Eurovision winners for the last. How the most famous song contest in Europe has changed: all the winners and the history of creation

The Eurovision Song Contest has been held since 1956. Countries send young performers or artists already known in their home countries there. For example, for ABBA and Celine Dion, the competition was an important step in their careers. But popularity in one's own country does not guarantee a high place. In 1997, Alla Pugacheva represented Russia and took 15th place out of 25.

ABBA (Sweden) - winners 1974

Celine Dion (Switzerland) - winner 1988

The songs of the winners are often controversial. The vocal data of the victors are also in doubt. We offer to recall those who have won Eurovision since 1996. Which of these songs have you heard before?

Winning Country: Ireland
Aimar Quinn - The Voice

Winning Country: UK
Katrina and the Waves
Venue: Ireland, Dublin.

Winning Country: Israel
Dana International - Diva
Venue: UK, Birmingham.

Dana's song was to the taste of the "king of remakes" Philip Kirkorov.

Winning Country: Sweden
Charlotte Nielson - Take Me to Your Heaven
Venue - Israel, Jerusalem.

Winning Country: Denmark
Olsen Brothers

Winning country: Estonia
Tanel Padar, Dave Benton and 2XL - Everybody
Venue: Denmark, Copenhagen.

Winning country: Latvia
Marie N
Venue: Estonia, Tallinn.

Winning Country: Türkiye
Sertab Erener - Everyway That I Can
Venue: Latvia, Riga.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning Country: Ukraine
Ruslana - Wild Dances
Venue: Türkiye, Istanbul.

Ruslana brought the first victory to her country. Everyone liked her "Wild Dances" except Switzerland, which did not give a single point for the song.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning Country: Greece
Elena Paparizou - My Number One
Venue: Ukraine, Kyiv.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning Country: Finland
Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah
Venue: Greece, Athens.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning Country: Serbia
Maria Sherifovich - Prayer
Venue: Finland, Helsinki.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning country: Russia
Dima Bilan - Believe
Venue: Serbia, Belgrade.

Dima Bilan won the second time. In 2006, he took 2nd place.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning Country: Norway
Alexander Rybak - Fairytale
Venue: Russia, Moscow.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Lena Meyer-Landrut - Satellite
Venue: Norway, Oslo.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning country: Azerbaijan
Ell & Nikki Running - Scared
Venue: Germany, Dusseldorf.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning Country: Sweden
Lauryn - Euphoria
Venue: Azerbaijan, Baku.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning Country: Denmark
Emmy de Forest - Only Teardrops
Venue: Sweden, Malmö.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning Country: Austria
Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix
Venue: Denmark Copenhagen.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning Country: Sweden
Mons Selmerlöw - Heroes
Venue: Austria, Vienna.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

Winning Country: Ukraine
Jamal - 1944
Venue: Sweden, Stockholm.

Performance at the competition

Video clip

In the midst of one of the most popular musical events − Eurovision− we decided to recall the brightest winners of this competition in its entire history. Who do you remember the most?


WITH Eurovision the triumphant ascent of the Swedish group began ABBA. The year before, they had no name and only a few songs in their repertoire. Song waterloo in 1974 won the hearts of not only the British, but of the whole Europe, rising to the top of the international charts in a matter of days.

Celine Dion

After Eurovision fame came to one of the best-selling singers in the world − Celine Dion(47). In 1988, the young singer appeared in front of a television audience of 600 million people with the song Je Danse Dans Ma Tete. At the competition she represented Switzerland.

Toto Cutugno

In 1990 in Zagreb famous winner Toto Cutugno(71). He won the song contest Insieme giving Italy the right to host Eurovision in 1991, where Cutugno became the presenter.

secret garden

Group secret garden which represented Norway, won on "Eurovision-1995" and after that became world famous, releasing several successful albums. Victory on "Eurovision" ensured, in particular, the success of their first album Songs from a Secret Garden. It has sold over a million copies worldwide!

Dana International

Were on "Eurovision" and unique cases. So, in 1998, the winner was Dana International, which to this day remains the only transgender representative who participated in the competition. The girl used to be a man named Cohen.


May 2004 Ruslana(41) entered the international stage - Ukrainian singer struck a music competition "Eurovision" V Istanbul. Single "Wild dances", which brought her victory, and the album of the same name conquered the audience in more than 25 countries. For ninety-seven weeks Ruslana was in the lead in 14 different charts in Europe.


