears and the wound heals.

People can be cured of their illnesses, even if they are just near you. Witches, being very close to the earth, are natural healers.

Witch Traits

9. Memories of a past life

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As a rule, witches remember their past lives. Many of them have painful memories of being burned at the stake or drowned in the Middle Ages simply because they were wild, wise and free.

Witches are desperately trying to drive away images from the past.

10. White Crow

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As a rule, witches always feel uncomfortable around people. They are often considered black sheep and underestimated, despite the fact that they are wise and insightful. People around them simply do not understand them.

Sometimes they are said to be outsiders, since they often withdraw into themselves and avoid people, although serious passions are seething inside them.

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If you are a witch, most likely you do not fit into generally accepted norms and rules. You know secret and sacred things and can discern what others cannot understand.

You do not blend in with a large crowd, but, on the contrary, prefer loneliness. You are very sensitive and fragile, but at the same time you have the strength of a lone wolf.

You need a lot of time to think, dream, communicate with nature and adapt to a new wave.

11. Mystical crystals as personal possession

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You are attracted to beautiful rocks that contain the energy of the earth. Rose quartz, turquoise, amber – these natural stones have been at your disposal for a long time.

You have been keeping them since those times when you did not yet know about their magical properties. Some of them were given to you, others you collected yourself.

© Charlie Blacke / Shutterstock

The witch knows about their properties to heal ailments, knows how to charge stones, use them as protection against negative influences from the outside, and also wears them as jewelry.

If you are a witch, you know how to use a burning candle and some stones to summon spirits and angels, and also create a magical divine aura.

12. Magic

© Sara Corso / Shutterstock

You believe in magic like a child, you see mysticism in the air and around you. You are attracted to unusual things, stories, objects.

Despite the fact that the people around you do not believe in mystical signs and omens, there is a corner in your heart in which you keep faith in magic.

© Lia Koltyrina / Shutterstock

You are attracted to films, books, creepy and strange stories about witches and ghouls. You think that there are no coincidences, and that everything that happens to us cannot be called an accident.

You believe in signs and symbols and you always see them. You adhere to the principle “there are no coincidences in this world” and you know that even if you are somewhere completely alone, you are never alone.

13. Fortune telling

© Elena Vasilchenko / Shutterstock

You have a very developed intuition, and very often you anticipate and predict events as accurately as if you had that same magic crystal ball inside you.

When you talk about what you think might happen, people tend to listen to you. Sometimes you can see the distant future and predict the result of one or another action. But you see not only the future, dreams and visions also tell you about your past life.

You can read a person like an open book, and you can tell a lot by their energy. You have a developed sixth sense. For this reason, you are attracted to Tarot cards and other mystical things and objects, thanks to which you can predict love, separation and other events.

If you can confidently attribute at least a few of the 13 signs to yourself, it is quite possible that you are a real witch.

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