Luna is the name of the singer. Singer Luna: personal life

Pop singer in a regular column about rising stars

Almost everyone started talking about Kristina Bardash as the singer Luna at the same time. Her amateur and simple girlish clips began to appear on social media feeds. The most popular of them is “Autumn”, to date it has been viewed more than 90 thousand times.

On May 20, at the presentation of her debut album “Mag-ni-you,” Luna gathered a full hall - about a thousand people.

What others are saying:

Vlad Fisun, DJ, host of Aristocrats radio:“The entry of such a seemingly simple project as “Luna” into the musical field turned out to be difficult for many - for adherents of the competitive idea in music, for those who are accustomed to seeing song performers in all guises, from people's judges to culinary specialists, for those , who needs a singer to broadcast and throw down from the stage. And Christina Bardash’s project is a study of the world around her with big, moist eyes, a study in which even flowers, even atmospheric precipitation can cause genuine trembling, make you watch for hours how the heat of June dissolves the last cloud. in the sky. Without the roar of the timpani. And with such parameters of sound and ideological pressure, it seems that you will not penetrate the audience shackled in office chains. But they come to sing, drink and cry. Although in reality she is a cheerful girl."

Yuri Kaplan, leader of the group "Valentin Strykalo":"The form that appeals to nostalgic feelings is often devoid of new meanings, and as a rule there is nothing behind the shabby screen. In this case, everything is different. Luna’s music is certainly part of our cultural code, it speaks to the generation of the nineties in a language very familiar to them, but Now this is a conversation with adults. And there is nothing infantile in it. We are all very sad, we miss, and this is serious."

What Christina says:

In our group I write songs. When the impulse arises, I write down a poem on my iPhone. Then another mood comes, more melodic, and I write music to the poem. But I want to put the melody into some form, and here my desire is simply not enough. And in terms of music, the guys come to my aid. I'm glad they exist. Their masculine energy complements mine, we have a balance of masculine and feminine principles.

We don't want to focus on the fact that we are a group. It is enough that we ourselves know it. We have the face of "Luna" - a beautiful girl who writes songs. This image doesn't need to add anything extra.

For me, "Moon" is not just a name. I began to immerse myself in this topic, and the more I listen to the moon, the lunar calendar, the more I feel interaction with it. And the guys feel it too. But I don’t want to pretend to be a person who says “if the moon told me no, then I’ll stay home.”

On the day of the album presentation, I imagined the worst case scenario so as not to be upset later. But deep down I knew that everything would be great. And when I saw the hall, I realized that this was the power of lunar standing. There was a full moon that day.

On stage I was as sincere as possible. There is no such thing that I somehow transform myself on stage. Every girl is an actress. Now I talk to you like this, but at home with my husband - in a different voice. Everyone does this, it's normal. We always play some role, but this role is organic. I don’t transform into another person and don’t act fake. These are my feelings.

“An artist must go on stage and give his all” is wrong. Above me is space, below me is the earth - these are two huge inexhaustible forces. And I am a transmitter. When people look at me, I can take power from space, power from the earth and transmit it to them through my heart.

I think my audience ranges in age. But mostly these people- dreamers. For them, sensations and emotions are very important, and they are not afraid of them.

During the concert I changed clothes three times. My friends have created a new brand, Drag and Drop, which everyone will soon hear about. I am the first to wear items from this collection. When I saw these clothes, I was very happy, because for a long time I could not decide what to wear to the concert.

For me, the right collaboration is a collaboration without nerves. When you really give each other something in return and everyone feels comfortable about it. No one suffers or caves. This desire must come from two hearts, and if it coincides, then it coincides.

I recently had a super collaboration with Victoria Kokha, a girl from Moscow. She blew up the Internet with her images. She performs on Instagram as a make-up artist under the name vivicoxy - this is her main profession. And she has another account where she creates strange makeup on her face. In this account she made a video parody of my song “Boy, you are snow.” They tagged me in the comments and I subscribed to it. Then she wrote to me that I inspired her and that she wanted to come to me. In Kyiv, we made a joint video with her, which will be released soon. Half of the clip was shot on an iPhone, half- on a Panasonic film video camera.

When I came up with the video for "Autumn", I had a certain idea- take my son and shoot a video on a laptop, but I didn’t know what would happen in the end. It was impromptu, I couldn’t predict that he would cry and that the girl in the background would pump her abs. It turned out very atmospheric.