The year 2006 was also rich in surprises. The record number of points - 292 - was received by a Finnish rock band Lordi. Even before the competition, the musicians caused a big buzz in the media with their monster masks and a song performed in the tradition of heavy rock. After their victory "Eurovision" jokingly called "Monstervision".

In 2008, it was finally the turn to rejoice in Russia. On "Eurovision-2008" to Belgrade with a song Believe and a large "support group" came Dima Bilan(33). For the singer, this was the second chance to win, since for the first time, in 2006, she went to the Finns Lordi. The singer performed in the company of a Hungarian virtuoso violinist Edwin Marton(41) and the famous figure skater Evgenia Plushenko(32). According to the results of the audience SMS voting Russia scored 272 points. Thanks to this victory Moscow for the first time became the capital of the 54th competition "Eurovision".

Alexander Rybak

Predictable and expected "Eurovision-2009" V Russia the winner was a candidate from Norway Belarusian origin Alexander Rybak(29) with a song Fairytale. A simple but sincere performance of a boy with a violin took the whole soul Europe: he scored 387 points, which is an absolute record in the history of the competition. The highest score was awarded to the winner by 15 countries.

Lena Meyer-Landrut

The victory predicted by bookmakers also went to the German singer Lene Meyer-Landrut(23). Literally a week after winning the national selection, the video for the song Satellite garnered over 2.5 million views on Internet(and by the time of the first semi-final - more than 9.7 million). As a result, Lena scored 246 points.

Elle and Nikki

In 2011, the winners of the competition were the romantic couple Elle and Nikki from Azerbaijan. They sang a song Running Scared.


One of the most recognizable songs of recent times has become Euphoria Swedish singer Loreen(31). In 2012, it was she who took first place and topped all the charts. Today Loreen is one of the most popular singers in Europe.

Emily de Forest

Then the world preferred to give the laurels of victory to the singer from Denmark Emily de Forest(22). She impressed everyone with her spontaneity.

Conchita Wurst

But, perhaps, the loudest event of the competition was the victory Conchita Wurst(26) in 2014, who attracted attention not only for her facial hair, but also for her strong voice and energy.

Well, now we sincerely hope that the next bright winner Eurovision will be beautiful (28)!


is rightfully considered the main musical event of the year in Europe. This competition is very emotional and exciting not only for the participants, but also for viewers from different countries who gather near the screens and root for their performer with all their hearts. In addition, Eurovision is a spectacular show, preparation for which begins almost the next day after the next winner has been named and the host country for the next contest has been determined.

But no matter how strongly millions of people hoped that next year the Eurovision Song Contest would come to their homes, most of them have to experience a slight disappointment. There can only be one winner. And it is for him that even the losers rejoice. After all, this means that another talent was discovered and received a ticket to the musical Olympus.

History of Eurovision

The idea of ​​creating a competition appeared in the middle of the last century. It was then that the representatives European Broadcasting Union thought about how to take the first step towards the cultural unification of the different countries that make up it. Marcel Besancon was the first to come up with the idea of ​​organizing an international song contest. At that time he was in charge of Swiss television. This happened in the fiftieth year. But only five years later the proposal was approved. On General Assembly of the EBU, which took place in Rome, it was decided not only to start implementing the idea of ​​a song contest in which representatives from all European countries could take part, but it was also agreed to use as a model the festival that took place in the Italian Sanremo. It was officially stated that the purpose Eurovision is the search for talents and their promotion on the international stage. However, in fact, the competition was intended to increase the popularity of TV, which in those years had not yet reached modern proportions.

First Eurovision passed in May fifty-six. Then the participants were hosted by Switzerland. The concert took place in Lugano. It was attended by representatives from just seven countries. Each musician performed with two numbers. It was an unprecedented event for Eurovision. Subsequently, the number of participants increased, and each of them had only one chance to show themselves. The first winner of the most popular song contest was a Swiss Liz Assia.

As the number of people wishing to show themselves at the popular music competition is steadily growing, in the fourth year of the new millennium, it was decided to divide the competition into two parts. From that moment, the semi-final is initially held, within which everyone can perform, and only then the final starts, which not everyone gets to. And after another four years, there were two semi-finals. And this is despite the fact that sometimes countries are denied the right to nominate their own candidate, and in some cases the states that usually send performers to Eurovision, for one reason or another, refrain from participating.

Over the long years of the existence of Eurovision, the winners most often became representatives of Ireland. As many as seven times musicians from this country found themselves on the podium. France, Great Britain, Sweden and Luxenbug have each won the competition five times. It is worth remembering that the famous ABBA group and world renowned artist Celine Dion They started their careers by winning this competition.

