A story about the friendship of peoples. Friendship lesson "nationality without borders"

Svetlana Yurchuk
Scenario of the festive event “Children of the whole Earth are friends”

Holiday scenario

« Children from all over the world are friends»

Compiled by:

Yurchuk Svetlana Vladimirovna

musical director of the State Budgetary Institution SO Novouzensky Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children "Family"

Target holiday:

Forming in children a sense of tolerance, interest and respect for other national cultures. Fostering a sense of community friendship and unity with people of different nationalities living in Russia.

Educational task:

Generalization and expansion of children's knowledge about the beauty and diversity of music and games of different nations.

Educational task:

Foster respect and tolerance for people regardless of race or nationality.

Developmental task:

To develop the musical and creative abilities of pupils through involvement in various types of musical activities at holiday.


Presenter, Mother Rus' - teachers;

Children- representatives of different nations.


On the central wall: title logo holiday, a garland of multi-colored balls, a panel depicting the globe and children's faces of different nationalities.

Celebration progress:

1 Ved. Hello, friends!

We will call you all friends!

We have a serious conversation ahead of us

We have not gathered today accidentally:

Our multicultural city

And our center is multinational.

2 Ved. People differ from each other in nationality, habits, clothing, but they live together and we must respect young and old, healthy and sick, poor and rich. Any person wants to be loved and respected, appreciated and understood, and very often we simply need to hear kind words and wishes from the people around us. Every person is unique. He is an individual, a person with his own characteristics. If we were all the same, life in the world would simply be uninteresting.

1 Ved. Yes, we are probably different! But we are all equal! We all have equal rights to laugh and be sad

We were all born for happiness, and so be it!

After all, each of us is an individual

And this, of course, is unique!

2 Ved. We will admire our differences!

Give each other kindness and just smile!

We are different? We are equal! And there are no barriers for friendship

We all the children, we just children, we don't need to quarrel!

Children read poetry.

1. Different people live in Russia

Peoples since ancient times.

Some people like the taiga,

For others, the expanse of the steppe.

2. Every nation

Your own language and outfit.

One wears a Circassian coat,

The other one put on a robe.

3. One is a fisherman from birth,

The other is a reindeer herder.

One is preparing kumiss,

Another is preparing honey.

4. Autumn is one of the sweeter ones,

For others, spring is dearer.

And Motherland Russia

We all have one.

1Ved. Everyone living in Russia is called compatriots, Russians. Regardless of what nation a resident of the Russian Federation belongs to, he is its full citizen. We all have one Motherland, one Fatherland.

Russian folk music sounds and Mother Rus' enters the hall in Russian folk costume.

Mother Rus': Hello my friends! I'm very glad to meet you!

(Bows on three sides).

Presenter: Hello Mother Rus'!

Mother Rus': I'm glad to meet you.

How many of my friends are here - of all nationalities!

Although outwardly they are not similar, for me, you are no more precious,

Everyone is beautiful and smart, everyone is talented, modest,

They sing sonorous songs, well do they live together?

Children: Friendly!

Child: Very we live together, we dance and sing together,

We help each other, and we will not quarrel,

We stand up for our friends, together we get things done!

Mother Rus': I'm so glad that the guys are all friendly,

After all, when peoples are friends, this is happiness for the country,

So let's have fun, sing songs and dance,

We will also invite good friends to visit!

Children perform a dance composition "Friends"

(From the group's repertoire "Barbariki")

A girl named Nastenka in a Russian costume comes out into the center of the hall.

Nastya: Hello guys!

I'm very glad to see you!

Yes in Russian, in earth

In peace, happiness and goodness!

Mother Rus': Hello, Russian beauty!

Nastya: Russia is a huge state with a rich and interesting history. (Reads a poem).

Wealth of Russia

You have been famous for your beauty for centuries,

The depth of the blue seas.

And with your kind hands

She raised an army of heroes.