My son teaches me a lot. I'm glad that he appeared at a stage when I had not yet matured. Because now he won't let me do it. I don’t want to become an adult and serious, I want to always remain a child.

Everything that is happening to me now, and all the results of the work done bring me closer to popularity every day. It’s not easy, the responsibility is growing, but I’m ready for it. If I am a dreamer and a child at heart, this does not mean that I do not understand how to build my life correctly.

Some people say I'm better on record than live. I have special vocals. I understand that somewhere the voice sounded too loud because I couldn’t hear myself well. But I am an inexperienced artist, this was my first concert. I've never played an hour-long program before.

I love criticism, it helps me analyze myself and move on. I even felt a little uneasy when everyone praised me in the dressing room after the concert. Inside I felt: it was so cool that I felt sick.

Now I’m not the only one thinking about how the Luna project will develop. There are already many of us, and this is my achievement. Now I can only worry about my songs.

I’m not some star that was put on TV and she’s spinning there. I'm just a girl from the street, and everyone can see how I'm developing. Two years ago they would have laughed at me if I had said that I wanted to record a track. And now I have gathered a thousand people in the hall.

In recent years, Ukraine has been shaken by one revolution after another, and this time it is not only and not so much about politics. The revolution of dignity, when millions of Ukrainians were faced with the question of national identity, simultaneously linking it with the European cultural code, was followed by, and now also a musical one. We tell you who Luna is and why American Vogue called her the face of the Ukrainian musical revolution.


The most interesting thing on the Ukrainian scene is now happening in new pop music. , Pianoboy, The Maneken, Ivan Dorn are proof of this. In addition, the production center "Lace", the founder of which is the husband of Christina Bardash - the same Moon - Yuri Bardash, has been actively supplying high-quality pop performers, musicians, photographers and producers for several years, many of whom we owe for the emergence of the phenomenon of the Ukrainian musical revolution .

One of these new pop performers was the singer Luna. The project has existed for two years, and in 2016, literally everyone started talking about Luna as a breakthrough in the Kyiv musical underground - from the Russian Wonderzine to the Ukrainian glossy magazine, and now even American Vogue, which for the first time drew attention to Ukrainian music.

Journalist Liana Satenstein, specializing in the culture of the CIS countries and, in particular, Ukraine (she is the author of last year’s article about), writes that the music of the Moon “is a symbol of the changes taking place in Ukraine against the background of the political situation, war and an unstable economy.” Of course, it naturally suggests itself to compare Luna’s music with a similar trend in fashion - what people from the post-Soviet space and Gosha Rubchinsky are doing.

Luna herself characterizes her musical style as “soulful pop” - it feels nostalgia for the post-Soviet 90s and noughties, a romantic passion, as well as the current trend for “Gopnik fashion”, exported to the West by the same Gvasalia, Rubchinsky, and other designers.

Christina Bardash is perhaps the most unusual face to ever become a symbol of a musical revolution.

— Vogue writes about Luna. In less than a year, 25-year-old Christina, thanks to her vocals, music videos recorded literally on her knees in the spirit of “new sincerity” and personal style, won the attention of music and fashion critics and just people who understand modern music - and fashion, which is important.

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- Luna says, while Liana calls her face "elfin". After Christina and her team uploaded the first video for the song “Autumn” on Facebook, people began to distribute the video themselves, and within six months all the tickets for the Kyiv concerts were sold out.

According to Luna, the 90s and early 2000s are her main source of inspiration. And this is no coincidence, since it was precisely this period of minimalism, the flourishing and entry into the “big world” of various subcultures, feminism with its “new femininity” by Phoebe Philo, the era of supermodels, the peak of popularity and - most of all, modern fashion is of interest.

For Ukraine, the 90s became, according to Luna, “a time of revolution in the minds of people and the awakening of Ukrainian youth.”

In the article, Satenstein describes in detail the image of Christina Bardash during the interview: she was wearing a pink Roberto Cavalli minidress with buttons, which “would be more suitable for the wife of a Slavic mafioso,” but on Christina it looked absolutely organic.

My style depends on my mood, and the same thing happens with my music,

- says Bardash. And, indeed, before Luna had the opportunity to buy clothes in the Kyiv boutiques Helen Marlen and Asthik, she - according to her own words in previous interviews - dressed in a second-hand store on Lesnoy (which, by the way, the same Liana Satenshtein calls in ranking of the best places for shopping in Kyiv), since she invested all the money she earned in her favorite business.