Eurovision winners in the new millennium

Today, no one can remember all the participants who tried to gain fame on the Eurovision stage. The list of winners is also too long to reproduce right off the bat. And it does not make much sense today to return to the middle of the last century and try to restore the names of everyone who has ever tasted the sweet sensation of triumph. But the winners, who entered the history of the competition in the twenty-first century, are not so difficult to remember. At the moment there were only fourteen. In anticipation
It's time to take stock of previous years.


In 2000 the palm went to a duet from Denmark - Olsen Brothers. Nils and Jürgen Olsen performed the song, which at the fiftieth anniversary of the competition was recognized as one of the best in its history and took the honorable sixth place.


In 2001 The Estonian duet consisting of Tanel Padar and Dave Benton entered the Eurovision stage. The hip hop team 2XL was on backing vocals. With their performance, talented musicians brought the first victory in the history of Estonia at this prestigious competition. And Tanel Padar managed to penetrate the hearts of the audience and very soon became the most famous rocker in his homeland.


In 2002 Eurovision victory went to Latvia. The singer won it Marie N. Maria Naumova has Russian roots. However, despite the joy of victory, the performer did not receive any bonuses from her. Moreover, at the moment she is the only contestant whose song was published exclusively in Latvia. In 2003, when Eurovision was held in Riga, Maria became one of its presenters.


In 2003 a Turkish woman ascended the podium Sertab Erener. At the moment she is one of the most successful pop singers in her country. Absolutely everyone in Turkey knows her name. And at the competition in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of Eurovision, the song that once brought victory to Sertab took tenth place among the best.


In 2004 the winner was the representative of Ukraine - the singer Ruslana. Her performance was a real sensation. For him, Ruslana received the honorary title of People's Artist of Ukraine.


In 2005 luck smiled on the Greek Elena Paparizou, which entered the stage of this competition for the second time. Four years before the triumphant victory, she was part of a group called "Antique", which could not rise above the third position.


In 2006 Heavy chords of hard rock shook the Eurovision Song Contest, and hot Finnish guys in costumes of mythical monsters appeared on the stage with a good dose of irony and sang about any kind of horror worthy of a decent horror. Creation Lordi bands literally blew up the public and deprived the Russians of the chance to take first place, which many seriously hoped for that year.


In 2007 Serbian pop singer Maria Sherifovich sang a song in their native language. Her " Prayer” was heard, despite the fact that it was not spoken in traditional English for the competition, and Maria became the winner.


In 2008 Russia's first victory in the history of Eurovision took place. Dmitry Bilan, who failed to push hard rockers aside two years ago, brought the competition to Moscow. His beautiful song made a great impression on the audience. And the spectacular number, in which Evgeni Plushenko took part, was remembered for a long time.


In 2009 at Eurovision a kind of record was set. The young performer, who represented Norway, managed to score the highest number of points in the history of the competition. A native of Belarus became a triumphant Alexander Rybak with his incendiary, fabulous song.


In 2010 representative of Germany Lena Meyer-Landrut became the undisputed favorite of the competition. A year later, she again entered the Eurovision stage as a participant. But luck didn't smile on her twice.


In 2011 the victory went to the duo from Azerbaijan Elle & Nikki. Nigyara Jamal and Eldar Gasimov turned out to be a very beautiful and harmonious tandem, which simply could not be ignored.


In 2012 Swede of Moroccan-Berber descent Lauryn managed to break away from performers from Russia and took the honorable first place in the competition. Today she is very popular.


In 2013 there were no surprises. Singer from Denmark Emmy de Forest predicted victory even before the start of the competition. The performer has been involved in music since early childhood and has very good vocal abilities and a bright appearance.


In 2014 many Eurovision fans were in for a real shock. The first place in the competition was taken by a bearded woman Conchita Wurst. The real name of the singer who hides under this pseudonym is Thomas Neurwit. He represented Austria. Despite the fact that not everyone was satisfied with this choice, it's hard to deny that the song was beautiful, the singer's voice is strong, and the image is just very memorable.

The next Eurovision Song Contest 2015 will start very soon. Singers from many countries will come together to compete with each other in skill and please numerous spectators. The show will certainly be bright and colorful. Well, the name of the next winner will soon become known to the entire continent.


In 2015 Switzerland wins Eurovision Mons Zelmerlev. Even before the final vote, many called the singer "the king of the stage."