Who was looking for both happiness and freedom,

I was going under your wing.

Tribes and small nations

We received affection and warmth.

Live in a union of equality and brotherhood,

There is nothing better or holier.

All your countless wealth -

Millions of loving children.

Many different wars and upheavals

Russia had a chance to survive.

The exploits of former generations

All living things should be treasured.

Become even more reliable and beautiful,

Bloom under the high sky.

Our untold tale

And the beloved vast land.

I greet you with cordiality,

I invite everyone to play!

1 Presenter: We are happy to play with you,

And we want to know as soon as possible

What about the Russian guys?

They play so as not to get bored!

Nastya: I know a lot of fun games,

Many are ancient

Our grandmothers played

These games are amazing.

I suggest you play the game “Burn, clear!”

A girl Oksana in a Ukrainian costume comes out into the center of the hall.

Oksana: Good afternoon, my friends!

Good afternoon my friends!

I'm very glad to meet you!

Mother Rus': Hello, Ukrainian beauty Oksana!

Oksana: (Reads a poem)

Oh, how beautiful UKRAINE is!

Her Taurian fields,

Its meadows, forests, hillocks

And gracious Earth.

There is no clearer sky in white light

And the water in the springs tastes better,

I will pay an unearthly bow,

To my beloved homeland.

I'll walk barefoot across the field,

And I’ll take a deep breath there!

I'm proud to be Ukrainian

I'm happy to live here.

Here the acacia color will swirl,

The song of the nightingale is intoxicating here,

And every house smells of bread,

I was born and raised here.

I wouldn't trade it for anything

I will never betray her.

To the holy word UKRAINE,

Only the word MOTHER is consonant.

I greet you with Ukrainian cordiality,

I invite you to have fun together!

Presenter: We are happy to play with you,

And we want to know as soon as possible

Like Ukrainian guys

They play so as not to get bored!

Oksana: I know a lot of fun games,

Many are ancient

Our grandmothers played

These games are amazing.

I invite the boys to play a game "Beech pull"

Presenter: And what is it "Beech pull", Oksana?

Oksana: This is a stick that boys have to pull on themselves

and outweigh your opponent.

A girl named Aliya in a Kazakh costume comes into the center of the hall.

Aliya: Kazakhstan is a state that perfectly combines green meadows and sultry deserts, snow-capped mountain peaks and impenetrable forests.


Look, my joldas, look,

In front of the owners in full.

In the pure flame of a clear dawn,

She revealed all the riches!

White cotton is donated by Shymkent.

Offers Zharkent fleece.

Golden bread, like in a fairy tale

Aktobe is raising for the people...

Rice is ripening in the Karmakcha steppe,

Gardens rose in Alatau,

And in the gardens, sweeter than sleep and dreams,

The apples of Almaty are ripe.

Hello, friends!

I'm very glad to meet you!

Mother Rus': Hello, Kazakh beauty Aliya!

Aliya: With Kazakh cordiality

I'm meeting you

And I invite you to sing a song "Sunny Circle".

Presenter: Let's hold hands, stand in a circle,

Every man is a friend to man,

We'll be at peace friendship to live,

And ours cherish strong friendship!

Children perform a song"Sunny Circle".

(1 verse in Kazakh, 2 in Russian children sing together).

Mother Rus': Now I’m happy! I see children, You friendly!

After all, people don’t need discord, tears, wars at all!

On Earth, and let cheerful laughter sound in every home,

Great Rus' has enough affection and love for everyone! Be friends, with each other and be happy!

Children go out in a circle, perform a song by Yu. Chichkov

« Children from all over the world are friends»

And now I invite you to a tea party with your national treats.

Extracurricular activity

Open class hour. " The unity of Russia lies in the friendship of peoples!”

