Congratulations on Miner's Day in prose and poetry. Congratulations in your own words on Miner's Day Congratulations on Miner's Day in prose

Happy Miner's Day! Happy holiday, our brave breadwinners, our real men! Thank you for your hard and much needed work! You are real heroes, because the risk of your work is everyday and inevitable! I wish you colossal strength - spiritual and physical, good health, iron patience! Good and friendly relations in the team! And, of course, loving families where you are welcome and loved very, very much!

Dear miners!
Congratulations on your professional holiday, which the whole country loves and celebrates - Miner's Day!
Giving life to industry, bringing warmth and light to people is a noble cause, which you cope with with honor.
Mining work remains the standard of responsibility, self-sacrifice and professionalism, but does not always receive a worthy reward. The life of miners became harder when the current irresponsible government dragged the country into a swamp of crisis.
Today this government will tell you a lot of good words, but the miners know well the value of word and deed. Therefore, we will together raise both the coal industry and the country, as we have done more than once. We can do it. Once again, happy holiday to you!

Dear miners, glorious workers of the country! Your titanic work and high performance are a huge contribution to the prosperity of the state. We wish you improved working conditions, quality of production, and the introduction of advanced technologies in production.
You have chosen a difficult profession, complex and dangerous, so let your work be appreciated. Let the hearts of your relatives, wives and children not skip a beat from the sounds of rescue vehicle sirens; we wish you to always return from your shift healthy. We wish you patience, strength, prosperity and balance of soul. Your work requires good health, extreme concentration, and endurance, so may all this remain with you threefold! On Miner's Day, on this holiday, be proud of your work, your profession - you deserve the most sincere congratulations and gratitude!

Today we congratulate everyone involved in this hard and dangerous work on Miner’s Day. By robbing the earth of raw materials to provide warmth for the people on its surface, each of you is risking your life. We wish you longevity, health better than the strongest breed, family well-being and decent payment for your invaluable work.

Today we congratulate strong and courageous men of this profession on Miner’s Day. Like the dwarves in a children's story, you work hard underground, extracting treasures for the inhabitants of the surface. We would like to wish the country's white gold miners warmth in their souls, good health and fiery love!

The work of a worker in the coal mining industry is a feat that every worker accomplishes, descending into the depths of the underground kingdom. Our Stakhanovites, today we congratulate you all on this wonderful date, Happy Miner’s Day! Let there be more ups and less downs in your life, and let your level of happiness soar to the skies.

The coal mining industry is very important for our country. And only the hard workers of the underground, brave and fearless miners, every day make a feat in favor of developing the economy and supplying heat to our homes. May you not have to work today, but only accept heartfelt confessions and warm congratulations.

Dear miners, may each of your dives underground be under heavenly protection and end with a safe exit to the surface. We wish you longevity, family happiness, decent payment for your hard work and the best possible health. Thank you and low regards.

Here comes a special, solemn moment, the moment of your holiday! I would like to sincerely congratulate you on Miner’s Day and wish you to always move forward confidently, enjoy life and achieve all your goals! Let all the best things never stop happening in your life, because you really deserve it! Happy holiday!

Miner's Day has been celebrated for more than 60 years, and this holiday does not lose its relevance, just as such human qualities as courage, patience, bravery, and the ability to help each other will never lose their relevance. As a real miner, these are the qualities that distinguish you. I would like to add to them a stable feeling of happiness and good health!

Dear coal industry workers! I sincerely congratulate you on Miner’s Day! Your work is difficult and dangerous, but the benefits of mining are enormous. As long as you exist, the house of each of us is warm and light. So let the particles of warmth from every home warm your soul, and let the rays of light illuminate the dark faces! Happy holiday, miners!

Congratulations on your professional holiday, Miner's Day! I wish that perseverance and strength never leave you, that your strong arms do not know fatigue, that the number of descents is equal to the number of ascents. So that the mineral resources are inexhaustible and the mine fulfills the plan. Good health, miner's luck and peaceful skies!

Official congratulations in prose on Miner's Day

Today, the whole country is celebrating a holiday, the importance of which we sometimes forget. This is the Miner's Day holiday. On this day, from the bottom of my heart I would like to congratulate you, our hard workers, and all the people associated with this profession. After all, this profession was achieved by people whose courage and patience are at the highest level. Your hard work is the key to the successful development of the country's economy. Therefore, today the whole country, the whole people congratulates you and is proud of you! Everyone admires you because every day you risk your future for us! In the mines, you leave a lot of health behind! And you all have families! So may the Lord give you good health and strength. Happy holiday.