In 2016 The winner of Eurovision was the representative of Ukraine - Jamal. She performed the song 1944. You can watch her performance below:


In 2017 the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Kyiv (Ukraine), was the representative of Portugal Salvador Sobral. At the competition, he performed with the song Amar Pelos Dois ("Love Enough for Two"). According to the results of voting by the jury and the audience, the representative of Portugal scored 758 votes. You can watch his performance below:


In 2018, the winner was Netta Barzilai (Israel) with the song "Toy" ("Toy")

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P offer together with HB recall the bright hits of the winners of previous years - the best songs of Europe from 2005 to today!

It is known that the winning songs not only receive recognition from the jury and the audience of the competition, but also become the main hits in Europe, topping numerous charts and getting into the rotation of various radio stations.


The 50th anniversary contest was held in Ukraine thanks to Ruslana's victory in Istanbul with the composition Wild Dances.

From May 19 to May 24, 39 participants fought for the palm, which went to the Greek singer Elena Paparizou with the song My Number One. The performance of the singer scored 230 points.

Feel the beat

In May 2006, contestants from all over Europe came to Athens. This year has become a milestone for Finland, as for the first time in the history of the competition, Finnish performers have won.

In addition, rock musicians won for the first time, setting a record for the number of points at that time - 292. We suggest recalling the bright performance of the group Lordi with Hard Rock Hallelujah.


real fantasy

Having opened its doors for the first time to the participants of the main song contest in Europe, Finland spent $13 million on the organization.

Then, at the country's main ice stadium in Helsinki, millions of hearts were won by the Serbian singer Maria Sherifovich with the song Prayer. Nothing superfluous: only a restrained image, strong vocals and deep meaning.


sound fusion

The 53rd song contest was held at the main arena of Serbia in the city of Belgrade. This year has become a landmark for Russia, because Dima Bilan with Believe brought the first victory to his native country in the history of the competition.

In addition to Bilan, the Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton and the Russian figure skater Evgeni Plushenko appeared on the stage.


On the main arena of Moscow from May 12 to May 16, 42 countries competed for victory in the prestigious competition, as a result, millions of listeners voted for the charismatic Norwegian Alexander Rybak.

his song Fairytale set an absolute record for the number of points - 387 in the final vote.


Share a moment

In 2010, Norway opened its doors to the Eurovision Song Contest for the third time, without sparing 24 million euros for the organization. Germany received the right to host the next, 56th competition, thanks to the victory Lena Meyer-Landrut with Satellite.

The song later charted at number one in seven countries and even received several gold and platinum certifications.


Feel your heartbeat

In 2011, Germany hosted Eurovision. On the main arena of Düsseldorf, representatives of 25 countries competed for victory in the final, but the best were Eldar Kasimov and Nigar Jamal with the song Running Scared. Thus, for the first time Azerbaijan received the right to host the competition.


Light your fire

To adequately host the 57th competition, the Azerbaijani authorities allocated $63.3 million, breaking all previous records.

Among the 26 contenders for victory in the final, the first place was taken by the Swedish singer Lauryn singing Euphoria, which later topped the music charts around the world and became a real hit!

With Lauryn's victory, Sweden became the host country for the fifth time and Malmö became the host city for the second time. On the main arena of the country, 26 participants fought for victory, but the singer from Denmark was able to win the hearts of millions Emmy de Forest singing Only Teardrops.


join us

In May of this year, thirty-seven contestants came to Copenhagen to compete for victory in the 59th competition. The first place was taken by the representative of Austria, drag queen Conchite Wurst, whose victory caused a serious resonance in the world. But, despite the outrageous image, the song Rise Like a Phoenix became a hit in many countries of the world.


building bridges

To compete in the 60th anniversary competition, talented performers gathered in the capital of Austria - Vienna. Among the twenty-seven finalists, the Swedish singer was the best Mons Selmerlev with the song Heroes. A cheerful melody and creative video accompaniment brought the Swede 365 points.


Ukrainian performer of Crimean Tatar origin performed the song at the competition 1944 dedicated to the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944. In particular, the artist dedicated the contest song to the memory of her ancestors and great-grandmother, who was deported from Crimea and never returned to her homeland.

“This song is about my great-grandmother, and my performance was dedicated to her, as well as to all Crimean Tatars and, of course, to my country Ukraine”, she noted.

Celebrate Diversity

Eurovision 2017 was held in Kyiv. For the first time in history, the victory went to Portugal - 28-year-old Salvador Sobral.