Target: To form an idea of ​​the cultural wealth and originality of various peoples, of the friendly relations of the peoples of Russia.Tasks: Get acquainted with the traditions, customs, folklore, and everyday characteristics of the inhabitants of our country. Visually demonstrate the cultural identity and wealth of the peoples of Russia. Form a system of value concepts: friendship, culture, tolerance, tolerance, forgiveness, mutual assistance.
    contribute to the formation of a friendly team.
Methods: search engines- discussion - gamingEquipment: greeting poster in different languages, presentation.1. Brainstorming. Georgian:გამარჯობა - gamardjoba - “”gamarjoba.Estonian:tere päevast" - “tere päevast” Slovenian:dobro jutro - “good morning”Ukrainian:“good morning”Kazakh:Salem - “salem”Uzbek:Assalomu Alaykum - “assalomu alaikum”Armenian:barev dzez Isenmesez!HelloKhaumyhygyz, dustar!Arumy sez, carendashlerAvani, tus!Guys, why do you think your classmates are wearing some kind of costumes today? Why did they talk to you in foreign languages?
our RussiaFamous for friendshipTo us in RussiaReally like!
Maybe one of you can name the topic of the class hour "The unity of Russia is in the friendship of peoples " (Slide 1).What will we do during class? We will discuss the issues. What is friendship of peoples? What kind of friendship of peoples is there? Do we need the friendship of the peoples living in Russia? Under what conditions is friendship of peoples possible?(Slide 2). The world of cinema, the world of books, our world in which we live, gives us wonderful communication - communication with each other. A little bit of history : (read by student)A long time ago, when people lived in small villages, the prince was at the head. To protect his village from enemies, he recruited loyal, brave and courageous people into his army, which was called the squad. Each warrior was then called a friend.Centuries have passed and now a friend is called the most faithful and reliable person who will always share both joy and sorrow with you, and will come to your aid.
(Slide 3) The guys worked withOzhegov's explanatory dictionary, they found the meanings of the words. The certificate gives an interpretation of the word... (read by the student)Friend - a person who has a friendship with someone; supporter, defender of someone.Friendship - close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.
I'll read out excerpts from your writings about friendship: (read by children) 1. A true friend - This is a person you can trust with all your problems. A true friend becomes a close relative to you. I have girlfriends. We often say that together we are strong!2. Friendship - the most necessary thing in life. A true friend is not only the one who will help you in trouble, but the one who will sincerely rejoice with you in the bright moments of life.3. Friendship – one of the brightest and most significant feelings for a person. True friendship arises between people who treat each other with reverence, care and patience.Soon you will become 5th graders. May your opinions and views change over time, and may your writings become deeper and wiser.But those words that we just heard will remain in our memory.
Great! Do all people want to be friends? What will you present to myself, if I say the phrase - friendship of Peoples ?
We strive to strengthen peace and friendship among the peoples of the Earth. 1) The desire to act together, since “there are many of us, but there is one planet.”2) You can negotiate on pressing issues and problems and resolve them peacefully.3) Create and participate in International competitions.What international children's competitions did you and I participate in? (mathematical competition “Kangaroo”, “Bear Cub” in Russian, “British Bulldog”,)4) Find new friends and communicate with them through the Internet.7. (Slide 5) Did you know that in many countries, including usin Russia, there is state awards given for strengthening friendship between peoples? The Order of Friendship of Peoples is awarded to:
    citizens of Russia; enterprises, institutions, organizations, military units and formations, republics, territories, regions, cities. The Order of Friendship of Peoples can also be awarded to persons who are not citizens of our country.
Now I invite you to watch the dance that the high school girls prepared - this is the Moldavian dance.
(Slide 6) The word “friendship” appears constantly in our lives. For example, in Moscow at VDNKh there is a fountain of friendship.(Slide 7) Names of settlements, names of difficult sections of mountain crossings (Druzhba pass to the Jamansu glacier). (Slide 8) Friendship with animals. Who is friends with them and how is this expressed?(Slide 9) Family friendship. Between whom?(Slide 10-13) sports club,team can be called "Friendship"
    interesting events in the country, city,class talk about friendship between people
8. (Slide 14)There are a lot of proverbs about friendship.Read the proverbs - they will be useful to us for the further task.I suggest you play the game “Collect a proverb.”
    Man without friends, (like a tree without roots). If you don't have a friend, look(if you find it, take care). Friendship is not made strong by flattery, (and with truth and honor ). Friendship is like glass:(if you break it, you won’t put it back together ). Tell me who your friend is(and I'll tell you who you are). Not the friend who walks at the feast,(and the one who is in trouble helps T). Friendship and brotherhoodmore valuable than wealth
Russia is a great country where people of different nationalities live and are friends. Today we give the floor to you, representatives of these nationalities.Children from 18 nationalities study at our school. And for everyone, despite the differences in national culture, faith, language and traditions, Russia is the Motherland.
Guys, I suggest you listen to Anna Hakobyan’s poem
How should we communicate with friends? (answers)(Slide 15) We openedrules of friendship.
    Doesn't quarrel Give in Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you've offended a friend Don't be rude - be polite Don't get angry Don't be greedy Help a friend To be honest Be careful
Re-read andx - friendship should be valued.For natural interest to prevail, we need to know each other: about the culture and traditions of those with whom we live side by side. After all, knowing about each other means penetrating the culture of another people and respecting your neighbors.
In Russia, will you go north,To the west, east or south.Everywhere a person will findReliable comrade and friend.
My Russia has long braids,My Russia has light eyelashes,My Russia has blue eyes,Russia, you are very similar to me.The sun is shining, the winds are blowing,Showers are pouring over Russia,There's a colorful rainbow in the sky -There is no more beautiful land.For me, Russia is white birches,For me, Russia is morning dew.For me, Russia, you are the most precious thing,How much you look like my mother.You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth,You, my Russia, can sing songs.You, my Russia, are inseparable from us,After all, our Russia is me and my friends.Your classmates have Ukrainian roots and they have prepared a song for you. Shall we listen? Sonya and Polina.
Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. (Strive to discover at least once, the Star of humanity in everyone!) We must always remember that a person lives once on Earth, so every day you need to do good.
Result: How do you understand the title of the topic of today’s class hour “Friendship of Peoples”? (name on the board)Let's listen to the poems of our classmates, which will help us sum up the class hour.
1. Friendship is always the main miracle,
One hundred discoveries are real for everyone.
And any trouble is not a problem,
If you have real friends nearby.