Luna owes the lion's share of her popularity not only to her style and vocals, but also to her decidedly amateur videos - many of them filmed on a phone. Luna espouses an image of “new sincerity” that opposes commercial music and popular culture, which are slowly killing real, living culture and art. Bardash shot the video for the track “Autumn” spontaneously with a small pocket camera when she took her son to kindergarten.

I love Kyiv. It's a beautiful city, although some people are ruining the culture. But now there is a new generation of young guys who are changing the situation - and I am one of them,

Bardash says in an interview with Vogue. The phenomenon of the singer Luna lies in the fact that her music is, of course, part of our unique, so to speak, cultural code with its residential areas, dull pop music and infantile nostalgia for the past, which Christina Bardash transforms into a high-quality modern product that is interesting to the West. Thanks to people like her, Ukraine is gaining a new face and in a few years will cease to be associated with a poor, war-torn country, which is often shown in the news and in which something is always wrong, thank God.

Dasha Tatarkova

IN THE RUBRIC “NEW NAME” we talk about promising newcomers: musicians, directors, artists and other creative people - that is, everyone whose name is increasingly appearing on the pages of magazines, in social media feeds and in our conversations and who are clearly on the verge of great success. Today we will talk about the Ukrainian singer Luna, who records, as she herself calls it, “soulful pop.”

For several years now, the musical ball in Ukraine has been ruled by the Kruzheva production center, which owns the well-known project Quest Pistols. But not just shocking: “Lace” formed around itself a whole community of young and talented people: not only musicians, but also producers, photographers, directors, and so on, together organizing a renaissance of local pop music.

One of them is Luna, or Christina Bardash (she could be seen in the videos of the same Quest Pistols). Formally, she acts independently, rather adopting experience from the producers of “Lace” rather than integrating into their system. Luna deliberately maintains the image of a DIY project, filming videos on her knees and posting her tracks on VKontakte. Christina records dreamy pop, inspired equally by modernity and her native 90s.

At Lace, Bardash initially worked as a photographer and director together with her husband, Yuri, who founded the center. So, a couple of years ago Luna appeared: Christina’s friends called her to the studio and offered to try singing over Angelika Varum’s track. Over time, she decided to switch from working on other people's projects to her own. Since then, Bardash has gone from timid test recordings to the release of a full-fledged album, but the feeling that she still sings with an eye to the pop music of her childhood remains.

The album “Magnets” sounds like a live recording of hits from the 90s, adjusted for the fact that it is now 2016. The singer herself calls her project “soulful pop,” says that she was greatly influenced by Linda and “Guests from the Future,” and believes that “The Cure would have recorded something like this in 1984, based on the creative and sometimes erotic romance between Robert Smith and Alla Diva Pugacheva."

Luna recorded her debut album little by little over two years. Although the singer does most of the things on her own, during this time she found like-minded people who helped her find her sound: Alexander Voloshchuk helped with production, and Igor Galart with mixing. “Magnets,” in accordance with the title, is an album about the mutual attraction of people: on the one hand, those who recorded it, on the other, its lyrical heroes. The singer herself says that this is a record about a difficult period in her life associated with problems in relationships and postpartum depression: “Magnets is an attempt to comprehend relationships between people through the metaphor of natural attraction.”

Luna does her best to support the image of new sincerity: for example, she spontaneously shot her video for the track “Autumn” on a small Japanese camera when her son did not want to go to kindergarten. Her slow, dreamy music also works on this principle: the lyrics deliberately operate with naive images of youthful love, which Christina sings simply and without frills. However, all this fits together so well that the result is exactly the kind of pop that is sorely lacking in the Russian language (and not only). You can listen to Luna’s songs not only on the VKontakte public page - a live presentation of the album “Magnets” will take place in Kyiv in a few days.

Adultery is an unpleasant matter, but a purely personal one. However, the founder of the group “Mushrooms” and part-time husband of the singer Luna, Yuri Bardash, decided to take the family squabble public and published a large open letter to the culprit of the discord - the singer’s sound producer Alexander Voloshchuk. The post became a real sensation; many users of the social network Facebook left comments to sympathize with the musician’s grief. Others accused Bardash of inadequacy and sexism. Read more in the “360” material.