The singer, who suffered from heart disease since childhood, scored a record 758 points with the song Amar pelos dois in Portuguese, in which he sang about a heart that can "endure everything and love for two."

At the same time, Portugal, which participated in the competition for 53 years, became the record-holder for the longest participation in the competition without a single victory.

Eurovision 2018 will be held in the capital of Portugal, the city of Lisbon. The first and second semi-finals of the 63rd Eurovision Song Contest 2018 will take place on 8 and 10 May, while the grand final, which will determine the winner, will take place on 12 May.

The venue for Eurovision 2018 in Lisbon was the third largest indoor stadium in Europe and the largest in Portugal - Altice Arena, which seats about 20,000 spectators. Ukraine at the competition this year will be represented by the singer MELOVIN.

MELOVIN - Under The Ladder

Read the latest details of the Eurovision Song Contest 2018: news, participants, photos, videos in HB STYLE.

Photos of, EBU and EPA were used in the preparation of the material.

Text, layout: Julia Romas, Veronika Golubeva

Eurovision is the oldest annual international television competition, the participants of which are, first of all, members of the European Broadcasting Union. The competition was organized and shown to the world on the basis of the San Remo Music Festival (Italy). All the winners of the main music scene in Europe - in the material

It all started modestly - back in the days of black and white television. The first winner of the competition was the Swiss singer Liz Assia. At the Eurovision Song Contest in 1956, she performed with two songs at once - the rules of the competition also changed several times - and the composition "Refrain" won. However, then Asia did not have too much competition - only seven countries took part in the competition - Switzerland, Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

The following year, Austria, Denmark and Britain joined the competition, while the Netherlands took over as the Eurovision winner thanks to Corrie Brocken and her song "Net Als Toen". In 1958, Sweden joined the competition family, and the French actor and singer André Claveau won the prize, captivating the jury and the audience with the love song "Dors, Mon Amour".

1959 was another successful year for the Netherlands - singer Teddy Scholten won with the song "Een Beetje". The tradition of inviting new countries to participate has not changed - this year a participant from Monaco entered the competition stage. 1960 - the winner again France - Jacqueline Boyer with the song "Tom Pillibi", and debuted at Eurovision Norway. The Netherlands refused to hold the contest, so the UK took over the Eurovision Song Contest.

In 1961, in the broadcast of the Eurovision on television, footage with the audience already appeared, without which it is difficult to imagine the competition today. Finland, Spain and Yugoslavia joined, and French singer Jean-Claude Pascal, who represented Luxembourg with the song "Nous les amoureux", won.

In 1962, the French contestant Isabelle Aubret won with her song "Un premier amour". However, France refused to hold the contest at home and the UK again came to the rescue - Eurovision 1963 was held at the new BBC television center in Sheppard's Bush. Denmark won the eighth contest with the song "Dansevise" performed by Greta and Jürgen Ingmann. The Netherlands then for the first time in the history of the competition for the second year in a row did not receive a single point.

Portugal joined Eurovision in 1964. The stage of the competition took on the shape familiar to the modern audience, but the musical accompaniment was still performed by a live orchestra. Gigliola Cinquetti from Italy won with the song "Non ho l'eta".

In 1965, Ireland made its debut on the stage of the competition. The USSR and other Eastern European countries broadcast Eurovision. The TV audience exceeded 150 million people. Luxembourg won the Eurovision Song Contest for the second time, represented by France Gall with the song "Poupée de cire, poupée de son".

Austria won the Eurovision Song Contest 1966 with the song "Merci Chérie" performed by Udo Jürgens. And the following year in Vienna, the United Kingdom, which was represented by Sandy Shaw with the song "Puppet On a String", was able to bring home the competition, this time deserving. In 1968, the Eurovision Song Contest was broadcast in color for the first time, and Spain became the winner with the song "La, la, la ..." performed by Massiel.

Photo - video screenshot

The following year, in Madrid, for the first time in the history of the competition, four countries became winners at once - the host of the 1969 competition, Spain, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Austria refused to participate in the contest due to Franco's dictatorship in Spain. In 1970, the Netherlands accepted the Eurovision Song Contest, which, after their past victories at the contest, then refused to host it. In Amsterdam, Ireland won, represented by Dana with the song "All Kinds of Everything".

Monaco won the 1971 Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Un banc, un arbre, une rue", performed by singer Severin. For the next two consecutive years, Luxembourg won, represented by Vicky Leandros with the song "Après toi" and Anna-Maria David with the song "Tu te reconnaîtras". Israel joined the competition in 1973.