2. A friend will not look down on you
He will learn your character by heart.
You have to believe that a friend's hand is
It will definitely help you out in difficult times.
3. It's good that they don't look alikePeople with eye and skin color.How beautiful the colorful world is,Multi-colored globe!4. If there are friends in the world -
Everything is beautiful, everything is blooming.
Even the strongest wind
Even a storm won't bend you.
We are in the rain, and in the snow and in the cold,
Let's walk happily.
We are friends in any weather -
This friendship cannot be broken.
And any of us will answer,
Everyone who is young and brave will say:
You and I live in the world,
For good good deeds.

Every nation has something of its own - interesting and characteristic. And every nation has wonderful people - kind ones. calm, open. And there are others who are stupid. evil. greedy and aggressive. Many people laugh at representatives of other nations. As a rule, these are people who are not very smart and not very kind, who do not know what nobility is. It is necessary to respect the national feelings of other peoples: to be respectful, responsive, to show people the same attitude that you expect from them towards you.

Let's get to know and study the cultural traditions of the peoples of our Russia, let's understand each other and be friends!

Where do you think the garden or kingdom of politeness and kindness is located for every person? (In the heart!) Take care of your garden and do not let it become overgrown with weeds, fill it with sunshine, kind words and good deeds.
If we have time:Write on your hearts what today's class taught you. (offer). In conclusion, I want to read the words of the writer M. M. Roshchin, “Try not to attack, but to yield. Not to capture, but to give. Not to show a fist, but to extend a palm. Not to hide, but to share. Not to yell, but to listen. ". Then your team will be strong, friendly, united.

