Download the presentation without verbs. Spelling particles not with verbs

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Grammar taleThe power of love

The noble Verb did not love the proud and stubborn particle. This love was difficult and sad. He said: “I love you,” and she told him: “I don’t love you.” He admitted: “I believe,” she told him: “I don’t believe.”

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The particle NOT never came close to the Verb and was written only separately from it. However, Verb was constant in his feelings. So one day NOT says to him: “I will reciprocate your feelings if you prove that you cannot live without me.”

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The Verb sighed sadly and went to wander through dictionaries and textbooks. When he returned to his beloved, she, as usual, jumped away from him shouting: “I’m indignant! I hate you!” and suddenly froze in surprise, finding herself in the arms of Verb. So the Verb proved that in some cases it and the particle NOT cannot live without each other. (According to F. Krivin.)

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Research work Algorithm for working in groups

Slide 6

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She DOES NOT WALK, DOES NOT SIT, DOES NOT SEW. DOES NOT REAP and DOES NOT BOIL, DOES NOT READ BOOKS, DOES NOT SING, DOES NOT LET OTHERS WORK. The verb, not liking idleness, is written SEPARATELY WITH the particle! Always? No! Without a doubt, there are EXCEPTIONS.

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It HAPPENS, however, that a VERB cannot do without NOT at all! then, wherever he goes, AND NOT with him either. It sticks so much that oh-oh-oh! It will immediately become a prefix and in any situation it will never lag behind.

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And there is no will for the verb, If the verb is TO CONTINUE. He cannot help but see in the verb HATE. There is no need to be indignant here - Let's write correctly.

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Distributive dictation

  • Slide 11

    Rhyming Rule

    Not with a verb Write separately, For example: DIDN’T WANT, DIDN’T KNOW, Just remember the exceptions: HATED, RESENTED.

    Slide 12

    Game "Third Wheel"

    a) (not) do, (not) see, (not) read; b) (not) loved, (didn’t) year, (didn’t) endure

    NOT with verbs

    Novik Nadezhda Grigorievna,

    teacher of Russian language and literature

    GBOU JSC "Vychegda SKOSHI"


    • develop spelling skills NOT with verbs; introduce exception verbs;
    • justify separate and combined spelling NOT with verbs;
    • consolidate information about the verb, the ability to distinguish the verb from other parts of speech.
    Good afternoon The cheerful bell rang, He called us to a lesson All tasks today We must complete it on time!

    1. A verb is a ............ part of speech:

    a) independent; b) official

    2. The verb answers the questions:

    Which one then? which? which?; b) who? What?; c) what did you do? what is he doing? what will he do?

    3. The verb means:

    a) subject; b) the action of the object; c) a sign of an object

    4. The verb has three tenses: ......................., ................. and .........................

    REPEATMENT “A story-message about a verb.”

    5. Verb conjugation is:

    a) changing verbs by persons and numbers; b) changing verbs by gender; c) changing verbs by tenses

    6. Only in the past tense do verbs change:

    a) by case; b) by birth; c) by persons and numbers

    7. Past tense verbs are formed using.........

    8. In a sentence, most often the verb is .......... and forms with the subject.............

    Orthoepic five minutes.

    Library, kilometer, acquired, understood, interest, started, call, meatballs, widely, old, put, contracts, understood, started, call, created.

    Guess the riddle.

    All objects are brought to life,

    Involves them all in the matter,

    Tells them what to do

    He strictly monitors this

    He has three times

    And he knows how to hide.

    RESEARCH  Working with a dictionary:

    Perplexed -

    doubt, wonder, not understand.

    Indignant- to be indignant, to express extreme displeasure.

    Bondage- coerce, force someone to do something against their will.

    Feel unwell- not feeling very good.


    1) The particle NOT with verbs is written separately.

    2) Some verbs without NOT are not used, so they are written together.

    Physical education minute

    Now guys, stand up

    Raise your hands slowly

    Squeeze your fingers, then unclench them,

    Hands down and stand like that.

    Leaned right, left

    And we get down to business again.


    1. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you (not) catch it. 2. (If) there is no bread, there will be (no) lunch. 3. (If you don’t) grease the wheels, you (don’t) go fast. 4. (If you don’t) sow, you (don’t) reap the harvest. 5. I’m lazy, everything (not) possible and (not) good.

    6. (Don’t) put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

    7. In someone else’s house (not) indicated.

    8. (Don’t) praise yourself, there is someone better than you.