In 1974, in the British city of Brighton (Luxembourg could not hold the competition for the second time for financial reasons), the legendary Swedish group "ABBA" became the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Waterloo". This year, for the first time, viewers were able to watch the video preceding each performance, telling about the performer and his country.

Eurovision-1975 was replenished with a new participant - Turkey, and the victory, for the fourth time, was won by the Netherlands with the group "Teach-In" and the song "Ding-a-dong".

In 1976, the competition was held in The Hague and was won by the Eurovision record holder - Great Britain, which was represented by "Brotherhood of Man" with the song "Save Your Kisses for Me".

The next year in London, the title of winner was received by another record holder of the competition - France. In 1977 she was represented by Marie Miriam, who performed "L'oiseau et l'enfant". Then, in Paris, Israel won for the first time, and twice in a row - Izhar Cohen & Alphabeta sang "A-ba'ni-bi", and the next year in Jerusalem, the song "Hallelujah" was performed by Gali Atari & Milk and Honey.

In 1980, Israel did not hold the contest for the second time and Eurovision was again hosted by the Dutch Hague. This time the winner was Johnny Logan from Ireland with the song "What's Another Year", and the stage of the competition has already taken on a shape even more familiar to modern Eurovision fans. Although, surprisingly, the live orchestra still remained. This year, Morocco joined the competition.

In 1981, the bright and positive "Bucks Fizz" representing Great Britain won, and the competition was replenished with one more participant - Cyprus. By this time, 20 countries had already taken part in Eurovision.

The following year, in British Harrogate, Germany won for the first time, which until then had repeatedly remained one step away from the coveted title and took second place. German singer Nicole performed the song "Ein bisschen Frieden".

In 1982, Luxembourg won in Munich - it was represented by Corine Erme with the song "Si la vie est cadeau", and the following year Sweden became the winner for the second time in the history of the competition. The group "Herreys" with the song "Diggi-loo-diggi-ley" then scored 145 points.

The winner in Swedish Gothenburg at the 30th Eurovision Song Contest was the brilliant and positive "Bobbysocks" from Norway with the song "La det swinge".

In 1986, Sandra Kim from Belgium scored the highest score with "J'aime la vie". The following year Irishman Johnny Logan won in Brussels with "Hold Me Now". This competition also has a new participant - Iceland.

Eurovision 1988 gave fame to Celine Dion, who represented Switzerland with the song "Ne partez pas sans moi".

The following year, in Lausanne, Yugoslavia won the competition for the first time, from which the group "Riva" performed with the song "Rock Me".

In 1990 the competition was held in Zagreb. The winner of the 35th Eurovision was the Italian Toto Cutugno, performing "Insieme 1992".

In 1991, the Swedish singer Carola won in Rome with the song "Fangad av en stormvind", but she scored an equal number of points with France. The following year, the competition was held in Malmö, Sweden, thanks to "additional indicators" determined by the jury.

Ireland won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1992, 1993 and 1994. She was represented by Linda Martin with "Why Me", then by Neve Kavanagh with "In Your Eyes" and finally by Paul Harrington & Charlie McGettigan with "Rock'n'Roll Kids". In 1993, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia joined the competition. And in 1994, Eurovision immediately replenished with seven participants - after the collapse of the USSR, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia began to perform on the stage of the competition. By the way, Poland in the first year of its participation took second place.

Norway won in 1995. She was represented by the duet "Secret Garden" with the song "Nocturne".

Ireland won again the following year. This time the competition was brought to Dublin by Aimar Quinn and the song "The Voice".
Eurovision-1997 glorified the British pop-rock band 2Katrina and the Waves" and their song "Love Shine a Light". By the way, Ireland did not quite give up their positions and took second place this year.

In 1998 the competition was held in Birmingham and won by Dana International (real name - Sharon Cohen) from Israel with the song "Diva". This was the first time when a "non-traditional" contestant won - the future singer was born a man and 5 years before the victory at Eurovision she changed her gender. In the same year, Macedonia joined the competition.

The following year, Sweden's Charlotte Nielson won in Jerusalem with "Take Me to Your Heaven". In 2000 in Stockholm, the Danish duo "Olsen Brothers" and the song "Fly on the Wings of Love" received the highest number of points in the competition.

In 2001, Estonia finally announced itself in Copenhagen. It was represented by three participants at once - singers Tanel Padar, Dave Benton and the group 2XL.

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