From time immemorial, friendship was perceived as the most noble feeling inherent in a reasonable person. Legends and songs were written about her, and the saying: “You yourself will perish,
but save your friend!” was an immutable law for our soldiers.

Since ancient times, friendship between individual tribes and peoples has sometimes lasted for centuries. People came to the rescue of their neighbors in difficult times in the hope that they, too, would not leave them without protection when trouble came to them, and they had neither the strength nor the ability to overcome it alone.

But these hopes were not always realized. Human memory is short, the good deeds of neighbors are often forgotten. For example, consider our relationship with Bulgaria.

Everyone knows that the Bulgarians were under the heel of the Ottoman Empire for several centuries. When they rebelled against their enslavers, Russia was the only country that came to their aid. The heroic defense of Shipka by Russian soldiers is one of many episodes of real military assistance to the Bulgarian people, and its price is tens of thousands of our compatriots who died.

Thanks to Russia, Bulgaria became a principality in 1878, although it was still considered a vassal of Turkey, and in 1908 it gained full independence and was able to appear on the world stage as an independent state. It seemed that after this revival, the Bulgarians would gratefully remember our participation in their struggle, and would repay us with the warmest friendship.

But a few years after gaining independence, the Bulgarian rulers became allies of the Kaiser's Germany, which fought with us in the First World War. Then Russia rushed to save the Serbs from Austrian aggression, and Bulgaria, on the contrary, itself attacked Serbia in the hope of seizing its lands. The confrontation even reached military clashes between Russian and Bulgarian troops.

A little more than 20 years passed after the end of the war, and Bulgaria again entered into an alliance with Germany, already under Nazi rule. The Bulgarian army did not take part in military operations against the Soviet troops, but all kinds of economic assistance were provided to the Wehrmacht.

After the defeat of Germany, Bulgaria chose the path of socialist development and soon became one of our friendliest countries. Relations between our states have become so strong that rumors arose about its possible annexation to the USSR as another union republic. Even a saying has appeared among our fellow citizens: “A chicken is not a bird, and Bulgaria is not a foreign country.” And the song about the soldier Alyosha was constantly heard on the air.

But perestroika broke out, the Soviet Union broke up into separate states, and Bulgaria defected from the Warsaw Pact to NATO, and since then its attitude towards our country has become increasingly cool. Recently, we were refused permission to lay the South Stream gas pipeline on her land, and it was frozen for an indefinite period. The flight of our transport aircraft over its territory to supply the limited Russian contingent of troops in Syria was also prohibited. The Bulgarian authorities even accused us of allegedly waging a so-called “hybrid war” against their country. Of course, the song about the soldier Alyosha stopped playing on the air.

Well, the rulers of Bulgaria do not want to lead their ship after our galley in shallow water, but still strive to sail to the deep sea, where high-speed liners of developed European countries ply.

We must pay tribute to the fact that most ordinary Bulgarians have a very favorable attitude towards Russians. Almost all of our fellow citizens who visited this Balkan country as tourists noted the friendly attitude of the local residents towards them. Still, they remember Russia’s selfless participation in their war of liberation, which gave them a chance to become an independent state.

But we provided all kinds of assistance not only to Bulgaria. As soon as the rulers of some African country, whose population had recently left the palm trees, declared their readiness to follow the path of socialist development, our former communist leaders immediately rushed to provide them with all possible assistance in such a noble intention. Then these ruling men persistently tried to make all humanity happy with the values ​​of victorious socialism in our country, forgetting about the needs of their own people.

The party ideologist Mikhail Suslov, who dreamed of the complete victory of communist ideas throughout the world, was especially successful in this act. He never stood in line for boiled sausage, but as an influential member of the Politburo he constantly insisted on providing all possible assistance to countries that had allegedly chosen the path of building socialism.