Our dear miners! I sincerely congratulate you on Miner’s Day and express my gratitude to everyone who dedicated their lives to this difficult but honorable task. Today's holiday is the joy of labor success, noble male friendship and daily feat. I believe that the key to sustainable development of this strategic industry will be the introduction of the latest advances in technology, scientific knowledge and effective management methods. I wish all miners health, success, confidence in the future, your families - mothers, wives and children, who always look forward to your return from the mine. May happiness and goodness always accompany you. And God will always be where you are!

Dear miners! Today the country celebrates Miner's Day - a holiday of people of the heroic profession, on whose work the stability of our economy, its development and the well-being of citizens depend. Each tone of black gold mined and produced is an incredible human effort. I wish you all safe work, good health, family happiness, prosperity and hope for a bright future! After all, every day you risk your lives for us, for the country. And sometimes we don’t appreciate it. Today, I would like to bow deeply to you and say thank you for still choosing such professions! You are the real heroes of our time! Happy holiday to you!

Dear miners! On this wonderful day, I want to congratulate all those who perform a feat every day, going down into the mine in order to provide people with warmth and light. Those who, risking their lives every day, work for the benefit of our state! I wish you success in your work, good Cossack health and joy to you and your families. May the Lord God protect you from misfortunes and troubles! Know that you are doing one great thing for the whole country, which makes a significant contribution to the development of our country. In order for you and me to live comfortably, warmly and cozily, they are in the mines risking their lives and doing hellish work! You are worthy not only of respect, but also of admiration!

Dear coal industry workers! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! Miner's Day is a holiday for workers of the most dangerous "peaceful" profession, courageous people. The profession of a miner has always been considered honorable in our country, worthy of real men. Thanks to the fact that there are people and entire dynasties who choose this hard work, our industry works and develops. I wish you success, trouble-free work and bright sun above your head. As the song says, only he knows the sun and the high sky who rose to the mountain at dawn. Happiness, goodness and health to you and your families!

Today, on behalf of the entire country, I would like to congratulate you, coal industry workers, on your professional holiday. On this day I would like to wish you courage in your profession! You are amazing people who, with your hard work, bring great benefit to the people, country, and state. Today, on behalf of all of us, I would like to express my deep gratitude for such a significant contribution to the development of the country. And I wish you successful, highly productive work and that the lives of miners will never end tragically. Happiness to you, health, prosperity and low bow for your selfless heroic work! God bless you.

Dear miners! On this significant day for you, let me congratulate you on such a significant holiday for us all - Miner’s Day! I wish you love, wisdom, and prosperity to our mining town! Let joy and children's laughter, warmth and prosperity reign in every home. May the Almighty bless you and our hometown for many good years! I believe that together we will achieve even more significant results. Admiring your tenacity, I want all today’s youth to take an example from you. After all, if everyone becomes like you in their souls, then we will live like in a fairy tale! Inspiration is still in your life. And may the Guardian Angel not leave you for a moment.

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Miner's Day! I wish that perseverance and strength never leave you, that your strong arms do not know fatigue, that the number of descents is equal to the number of ascents. So that the mineral resources are inexhaustible, and the mine fulfills the plan. Good health, miner's luck and peaceful skies!

Congratulations on Miner's Day! Work in the mining industry is one of the most important and difficult. Thank you for your dedicated and difficult work. I wish that every working day brings joy. May the danger be avoided, the body be healthy, and the soul rejoice with happiness. Strength to you, patience, big victories, significant results, prosperity in the home and peace in the family.

Dear miner! Your selfless work provides the warmth in homes necessary for life. Let gratitude in the form of bonuses and certificates, respect from colleagues and loyalty from superiors, love from loved ones and support from friends not keep you waiting! Happy holiday!

Official congratulations in your own words on Miner's Day

Summer is coming to an end and on the last Sunday of August it is time to congratulate our hardworking “underground” craftsmen! Happy Miner's Day to you, fearless guys! Your work is invaluable to humanity, necessary and always in demand! We wish you to celebrate your personal holiday with grandeur and fun. I wish you good health, success in your assigned standards and tasks, and joy from the work done!