    1. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it. 2. If there is no bread, there will be no lunch. 3.If you don’t lubricate the wheels, you won’t go fast. 4.If you don’t sow, you won’t reap the harvest. 5. I’m lazy and I’m still sick and unwell.

    6. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

    7. They don’t indicate in someone else’s house.

    8. Don’t praise yourself, there are better people than you.

    Creative work.

    Put off until tomorrow what you can do today

    In someone else's house they indicate.

    A lazy person always gets well.

    Money can buy health.

    Lies make a person beautiful.

    Creative work.

    Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today

    They don’t indicate in someone else’s house.

    A lazy person is always unwell.

    Money can't buy health.

    Lies do not make a person beautiful.

    Game "Be Attentive!"

    (Not) to rush, (not) to yearn, (not) to know, (not) to get enough sleep,

    (not) to wonder (not) speak, (not) hate, (not) laugh, (not) love, (not) say goodbye.


    1. He (will not) leave old parents without help and attention, (will not) offend the weak, (will not) humiliate himself with hypocrisy and flattery.

    2. A conscientious person means a decent, honest person, endowed with a sense of dignity, justice and kindness.

    4. A conscientious person (will not) deceive, (will not) steal, (will not) betray.

    5. He (doesn’t) cheat at work.


    3. A conscientious person gives others the light and warmth of humanity.

    4. A conscientious person will not deceive, will not steal, will not betray.

    • He will not leave old parents without help and attention, will not offend the weak, will not humiliate himself with hypocrisy and flattery.
    • 5. Doesn’t cheat at work.

      2. A conscientious person means a decent, honest person, endowed with a sense of dignity, justice and kindness.

    CREATIVE WORK “Restore the proverbs.” FIXING

    NOT with verbs

    Option 1.

    (Don’t) wonder, (don’t) stop working, (don’t) ruin your nests, (don’t) attract attention, (don’t) buy a book, (don’t) get to know the author, (don’t) be indignant at your enemy, (don’t) believe in the story.

    Option 2.

    (not) talk to the person, (didn’t) answer the question, I’m (not) feeling well, (can’t) decide, (don’t) hate, (don’t) know the weather, (don’t) be afraid of the opponent, (don’t) lose a second.


    Option 1.

    Be perplexed, do not stop working, do not ruin the nests, do not attract attention, did not buy the book, do not get to know the author, be indignant at the enemy, do not believe in the story.

    Option 2.

    Don't talk to the person, didn't answer the question, I'm not feeling well, don't dare, hate, don't know the weather, don't be afraid of your opponent, don't waste a second.


    § 108, p. 242. (learn the rule);

    Compose and write a memo:

    1. Rules of behavior on the street.

    2.In public transport.


    learned well

    I learned it well and can put it into practice

    I learned it well, but I have questions

    much is unclear

    1 slide

    2 slide

    Don’t say - I don’t know how, But say - I’ll learn! Purpose of the lesson: To review knowledge about spelling particles NOT with verbs. Learn something new about this spelling. It is correct to write the particle NOT with verbs. Correctly use verbs with NOT in your speech. Spelling particles NOT with verbs

    3 slide

    Write down a sentence with no: Where there was (not) a beginning, there will (not) be an end. Write verbs with not: works, studies, plays

    4 slide

    1. I’m lazy and can’t help but feel unwell. 2. I’m lazy, but I can’t do everything and I’m not healthy. ne upsya Verbs that cannot be used without NOT!

    5 slide

    Verbs that cannot be used without the particle NOT. To hate - To be indignant - To be perplexed - To be in bondage - To be unwell - 6. To rage - to be surprised, to force, to make one feel unhealthy, to be very indignant, to rage. to feel dislike, disgust, to show dissatisfaction, indignation

    6 slide

    Check yourself! Hate – experience hostility, disgust. Indignant – 6. show dissatisfaction, indignation. To be perplexed – 1. to be surprised. Bond – 2. force, force to do. To be unwell - 3. to feel unwell. Rage – 4. to be very indignant, to rage.

    7 slide

    Replace the highlighted words and phrases with verbs that cannot be used without NOT. The coach was indignant. You can't force him. The brother was surprised. 4. The wind was raging. 5. I don't feel very well. - The coach was indignant. - You can’t force him. - My brother was perplexed. - The wind was raging. - I'm not feeling well.