At that time, these party leaders were possessed by the illusory hope that all they had to do was push themselves a little more, helping other countries in every possible way, and the red flag of victorious socialism would fly over the entire planet. Did not work out. As soon as we overstrained ourselves in the race against evil capitalism, all our allies and countries under our care immediately turned their backs on us.

Much water has passed under the bridge since then, and when the time came to pay off the loans provided, the new rulers of these countries turned out their empty pockets in front of us and declared: “Dear comrades! We have nothing to pay you for our debts, because our former leaders, who previously called themselves revolutionaries, turned out to actually be embezzlers and devastated all foreign currency reserves. But we, very decent new rulers, will not mind too much if you continue to help us.”

And we were forced to write off debts from insolvent states that once promised to follow the path of socialist development. Most likely, many of us do not know about the total amount of all written off foreign currency money that has not been returned to our budget. Some information on this subject can be obtained from the Internet. If you believe him, just recently, since 2000, we have written off over $140 billion in debt. We forgave Cuba alone 30 billion “greens”, and recently it has been getting closer and closer to America. Those who want to count all the countries to which we have written off debts may not have enough fingers to bend not only on their hands, but also on their toes. If all this money had been invested in our national economy in due time, then no crisis would have threatened us.

Even the permanent leader of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, spoke out with indignation about this, publishing an angry article in the press entitled: “Stop fooling people with “friendship of peoples!” Possessing, without any doubt, the ironclad self-control and demeanor of a purebred English lord, even when communicating with overly curious female journalists, he surprised them with the politeness of a real gentleman.

But, nevertheless, he could not contain the emotions boiling in his fiery chest at the mention of this very friendship. Apparently, the heart of the main liberal of Russia was very painful and the careless squandering of our national property got to his very small intestines.

Recently, many supporters have emerged insisting on a complete ban on providing any assistance to other states. But this is another extreme, leading ultimately to the complete isolation of our country from world civilization.
We already have almost no real friends left, there are insidious enemies around us, but living in a besieged fortress is below average pleasure. It is known from history that almost all such fortresses, without outside help, could not remain impregnable for a long time. After long sieges, the inhabitants of these citadels were forced to present the keys to the entrance gates on a velvet pillow to the besiegers.

Since ancient times, Russians have always been kind-hearted and treated people in distress with increased compassion. For example, in Siberian villages, house owners set out food every night near their homes for escaped convicts. Nobody forced them to do this; they were driven only by the desire to help these outcasts of society in some way.

Even in our mercantile times, we Russians do not look indifferently at the consequences of natural disasters in other countries, but constantly provide assistance to their populations affected by the rampant natural forces. Not long ago, our pilots carried out a noble mission to extinguish forest fires in Greece and Portugal, and rescuers helped the Italians eliminate the consequences of the earthquake.

It’s just a pity that when we have similar natural disasters in the form of forest fires in Siberia or floods in Primorye, we don’t hear about the desire of other countries to provide us with real assistance in eliminating them.

However, we need to strengthen our friendship with all countries, even if they are suspicious of us. It is important that we are not feared, but respected for the most developed economy in the world, for the high standard of living of the population and the complete absence of corruption in government structures. But according to these indicators, to put it mildly, we are stubbornly trailing behind civilized countries. And if they could boast of them, then other states would race to us in search of friendship with us.

So we need to be friends with other countries and help them in difficult times is necessary, but within reasonable limits. It is not necessary to give away your last shirt to strengthen friendly relations, but you should adhere to the wise folk proverb: “Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.”

Class hour

Friendship. Friendship between children of different nationalities


Cultivate mutual respect and polite behavior of children towards each other. Promote the development of students' oral speech. Develop the desire to be tolerant in human society.

During the classes:

Teacher: Hello children! Today we will talk to you about friendship.

Who is a friend?

Students: Answer.