Today we celebrate the day of a difficult and incredibly necessary profession - Miner's Day! We are proud of you and really appreciate your work! May peace and stability reign in your life! May luck never turn away from you! And danger and work risks will never affect you! Let your heart rejoice at simple things, and let your thoughts call for new goals! You will certainly succeed! Happy Holidays!

Happy holiday to you, dear miners, heroic workers of the coal mining industry! On your professional holiday, Miner's Day, please accept sincere gratitude for your high performance, for the risks you take every day. You are the pride of the whole country! I wish you good health, decent pay for your hard work, family well-being and simple human happiness.

For more than half a century, a significant day has been celebrated for all workers in the mines. Miner is a proud title for a specialist in such a difficult but extremely necessary profession! We heartily congratulate coal miners and wish them to continue the established tradition, namely increased productivity and modernization of jobs. And we personally wish each drummer excellent health for many decades to come!

Dear coal industry workers!
Congratulations on your professional holiday - Miner's Day. Today we honor courageous people whose hard work is the key to the real development of the Russian economy. You give life to our industry, bring light and warmth to the homes of Russians. Your serious, dangerous and honorable profession requires from a person maximum endurance and dedication, and often courage and true dedication. I wish you, coal industry workers, good health, decent wages and happiness in your family life.

Dear miners!
I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - Miner's Day! All the country's basic industries begin with hard mining work. You create the energy security of our country, its true independence. In every kilowatt of electricity, in every ton of metal, in everything that is produced in our country, there is a considerable share of your labor.
You are courageous and strong people and you achieve this through your daily work, going down into mines, working in difficult conditions, lifting black gold from the depths of the earth. Thanks to you, every home, every family has light and warmth. On this day, I wish you to feel the love and care of your family and friends, the attention and understanding of your friends, and, of course, the assistance and support of the state.
Low bow for your selfless heroic work!

Happy Miner's Day! Let the sun shine twice as bright when going up, and let time go twice as fast when going down! Let the pay be twice as big, and the shift duration be twice as short! Let the wives be twice as kind, and the children... let there be simply twice as many children! In general, here’s to your dreams and their fulfillment, our dear miners!

Happy Miner's Day! May good luck be with you on all underground paths, may the flashlight shine like a third eye and never fail! Be wise and cheerful, brave and generous! You are always deservedly surrounded by good people, so even if you can grow old in their company!

Your work is dangerous... dust... there is not enough air and there is no sun, as if it were night all around. But you have determined your path and you will move mountains on it! On Miner's Day - we sincerely congratulate you! Let all the rocks under your hands crumble into countless treasures! Be the masters of your own happy destiny!

The depths of the Earth have their own laws, but you, like mountain kings, conquer the depths, and, perhaps, with your efforts you will soon have to look for new deposits! Happy Miner's Day! I wish you safety from any side of the Earth, as well as good luck, hope and love!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Miner's Day! I wish that perseverance and strength never leave you, that your strong arms do not know fatigue, that the number of descents is equal to the number of ascents. So that the mineral resources are inexhaustible, and the mine fulfills the plan. Good health, miner's luck and peaceful skies!

Happy Miner's Day! I wish all the workers of this hard work excellent health, patience, attentiveness, safety, reliability and confidence. Be happy, strive for your dreams and achieve what you want. Good luck to you!

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on Miner’s Day. I wish that on earth and underground God would protect us from dangers and hardships, that miners’ work would be sincerely valued and always held in high esteem, that the mined coal would bring warmth to people’s homes and spiritual happiness. I wish you peace, prosperity, good luck and courage.

Congratulations on Miner’s Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish that mining work will be famous for centuries, that black gold will always be in value, that safety and good luck will accompany you in your work, that your angel and the faithful love of your family will always be with you throughout life.

Happy Miner's Day. I wish the stars of Miner's Glory, I wish you good health, moral strength, courage of the heart and optimism of the soul. May your work as a miner be appreciated, may all your efforts and perseverance always lead you to success. I wish you prosperity in your work shifts, good luck in life and happiness in your family!

Today is a holiday for brave people doing dangerous work. Today is Miner's Day. We wish you easy descents and ascents, always be extremely careful and patient! I wish you happiness, good health, success, and the implementation of all your plans. Thank you for the warmth and light that, thanks to your work, we have in our homes!

Happy Miner's Day. I wish you a calm workday, reliable workmates, patience, courage, good health and incredible luck. Let your guardian angel be nearby every minute.