The breakup launched a career

Luna said in many interviews that it was the discord with her husband that made her a singer. When Christina, which is the name of the star, met Yuri, he had already created the group Quest Pistols and successfully toured the country and abroad. The girl was 19 years old at the time, and he was 27.

After the birth of her child, Christina Bardash plunged into postpartum depression. Frequent quarrels began with my husband. Then the couple decided to take a break from their relationship and separated for six months. During that period, Luna said, she wrote more than 30 songs. She filmed her debut video for the song “Autumn” on her phone in her yard, edited it in a couple of hours and posted it on YouTube. The video had the effect of a bomb exploding: more than a million people watched it. They started discussing the moon.

Soon Christina and Yuri were able to restore their relationship. Luna claimed that Bardash was her support and support not only as a husband, but also as a producer: it was he who negotiated concerts and helped film videos.

“The fact that I cheated on my wife is our problem.”

On May 25, a video with an ambiguous caption appeared on Luna’s Instagram. In the publication, the singer said that a new stage had begun in her life, and called the name of the series “Islands of Freedom” symbolic.

On Thursday, June 7, a post appeared on Yuri Bardash’s Facebook account with a large number of obscene words and grammatical errors. It’s quite difficult to read, so let’s freely retell it briefly: Bardash turned to Luna’s sound producer Alexander Voloshchuk with the accusation that he forced Christina will cheat on him. Also in the text, the producer admitted that he himself cheated on his wife more than once, but he considers all this to be purely family matters. At the same time, Bardash does not throw accusations towards Luna, because he believes that “there is no demand from the woman.”

Photo source: screenshotpublications Yuri Bardash on Facebook

The publication instantly spread across the Internet. Luna herself also commented.

The post did not hang for even six hours: Yuri Bardash deleted the publication. After some time, he published another post, the meaning of which remained unknown to fans.

Photo source: screenshotpublications Yuri Bardash on Facebook

At this time, a photograph appeared on Luna’s Instagram confirming that the singer had left her husband for Voloshchuk.

The singer's fans supported her decision:

“For some reason it seemed to me that you seemed like two different people living under a roof. At first I couldn’t believe that you were married...”

“Christina, I want to sincerely wish you happiness and true love, and for the rest of your life. You are worthy, you deserve it, let all the bad things be quickly forgotten, and let the good things happen every day, wake up with your beloved and fall asleep with your beloved. And so on endlessly...”

“Love is free and pure! Even at the concert in St. Petersburg I noticed a spark between you and had long suspected your love!!! I'm happy for you! This is the best couple! I am only for you!

“He screams about a destroyed family, reproaching a child who should not be involved in these squabbles at all. However, when he jumped on some women, he was not stopped by the fact that there was a “beautiful wife with a golden child.” This is a boomerang for him for his disregard and treacherous attitude towards his family, which he did not value when he went to the left. All these whims on social networks are so stupid that you feel nothing more than pity. Christina, I am incredibly glad that you are now happy, loved and enjoying life. I wish you prosperity and lots of love, which you definitely deserve.”

“Everyone is urgently Googling who Bardash is”

A special spice of the scandal that erupted were the comments under the publication of the offended husband on Facebook. During the short period of “life” of the post, a serious battle broke out in them. Fans of the union of Christina and Yuri were divided into two camps. Some saw sexism and inadequacy in Bardash’s words:

Photo source: TV channel “360”

Others suspected that in this way Bardash decided to fuel his popularity, and at the same time practiced humor:

Singer Luna (Kristina Gerasimova, at the time of her marriage she performed under the pseudonym Bardash) is a Ukrainian singer whose musical career, which began with posting songs on YouTube in 2014-2015, reached the peak of popularity in the period 2016-2018.

Attractive appearance, pleasant voice and nostalgic performance style, characteristic of pop music of the post-Soviet space of the 90s in modern processing, allowed the performer to gain wide popularity among an interested audience.

Childhood and education

Kristina Viktorovna Gerasimova was born on August 28, 1990 in the city of Karl-Marx-Stadt (now Chemnitz) in the German Democratic Republic. Her parents lived in this German city during the military service of the father of the family. After the reunification of Germany in 1990 and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Gerasimov family moved to Kyiv.

The period of life in Germany had practically no effect on Christina, who was still little at that time, although she recalled in an interview her mother’s stories about joint walks through the Dresden Art Gallery or her birth in a boat sailing along the Elbe.