Teacher: Right! A friend is a person with whom you have common interests, aspirations, and tastes. There are no secrets from him. He will not spare anything for his friend and will always understand. If you have such a friend, value him, do not quarrel with him over trifles and always be ready to help him. Tell me, who are you friends with in class?

Students: Answer.

Teacher: Fine. When there are friends and comrades. After all, with common forces we can accomplish any task.

Such friends in the world

Nothing is scary:

One for all is responsible

And all for one.

Why do you think nothing is scary with a friend?

Students: Answer.

Teacher: It happens to you that you get sick and don’t come to school. A few days pass and you get bored. You felt lonely and sad. And I really want to see my friends. This is understandable: no person can live without friends.

Would you be happy if your friends came to visit you? Have you visited someone when they are sick?

Students: Answer.

Teacher: I will now tell you one verse:

A friend is like the sun in bad weather,

He is for you: through thick and thin.

But where do you have to ask?

There is no friendship there, there cannot be!

Why “a friend like the sun in bad weather”?

Students: Answer.

Teacher: I'll tell you a fairy tale: “The Good Hostess.” And think about what she is doing wrong.

Once upon a time there was a girl. And she had a cockerel. The cockerel will get up in the morning and sing:

Ku-ka-riku! Good morning, hostess!

He will run up to the girl, peck the crumbs from her hands, and sit next to her on the rubble. The feathers are multi-colored, as if smeared with oil, the comb shines gold in the sun. It was a good cockerel.

One day a girl saw a chicken at her neighbor’s house. She liked the chicken. She asks her neighbor:

Give me the chicken, and I'll give you my rooster. The cockerel heard it, hung its comb to the side, lowered its head, but there was nothing to do - the hostess herself gave it.

The neighbor agreed - she gave him a chicken and took a cockerel.

The girl became friends with the chicken. A fluffy chicken, warm, every day - lays a fresh egg.

Where, where, my mistress! Eat an egg for your health!

The girl will eat an egg, take the chicken on her lap, stroke her feathers, give her some water, and treat her with millet.

Only once does a neighbor come to visit with a duck. The girl liked the duck. She asks her neighbor:

Give me your duck - I'll give you my chicken.

The chicken heard it, lowered her feathers, became sad, but there was nothing to do - the hostess herself gave it away.

The girl became friends with the duck. They go to the river to swim together.

A girl is swimming and a duck is nearby.

Tas-tas-tasya, my mistress! Don't swim too far - the river bottom is deep!

The girl will come out to the bank and the duck will follow her. One day a neighbor comes. Leads the puppy by the collar. The girl saw:

Oh, what a cute puppy! Give me a puppy - take my duck!

The duck heard it, flapped its wings, screamed, but there was nothing to do. A neighbor took it, put it under his arm and carried it away.

The girl stroked the puppy and said:

I had a cockerel - I took a chicken for him, I had a chicken - I gave her for a duck, now I exchanged the duck for a puppy.

The puppy heard this, tucked his tail, hid under a bench, and at night he opened the door with his paw and ran away.

I don’t want to be friends with such a hostess! She doesn't know how to value friendship.

The girl woke up - she had no one!

Teacher: Who was the girl friends with? Can this be called friendship? Why? What words did the puppy run away with? Why was the girl left alone, she had many friends?

Students: Answer.

Teacher: I'll read you another story:

Kolya left his scooter in the yard and went to lunch. Before he had time to eat, he saw Vovka Chulkov riding on his scooter. Kolya got angry and ran into the yard.

“Now,” he thinks, “I’ll give Vovka a beating. So that you don’t take other people’s things without asking.”

He jumped up to him angry and even clenched his fists. And Vovka saw him and said to the boy who was standing next to him:

Meet Igorek, this is my best friend Kolya.

Kolya was confused. He unclenched his fists and unexpectedly said to himself:

Why don’t you ride a scooter?

Teacher: Why wasn’t Kolya offended by Vova for that? What was he riding on his scooter?