Happy holiday to our dear worker, miner! Only a courageous, responsible and strong-willed person could choose such a profession. Not everyone dares to go down to such depths, where it is dark, damp and risky. And you not only managed, but also successfully work in this field. I want to wish you health, and most importantly, that the number of descents into the mine is always equal to the number of ascents from it. May your invaluable work always be appreciated and deservedly appreciated. Happy Miner's Day!

Happy Miner's Day, glory to honest miner's work. I sincerely wish you good health, strong nerves, strong character and strong strength for brave work, a wonderful life and happy love. Peace, prosperity, prosperity and good luck!

Dear coal industry workers! I sincerely congratulate you on Miner’s Day! Your work is difficult and dangerous, but the benefits of mining are enormous. As long as you exist, the house of each of us is warm and light. So let the particles of warmth from every home warm your soul, and let the rays of light illuminate the dark faces! Happy holiday, miners!

[in prose]

Congratulations on Miner's Day in prose

Today we congratulate a real man who knows first-hand what it’s like to descend into the bowels of the earth every day, who is not afraid of pitch darkness, who is not afraid of any obstacles! Miner's Day is yours and only yours, so let your dangerous and hard work be appreciated! Let love and prosperity surely sprout in your family, so that at any moment you can be confident in the future! Let your wife be understanding and beautiful, and let your children be healthy and happy, so that you never have to worry about the future! Real men like you deserve the best!

A miner's job is one of the most dangerous. It will not suit home boys; neither women nor old people will be attracted to it. This is a job for strong and brave guys like you. Today I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday – Miner’s Day. It’s not for nothing that this word is written with a capital letter; you all deserve great respect. I wish you good health, understanding in your family, success in your work, and most importantly, safe descents and ascents! I know that you cannot imagine your life without such danger, but I want to ask you to take care of yourself. May your wishes come true today, on Miner's Day. Good luck in implementing your plans!

Difficulties constantly make a Superman out of an ordinary person. This is precisely your purpose! By mining coal in the depths of the earth, you give the entire planet life, warmth, light, and joy. Thank you for this! Thank you very much. I wish you age-old wisdom, a bright mind, a progressive outlook and ordinary, but long-awaited happiness!
Be patient in life: do not give up in the face of difficulties, do not retreat from the unknown and do not shy away from the familiar! Approach everything carefully and patiently. And then you will see that the problems will recede. They will leave the strong, honest, kind, persistent Superman! Prosper yourself and help others prosper - the flame flares up from caviar, and the future from the present. Which you do - here and now.

Today is Miner's Day. The day of that courageous, strong and savvy man, thanks to whom underground treasures become accessible to our entire country. The path of minerals to the top is not easy, and we can say for sure that the success and prosperity of our industry, economy and other areas of life directly depends on the correctness of actions, endurance, and professionalism of miners.
Working in the dark, cramped conditions and dust does not make you give up and regret leaving the sun and fresh air for an entire shift. So let it be sunny in your soul. Always! May you go through life easily, with good luck on your hand. Let production standards be exceeded, just as your own plans and hopes for happiness will be exceeded by reality!

Miners are courageous workers whose work goes deep underground, and the fruits of this work are needed by everyone on our planet. Only in payment for hard work does the earth give up its wealth! And we are all grateful to you for this work, miners! What a pity that your work is fraught with such danger that technological progress is not always able to protect you one hundred percent from troubles underground. We wish you with all our hearts that fortune will always smile on you, that your work will be successful, and that it will bring you material wealth and satisfaction. At home, let your loyal support be waiting: wife, children, friends. Let every day bring new impressions, and, in addition to routine tasks, life will be full of pleasant surprises. Be healthy and happy, dear workers!

Dear friends! On this holiday of strong and courageous people, I sincerely want to congratulate you on the fact that fate itself has destined you to be the best. The miner's brotherhood is stronger than family ties, because where, if not underground, are human qualities tested? And where, if not at a terrible depth, does everyone appear before the others in full view? So no one doubts: they really are the best here! Remain the same nice, confident and courageous people! Wishing you soft coal and a strong roof!