    8 slide

    Divide the verbs into 2 groups: (not) speak, (not) hate, (not) know how, (not) was, (not) can, (not) healthy, (not) afraid, (not) will, (not) walked , (not) annoyed, (not) will be, (not) seen. together separately 2 2

    Slide 9

    Indicate the line where the error was made. it wasn’t, I didn’t want to be happy, I hated, I didn’t know, I wasn’t feeling well, I didn’t like it, I don’t know how 4. I didn’t like it, I don’t know how

    10 slide

    Write down sentences on the topic “A true friend.” Use verbs with NOT, for example: (not) abandon, (not) forget, (not) let down, (not) indulge, (not) regret, (not) flatter.

    “Not” with verbs There is a difference between the separate spelling “not to reach” in the meaning of “not to reach” and the combined spelling to lack in the meaning of “to be in insufficient quantity”, “to be needed”: the hand does not reach the window; There are two rubles missing in the cash register, patience is missing, that’s all that was missing.

    “Not” with verbs There is a difference between separate spelling regardless and continuous writing regardless. In the first case, there is a gerundial form from the obsolete verb to look: to criticize without regard to faces. In the second case - the prepositional combination despite with the meaning “despite”, “in spite of anything”: continue the fight despite losses, walk despite bad weather.

    Prefix “nedo” Verbs are written together with the compound prefix “nedo”-, which gives the verb the meaning of incompleteness, lack of action (this prefix is ​​often antonymous in meaning to the prefix over-: under-salt - over-salt, underestimate your capabilities - overestimate your capabilities).

    “Undo” and “do” It is necessary to distinguish between verbs with the prefix under-, denoting that the action was performed below the norm, and consonant verbs with the prefix do-, which are preceded by the negation of not and which, in combination with a particle, indicate that the action was not completed : fail to look after the child (make an omission during supervision) - do not watch the performance to the end (do not finish watching);

    summary of other presentations

    “Spelling of prefixes, grade 5” - Conclusion No. 1. Algorithm for solving a linguistic problem. If you are in doubt about spelling, consult a spelling dictionary. Without pity, warmth - cruel,...,.... In order not to make mistakes in spelling, you need to see the structure of the word. Conclusion No. 2. Deprived of order, the system is chaotic, ..., ... . Suddenly the mother and...chezla.

    “The Lesson of Homonyms” - In sight of honest people, Luda is afraid to go down the hill. And Sanya, and Sanya, the sleigh itself races down the hill. I have one question: How many braids are there in the world? A girl with a long braid in fields not mowed with a scythe. There is dew on the grass, - The scythe mows the grass. Soon I will meet a real fox in the forest. Ordinary people of the world have taken the matter of protecting the world into their own hands. While I was sitting on the bench, I turned gray from the snow. Returning from the field in the evening, I lost Paul’s earring. Oh, he will mow down the pink porridge, and “cook” porridge for his kids.

    “Complex sentence grade 5” - How is it different from a simple one? City "Complex sentence". Card No. 1. Teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 19 Gulevskaya I.V. Kemerovo-2009 Punctum - “dot”) - a collection of rules for placing punctuation marks. Task. How are the parts of a complex sentence connected to each other? What are complex sentences? What are they separated by? Syntax. Journey to the country of "Syntax". (Textbook edited by M.M. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekant “Russian language. 5th grade.”). Now you can stretch up and to the sides. Topic: "Complex sentence." Place punctuation marks in a poetic joke, separating one sentence from another.

    “Russian language lesson Types of verb” - Formation of knowledge about the verb form, about ways to determine the type of the verb. Paragraph 112, read the theoretical material, learn the rule. Lesson objectives: Digital dictation. P. 255 ex. 648 in writing. 1,2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1. Lesson objectives: Frontal survey. Remember! Verification work. Homework. Check yourself!

    “Direct speech in a sentence” - Asked. Who is bigger? Said. Where can the author’s words stand in relation to direct speech? Let's draw up a proposal outline. Plan What is “direct speech”. What do direct speech sentences consist of? P! Pisa?l. - A. “Hello, Piglet!” - Winnie the Pooh said to his friend. What is "direct speech"? How are the author’s words separated from direct speech in writing? What parts do direct speech sentences consist of? A. Pretending to be a small cloud, I will climb into the hollow and collect honey!” Come up with as many words as possible from the author that introduce direct speech. What are the author's words?

    “Russian language lesson 5th grade” - What subject is discussed in E. Moshkovskaya’s poem? What kind of water can you carry in a sieve? Task 2. “Which is better?” The need for invention is cunning. Name the features of short adjectives. ??? Yasolokosuki. Small spool but precious. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? Lesson-game in 5th grade: "Travel around the country of the Russian language." We were on an excursion in the (old / ancient / ancient) city. 2. The main part of the lesson.

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