From early childhood, Christina strove for music and art, which was greatly encouraged by the girl’s parents. Their considerable merit was that Kristina Gerasimova studied vocals and piano at a music school.

By the singer’s own admission, the event that determined her desire for a musical career was a trip to Cuba in 2002. Finding herself far from her parents, Christina did not study, but only composed songs, enjoying the special Cuban atmosphere of freedom and joy.

In 2007, the future singer Luna successfully graduated from Kyiv school No. 53 with in-depth study of the German language. The next stage was studying at one of the Kyiv universities at the Faculty of Journalism. Although directing and music attracted the girl much more than the profession of a journalist.

Beginning of a musical career

In 2009, Christina met her future husband Yuri Bardash, a music producer, founder and lead singer of the hip-hop group “Mushrooms”.

Interview with Kristina Gerasimova

Relations with Yuri have never been easy. According to the singer herself, first her pregnancy, then postpartum depression ruined the relationship between the spouses, and in 2014 they decided to temporarily separate. It was during this period that Christina experienced a creative surge, wrote more than 30 songs and, having previously set music to the text, published compositions called “Moon” and “Vigray” on her YouTube and Soundcloud accounts. The new performer quickly attracted the attention of the audience.

According to Christina’s memoirs, in her childhood she was already interested in music of a certain genre and direction. Her circle of interests firmly included Zemfira, Mumiy-Troll, Linda and Guests from the Future. This greatly influenced Luna's own musical style in the future. Christina's songs belong to pop music, while the performer herself and her fans associate the specifics of her compositions with the nostalgic aesthetics of the musical culture of the 90s of the last century.

Quick take off

Christina consolidated her success on October 15, 2015 with a video for the song “Autumn,” which she filmed in the courtyard of her house. The simplicity and originality of the setting and the text itself aroused great interest among connoisseurs of popular music. The video quickly collected several hundred thousand views, and this success ultimately became the beginning of the singer's career.

Moon - Autumn

Christina’s first public performance took place as part of the autumn fashion show “Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days”, where she managed to captivate the audience with her simple love songs. It is noteworthy that in the following years the singer took part in this event more than once, leaving her mark even in one of the fashion collections, items from which were decorated with lines from Luna’s texts.

The period from the end of 2015 to May 2016 was entirely devoted to preparations for the release of Kristina Gerasimova’s first studio album, entitled “Mag-ni-you.” It was for its release that the singer took the pseudonym Luna. It was presented in full at the singer’s debut solo concert in Kyiv. A number of lyrical and memorable compositions (“Moon”, “Autumn”, “Magnets”, “Bottle”, “Distances” and “Boy, you’re snow...”) immediately captivated major Ukrainian and Russian radio stations. The album was produced by Luna herself.

Until the end of 2016, the main occupation of Luna and her partners was touring the CIS countries and Israel, and on November 3, the singer’s debut Moscow concert was a success. In parallel with this, on October 28, 2016, Luna released the mini-album “Sad Dance”.

Constant touring and separation from her son served as inspiration for Luna to create songs on the theme of love at a distance, which were included in her second studio album, “Freedom Island.” The release was scheduled for November 18, 2017, and the main single of the disc was the song “Free Love”, the video clip for which collected a record number of views for the singer on YouTube - 4.8 million. Soon after its release, the album reached 3rd place in downloads in the Russian-language section of iTunes.

Video making

In addition to some of her own videos, a striking example of which was the video for the song “Autumn,” in 2011 Kristina Gerasimova shot and edited a video clip for the song “Not By You” for the popular singer Yulia Nelson.

The video that Christina Bardash shot for Yulia Nelson

The successfully completed work gave the girl self-confidence; later, the list of Luna’s works included videos for compositions by the singer Inaya and the group “Nerves”. By the way, all projects, except for Yulia Nelson, belong to the Ukrainian company “Kruzheva Music”, the founder and owner of which is Yuri Bardash.

Luna's personal life

As mentioned above, Kristina Gerasimova married producer Yuri Bardash in 2009. While pregnant, Christina and her husband flew to Los Angeles in 2011, where their son George was soon born.

Moon – Ogonyok

All the latest news from Luna’s life can be found on the vocalist’s pages on Instagram and VKontakte, and you can get acquainted with her compositions and videos on the singer’s profile on YouTube.

It is known that on April 12, 2019, Cosmonautics Day, Luna will present a new, very personal album “Enchanted Dreams” in one of the clubs in Minsk.

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