Dear miners, glorious workers of the country! Your titanic work and high performance are a huge contribution to the prosperity of the state. We wish you improved working conditions, quality of production, and the introduction of advanced technologies in production.
You have chosen a difficult profession, complex and dangerous, so let your work be appreciated. Let the hearts of your relatives, wives and children not skip a beat from the sounds of rescue vehicle sirens; we wish you to always return from your shift healthy.
We wish you patience, strength, prosperity and balance of soul. Your work requires good health, extreme concentration, and endurance, so may all this remain with you threefold! On Miner's Day, on this holiday, be proud of your work, your profession - you deserve the most sincere congratulations and gratitude!

Whether the sun is shining brightly, whether the snowflakes are quietly falling to the ground, or whether the September rain is tap-dancing along the embankments and boulevards, you are there, deep underground, working in your difficult field. And even though your face and hands are often black, your soul is pure and kind. After all, only a kind and pure person can refuse sunlight and the smell of autumn leaves in order for someone to feel warm. May God bless you and your families. May each of your shifts end with a meeting with a friendly ray on earth. May you always be loved and waited for at home. I wish you success in your difficult but necessary work. Good health, good luck, good luck. Happy holiday, Happy Miner's Day!

Today, the whole country is celebrating a holiday, the importance of which we sometimes forget. This is the Miner's Day holiday. On this day, from the bottom of my heart I would like to congratulate you, our hard workers, and all the people associated with this profession. After all, this profession was achieved by people whose courage and patience are at the highest level. Your hard work is the key to the successful development of the country's economy. Therefore, today the whole country, the whole people congratulates you and is proud of you! Everyone admires you because every day you risk your future for us! In the mines, you leave a lot of health behind! And you all have families! So may the Lord give you good health and strength. Happy holiday.

Our dear miners! I sincerely congratulate you on Miner’s Day and express my gratitude to everyone who dedicated their lives to this difficult but honorable task. Today's holiday is the joy of labor success, noble male friendship and daily feat. I believe that the key to sustainable development of this strategic industry will be the introduction of the latest advances in technology, scientific knowledge and effective management methods. I wish all miners health, success, confidence in the future, your families - mothers, wives and children, who always look forward to your return from the mine. May happiness and goodness always accompany you. And God will always be where you are!

Dear miners! Today the country celebrates Miner's Day - a holiday of people of the heroic profession, on whose work the stability of our economy, its development and the well-being of citizens depend. Each tone of black gold mined and produced is an incredible human effort. I wish you all safe work, good health, family happiness, prosperity and hope for a bright future! After all, every day you risk your lives for us, for the country. And sometimes we don’t appreciate it. Today, I would like to bow deeply to you and say thank you for still choosing such professions! You are the real heroes of our time! Happy holiday to you!

Dear miners! On this wonderful day, I want to congratulate all those who perform a feat every day, going down into the mine in order to provide people with warmth and light. Those who, risking their lives every day, work for the benefit of our state! I wish you success in your work, good Cossack health and joy to you and your families. May the Lord God protect you from misfortunes and troubles! Know that you are doing one great thing for the whole country, which makes a significant contribution to the development of our country. In order for you and me to live comfortably, warmly and cozily, they are in the mines risking their lives and doing hellish work! You are worthy not only of respect, but also of admiration!

Dear coal industry workers! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! Miner's Day is a holiday for workers of the most dangerous "peaceful" profession, courageous people. The profession of a miner has always been considered honorable in our country, worthy of real men. Thanks to the fact that there are people and entire dynasties who choose this hard work, our industry works and develops. I wish you success, trouble-free work and bright sun above your head. As the song says, only he knows the sun and the high sky who rose to the mountain at dawn. Happiness, goodness and health to you and your families!

Today, on behalf of the entire country, I would like to congratulate you, coal industry workers, on your professional holiday. On this day I would like to wish you courage in your profession! You are amazing people who, with your hard work, bring great benefit to the people, country, and state. Today, on behalf of all of us, I would like to express my deep gratitude for such a significant contribution to the development of the country. And I wish you successful, highly productive work and that the lives of miners will never end tragically. Happiness to you, health, prosperity and low bow for your selfless heroic work! God bless you.

Dear miners! On this significant day for you, let me congratulate you on such a significant holiday for us all - Miner’s Day! I wish you love, wisdom, and prosperity to our mining town! Let joy and children's laughter, warmth and prosperity reign in every home. May the Almighty bless you and our hometown for many good years! I believe that together we will achieve even more significant results. Admiring your tenacity, I want all today’s youth to take an example from you. After all, if everyone becomes like you in their souls, then we will live like in a fairy tale! Inspiration is still in your life. And may the Guardian Angel not leave you for a moment.