Teacher: Right! Let's read the rules of friendship.

Rules of Friendship

4. Don't lie to your friends.

5. Don't quarrel with your comrades.

What do these rules teach us?

Students: Answer.

Teacher: Now I will read you another verse.

Who offended whom first?

No. He me.

Who hit whom first?

No, he me.

You guys used to be friends like that.

I was friends.

And I was friends.

Why didn't you share?

And I forgot.

Have you ever had such cases? Tell us about them.

Students: Answer.

Teacher: You know. That we are all very different: short, tall, plump, thin. We also differ in nationalities. What peoples live in Crimea? Which one of you belongs to what nationality? Do you all live together?

Students: Answer.

Teacher: Well done! We must respect all people, despite their differences. We need to pay attention to what brings us together. Everyone knows that they need to live together. There is also no need to find fault with people because of their shortcomings, thinking that you are better. First of all, you need to remain yourself, see your mistakes. Let's now learn one song about friendship.

A strong friendship will not break

A friend will not leave you in trouble,

He won’t ask too much -

This is what real means

True friend.

We will quarrel and make up,

At noon or midnight

A friend will come to the rescue -

This is what real means

True friend.

To be needed by someone

In difficult times -

This is what real means

True friend!

Teacher: What new things did you learn from this conversation? Did you like it?

Students: Answer.

Teacher: Goodbye!

Rules of Friendship

1. Help a friend. If you know how to do something, teach him. If a friend is in trouble, help him as much as you can.

2. Learn to share with friends.

3. Stop your friend if he is doing something bad.

4. Don't lie to your friends.

5. Don't quarrel with your friends.

6. Don't get arrogant if you're good at something.

7. Learn to enjoy the successes of others.


A strong friendship will not break

Will not come apart from rains and blizzards,

A friend will not leave you in trouble,

He won’t ask too much -

This is what real means

True friend.

We will quarrel and make up,

“Don’t spill the water!” - everyone around is joking.

At noon or midnight

A friend will come to the rescue -

This is what real means

True friend.

A friend can always help me out,

If something happens suddenly.

To be needed by someone

In difficult times -

This is what real means

The Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan is approaching - another reason to think about the value of friendship, despite different nationalities, ages, religious views, social status, and so on. True friendship is above circumstances.

We invite you to remember quotes from great people about what is important for every person.

1. “Today’s friendship is not friendliness, but treacherous deceit.
Hostility is not upholding the truth, but simply the inability to live in harmony."


2. “The person whose true friends do not stay long has a difficult disposition.”


3. “How much we do for friends that we would never do for ourselves.”


4. “A true friend is known in misfortune.”


5. “Where there is no complete frankness, complete trust, where even the slightest bit is hidden, there is no and cannot be friendship.”

Belinsky V. G.

Photo from huffingtonpost.com

6. “Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality.”


7. “Whoever is a friend to everyone, I do not consider him a friend.”


8. “When the paths are unequal, they do not make plans together.”


9. “Friendship ends where mistrust begins.”


10. “It would be good for a person to examine himself, how much he is worth to his friends, and to try to be as valuable as possible.”


Photo from dgreetings.com

11. “Friendship should be a strong thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey.”

Herzen A.I.

12. “True friendship is truthful and courageous.”

Byron D.

13. “Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Someone is not able to free himself from his own chains, but he saves his friend.”

Nietzsche F.

14. “A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.”

Franklin B.

15. “...Being left without friends is the most bitter thing after poverty and misfortune.”

Defoe D.

Photo from saymelove.net

16. “Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits it to himself.”

Lermontov M. Yu.

Leonardo da Vinci

18. “Be everyone such a support,
so that, relieving a friend of a burden,
to go towards one dream with one will.”


19. "You can't have too many friends."

Dumas A. (father)

20. “If your friend becomes your enemy, then love him so that the tree of friendship, love and trust, which withered because it was not watered with the water of friendship and was not cared for, will bloom again.”


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