Miner's Day is celebrated annually in Russia and other countries on the last Sunday of August. In 2018, the holiday falls on August 26th. Employees of the mining industry: miners, engineers, and maintenance personnel participate in the celebrations. Teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions, as well as residents of settlements for which mines are city-forming, join the celebrations.

Congratulations on Miner's Day,
You are just a class worker!
Much strength to you, cheers
I wish at this hour!

Even though it's not easy to work,
You can handle it, I know
And only growth in my career
I wish with all my heart!

Let it be in the family and at work
Only success awaits you!
Let only large banknotes
They go to your wallet!

You are brave, and your work is noble.
Every day you descend into darkness,
May our world be beautiful and fertile.
They persistently pursued their calling.

We want to congratulate you all on the holiday
And we want to wish you bright days.
Let life be able to put everything in its place,
So that everything happens, whatever you wish

I wanted it myself. Let it be filled with light
Your home will be there at any time. AND
Every question you have will be answered.
Live in peace, happiness and love!

About the severity of a miner's work
Legends go here and there.
You will give anyone a head start,
You are respected, your strength is honored.

So let everything in life succeed,
Happy Miner's Day to everyone, gentlemen!
After all, gentlemen only succeed
Always have a cheerful disposition.

Only gentlemen can allow
Celebrate your day like this
And, despite all the calluses,
Work, live, love, dream!

Happy Miner's Day,
Miners, today you,
May it be filled with happiness
Every day and every hour.

I wish you good luck
You were going to the slaughter,
And happy from work
You were returning home.

Together with coal for joy
They issued "to the mountain"
I wish you success
Positive and kind.

Working in a mine is no joke,
It comes with danger,
With hard work, terrible risk,
But it is so necessary and needed.

Our congratulations and honor to the miners,
Health and success to you in everything,
Let the horse race shine brighter,
Let the carriages not go empty.

Big salary and bonuses for you,
There is order, kindness, warmth in the family,
And only praiseworthy words from the management,
And so that you always go to the mountain.

Congratulations on Miner's Day in SMS and pictures

I would like to congratulate you on Miner's Day
And wish with all my heart:
Let your career develop
Strong kids are growing up!

May you year after year
You're always so lucky in life,
Let the wife bake pies,
Take care of yourself in the mine!

Your work underground is invaluable,
It is complex and even dangerous.
But you are not afraid of either dust or smoke,
Do you believe it - the day is beautiful!

Congratulations on Miner's Day
And we wish you good luck in your work,
And of course we wish you all
Do not obey the earth!

Congratulations, miners,
And our congratulations to you,
Both you and the mothers are strong,
And the earth is your ceiling.

Retrieving from the dungeons
Property of the country
And deathly tired,
You will be faithful to her forever!

In a deep mine is your service
Doesn't stop every hour
And you are there, a friendly team
You are getting it for us now

And coal, and ore, and minerals,
What will be useful to us in life,
Let our congratulations be beautiful
It would light the way for you.

Although the mine can be dangerous,
Do you like your job,
We wish you on Miner's Day,
Let all your worries go away quickly

Forget troubles and problems,
Success and achievements await you,
We value and respect you,
Please accept our congratulations!

Congratulations on Miner's Day in pictures and prose

Congratulations on Miner's Day, on the holiday of an important profession and great work. I wish you huge spoils and always exceeding the plan, good health and always a prosperous shift, good luck and a never-desperate soul.

Congratulations on Miner's Day. I wish you above-plan production of black gold, boundless gratitude and kind words for your brave work, a happy return to a cozy home after work, enormous strength, the best health and the most reliable guardian angel.

Dear miners! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish that your hard work is always fully rewarded! Take care of yourself and, while descending deep underground, do not forget that they are waiting for you outside! Happy holiday!

The hard work of a miner has always been valued. This profession has no deceptive gloss, no deceptive prestige and feigned ease. Only real men can work here. So let everything work out on your professional holiday (and not only), your mood will be excellent, and happiness will not leave your home and family.

Today is a day praising the most difficult profession. In my opinion, this is one of the days that symbolizes courage, bravery and honor, because only a brave person is able to go underground in order to extract coal, which is so necessary for the country. In general, Happy Miner's Day to you! I wish you peaceful and calm days, good health, like steel, and more prosperity.

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